Secondly, he was not sure about the power of the boundary-breaking talisman.

If a big hole was torn directly on the space barrier, all of them would be buried in the space storm.

Perhaps the entire Golden Maple Valley would be swallowed by the space vortex.

So before he figured out the situation, he would definitely not act rashly, let alone let Luo Xi take risks.

"Excuse me, everyone!"

Mo Xun nodded slightly to the crowd, then raised his hand and picked up the jade slips on the table next to him and checked them one by one.

A few people in the crowd wanted to stop him, but they were quickly pulled back by their companions.

It was not until a long time later that a man in the middle stage of the Jindan stood up and said respectfully: "May I ask your name, senior? We are here to crack the ancient formation under the orders of the two sect masters Tian and Sheng. If we are asked about it later, we can have an explanation."

This group of people knew that they could not stop him.

But Mo Xun barged in so brazenly and peeked at their research results without paying attention to others. If he didn't even understand the other party's identity, he would inevitably be blamed by the two major sects afterwards.

Mo Xun put down the last jade slip, frowned and said: "No need, your ancestor will be here soon, I will tell him in person."

After that, he took Gu Qingqing and others out of the cave.

Outside the crack, thousands of cultivators were standing at this time.

All these people followed Mo Xun in, but they naturally didn't have Mo Xun's confidence.

They wanted to go down and take a look, but they were afraid of offending the two major sects.

Letting them leave like this was really unbearable!

In a dilemma, they all gathered here.

When Mo Xun reappeared, the crowd immediately boiled.

But Mo Xun didn't stop at all, he flew directly into the air and returned to the entrance of Jinfeng Valley when he came.

As for the two Jindan who were guarding the formation at the beginning, they had long disappeared.

"Brother Mo, is that really an ancient teleportation array leading to other continents?"

As soon as he landed, Luo Xi couldn't wait to ask.

Mo Xun pondered and said, "It's hard to say, but judging from what those people have researched, it should be a long-distance teleportation array. As for where it leads to, I can't tell you clearly now, but I suggest that you better not think about it. Even if you want to return to Xihezhou in the future, you have to wait until you have formed your infant, and don't let this matter become your inner demon. It's better to let everything take its course."

Mo Xun's words were naturally half true and half false.

He felt the same spatial fluctuations from the array gate as when he returned to Dongshengzhou.

So he was about 50% sure that the array gate should be the passage to the other three continents.

But even he didn't dare to take the risk, so how could he let Luo Xi easily shuttle through it?

At least he had to wait until someone tried it before making a decision.

Just wanting to repair the ancient array, how could it be so simple?

At least with his attainments in array, he didn't have such ability at all.

In the short time just now, he had copied each jade slip. When he has time, he can discuss it with Dong Qianxue.

This is the advantage of having a master of formations around, and he can ask for advice at any time when he encounters problems.

Although Luo Xi's face was calm, she was a little disappointed in her heart.

Mo Xun's words obviously did not answer her heart.

Gu Qingqing and Dong Qianxue's side, it doesn't matter much.

Both of them are now independent cultivators, where can't they make a home?

Mo Xun promised to give them the opportunity to form infants, which is more attractive than any place with spiritual energy.

But what surprised Mo Xun was that he didn't see Cheng Mu here.

It is said that with the opportunity to shuttle through the continent, that guy should be the most active.

Could it be that he went to the southern border?

This is possible!

After all, Huanyunyuan is too small, no matter whether it is cultivation resources or secret opportunities, it is far inferior to that of the southern border.

Fortunately, it is said that similar ancient teleportation formations have appeared in the southern border, and Cheng Mu will most likely go to join in the fun.

Since he formed his infant, Huangfu Xin has not been found.

I think this master-disciple relationship is also over.

Anyway, the two of them have been using each other from the beginning, so there is nothing to sigh about.

Soon, he suddenly realized a problem in his mind.

Since the ancient teleportation array appeared here, wouldn’t it be the same in other continents?

If the array is opened one day, doesn’t it mean that people from there can also come over?

This is not a good thing!

Once the channel between the strong and the weak is opened, invasion and fighting may become an inevitable outcome.

He has been wandering in the world of immortal cultivation for more than two hundred years. Although he often fights and kills, he hates that kind of life the most.

He has always believed that the purpose of cultivation is to live forever, not to be brave and fierce!

While thinking, a long rainbow flew quickly from the horizon.

Mo Xun looked up, with little expression on his face.

But from his reaction, he obviously expected it.

This was indeed the case. He stayed here to wait for the ancestors of the two sects behind him, especially the Heavenly Ghost Sect.

There were two purposes for this trip.

One was to investigate the ancient formation.

The other was to find out the whereabouts of Tian Xuanzi.

Once the two things were resolved, he planned to return to Southern Xinjiang to prepare for the establishment of the sect, and at the same time settle some of the grievances of the past.

The people around him naturally noticed the escaping light that was getting closer and closer.

However, with a strong man like Mo Xun in front, no one showed a panicked look.

"May I ask if you are the new Taoist friend from Baiyue Mountain?"

The person has not arrived yet, but the sound like a huge bell has already resounded throughout the valley.

"It is Mo!"

Then, a rosy glow flashed not far away, revealing a man with an immortal look.

"Hahaha... I am Feng Yuxiu, and I am honored to meet you!"

Feng Yuxiu looked at Mo Xun with a smile, and Mo Xun also looked at this Tianguimen ancestor who was in the early stage of the Nascent Soul.

This person should have been in the early stage for some years.

His cultivation is profound and unpredictable, and it seems that he has already stepped into the middle stage of the Nascent Soul.

Perhaps after a few more decades of accumulation, he will be able to break through the bottleneck and enter the middle stage.

He also looks very extraordinary, and the momentum cultivated by his superior status for many years gives people a sense of oppression in his every move.

Not long after Feng Yuxiu appeared, the two Jindan cultivators who had blocked the valley entrance before also followed one after another.

However, with the two Nascent Souls here, there is no room for them to speak.

Mo Xun smiled.

"One of the two dragons of the Heavenly Ghost Sect, he is indeed worthy of his reputation!"

"You are too kind, Mr. Mo. I have heard that there is a fellow Yuanying Daoist in Huanyunyuan, but I have been entangled in the secular world and have never visited him. I am a little rude."

The two looked at each other. Although they were very polite in their words, their eyes revealed unkindness at the same time.

Feng Yuxiu was somewhat unhappy because he heard that Mo Xun had entered the Golden Maple Valley.

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