Another problem is that he is closed to Xiu.

In order to completely eliminate Yun Shang's dependence on the "love", after Feng Boping took over her body, she had to kill this guy herself before she could truly break out of her cocoon and be reborn.

Just like Xuan Jing did back then, she tore that man apart piece by piece with her own hands.

But the father of this cowardly little guy in front of him is a Nascent Soul monk, so there will be some trouble in the future.

But if it’s too troublesome, it’s not that troublesome!

The worst that can happen is that the two major sects are at odds with each other!

Forgive me, no matter how domineering Feng Yuxiu is, he still dares to attack the Holy Lady Palace?

Besides, he doesn’t only have one son named Feng. After spending hundreds of years practicing just to avenge him, I’m afraid no Yuanying would be so impulsive.

Thinking of this, Xuan Jing suddenly felt enlightened.

Looking at Feng Boping again, there was something different in his eyes.

Facing a dying person, what could she care about?

But at the next moment, Xuan Jing's expression changed slightly.

At the same time, Mu Congnan's eyes narrowed.

Feng Yuxiu naturally noticed the abnormality between the two people's expressions, but he didn't speak in a hurry.

He knew that if anything happened, his senior brother would definitely tell him.

Sure enough, the news of Mo Xun causing trouble in Golden Maple Valley was soon known to everyone.

"Senior brother, you accompany Fairy Xuanjing and fellow Taoist Fengling to continue bidding here, and I will go over to meet this new Nascent Soul!"

Without waiting for anyone else to speak, Feng Yuxiu took the initiative to ask for help.

Mu Congnan pondered and nodded.

"Well, if you can avoid conflict, it's better to make friends with this person as much as possible!"

Xuan Jing originally planned to go there. After all, as the Saint Lady's Palace guard here, she had an unshirkable responsibility.

But when he saw Feng Yuxiu preparing to leave, he immediately changed his mind.

Thinking, isn't now the best time?

At this time, Feng Boping suddenly walked up to him.

"Dad, I'll go with you!"

Just as Feng Yuxiu was about to say "Okay", Xuan Jing said: "Nephew Feng Xian, please stay here for now. If I buy the Peiyuan Heart Fruit later, I will find someone to make the elixir. If this elixir is placed After a long time, most of the medicinal properties will be lost. At that time, you can find a place to retreat with Yun Shang to break through. "

Feng Yuxiu didn't know Xuan Jing's intention, so he didn't think much about it and just patted his son's shoulder lightly.

"That's fine, just wait here with your uncles. Dad will come back as soon as he goes."

Having said this, he immediately bowed his hands to several people.

"To be honest, Feng is really curious about this new Taoist friend..."

Golden Maple Valley!

As soon as Mo Xun entered the valley, he felt a strange fluctuation of mana.

With his powerful spiritual consciousness, he quickly found a huge gap in the ground.

This crack indeed seemed to have been formed in the past ten or twenty years. It was dark inside and it was difficult to tell what the situation was.

There were seven or eight foundation-building monks guarding the crack, but after sensing the cultivation of Mo Xun and the others, they all stepped aside with self-awareness.

At this time, not to mention Mo Xun, even Gu Qingqing and Luo Xi noticed that there seemed to be a powerful teleportation circle underneath.

Mo Xun barely hesitated and jumped directly.

The crack is extremely deep, estimated to be nearly a thousand feet.

As soon as they landed, everyone was attracted by the blurry white light in front of them.

After walking along the underground cave for a while, I could already hear faint noises in my ears.

Immediately afterwards, they saw a very simple teleportation gate.

This gate is about ten feet tall and seven or eight feet wide.

Around the formation gate, complex patterns and characters are carved. Judging from the carving traces, it is obvious that it has a long history.

The gate of the array was just opened on a rock wall. Looking from the outside, it was pitch black inside.

But this kind of darkness is not because there is no light, but gives people a deep feeling.

The surrounding white light shone on it without any sign of reflection, as if everything was swallowed up by the darkness.

In the darkness, some strange aura was faintly exuding.

Mo Xun couldn't help but feel his heart move.

"Space fluctuation!"

Since learning the Boundary Breaking Talisman and walking in the interface space, he has become more and more sensitive to this kind of spatial perception.

It seems that what the outside world said is true, this is indeed a teleportation circle.

It's just unclear where the other end is connected.

And based on his attainments in formations and weapon techniques, he could easily tell that the formation gate must have been damaged.

Or it may be that for some reason, it cannot be turned on temporarily.

After a brief perception, he also discovered that the spiritual energy around him was quite rich.

I think there should be a good spiritual vein underneath this place.

Moreover, this spiritual vein was once locked by some means.

Otherwise, why is the spiritual energy in Golden Maple Valley so thin that no one cares about it, but the situation underground is completely different?

As for the reason for locking, there is no need to think too much. It is probably to support the operation of the entire teleportation array.

These thoughts just flashed through Mo Xun's mind.

Then he noticed a dozen strange monks standing around.

These people are all surrounding the formation gate, and their realms are also in a mess, ranging from low to high, from refining Qi to forming pills.

In their hands, each held some strange magic weapons.

Although Mo Xun didn't recognize it, he could easily tell that it was probably used to test the formation gate.

"Who are you? How dare you trespass here?"

Mo Xun noticed them, and the group of people naturally saw Mo Xun.

The one who stood up and spoke was an old man in the early stage of Jindan.

But as soon as he finished speaking, another person next to him shouted in surprise.

"Yuanying cultivator!"

This voice immediately made everyone step back.

This group of people were probably from the two sects who came to repair the formation.

Mo Xun ignored them and walked around the formation gate twice. He even reached out and touched it.

Although he didn't know the reason why the entire formation failed, he was already sure that the other end must lead to a distant place.

Luo Xi behind him was also excited.

If the rumors were true, wouldn't it mean that this door had a chance to take her back to Xihezhou?

Of course, it might be the other two continents.

"Brother Mo, this is..."

Mo Xun shook his head gently at her, and didn't jump to conclusions for a while.

In fact, he did have a way to try, that is the Boundary Breaking Talisman!

Since the space fluctuations came out of this array gate, it means that the space barrier here is extremely weak, so the low-level Boundary Breaking Talisman he refined is likely to break through the space here.

Although he thought so in his heart, he couldn't say it out loud.

And he couldn't do it!

First of all, he was not sure whether he could get to Xihezhou after using the Boundary Breaking Talisman.

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