Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 877 Who is this person?

Things seemed to be going as expected.

Although they could not see through the specific fighting methods of the two people in the black fog, they could guess the ending based on the magnificent and terrifying ghost magic.

Some people were even secretly thankful.

Fortunately, they did not follow Mo Xun to enter the crack before, otherwise they would be investigated by the two major sects and would be punished.

But when the treacherous black fog suddenly stopped, everyone felt puzzled at the same time.

Is this the end?

Is the newly promoted Yuanying so unbearable?

The shocking battle that was originally expected was such a whimper.

In addition to being disappointed, everyone could not help but be more awed by the magic of the ancestors of Tianguimen.

But as the black fog slowly dissipated, what appeared in everyone's eyes was a shocking scene.

A man with golden light all over his body, expressionlessly holding the throat of a mummy.

The right arm of the mummy was missing an arm.

Judging from the clothes on the mummy, it was Feng Yuxiu, the ancestor of Tianguimen!

The most shocked people at the moment were the two Jindan disciples guarding Jinfeng Valley.

They knew Feng Yuxiu's ability best.

How could the second-ranked Taishang Laozu in Tianguimen be easy to deal with?

Or they never thought it would be such a result!

A peerless strong man who had been in the infant stage for many years, who could shake the land immortals in one area with a stomp of his feet on weekdays, was now being caught in the hands of others like a chicken.

This was not as simple as subverting the three views!

Everyone couldn't help but have deep doubts, who was this young and somewhat excessive Yuanying ancestor?

Could a cultivator who had just formed an infant for half a year really be so strong?

The calmest person among the spectators was Gu Qingqing.

Because only she knew the true details of Mo Xun.

Even Luo Xi and Dong Qianxue had never seen Mo Xun's efforts to resist the Nascent Soul.

Mo Xun looked at Feng Yuxiu who was close at hand, and had to say that this person was not as strong as he imagined.

He was even slightly inferior to the old ancestor Dong Yi back then!

You must know that he hasn't used all his methods yet.

Just a six-zhang golden light caught the opponent off guard.

Of course, there are many factors involved.

After every battle, he would secretly review and reflect.

The blame lies with the guy in front of him, who really underestimated the enemy.

Perhaps this person has not fought many people since he formed a Nascent Soul, and he could easily misjudge that he has not cultivated the Spirit Realm.

In addition, no one could have thought that his Buddhist and Taoist magical powers just happened to restrain the evil spirits of ghosts.

The only pity is that before the old man showed his strongest means, Mo Xun subdued him.

It's a bit like you attacking me before I'm ready.

This point is naturally attributed to the benefits brought to him by body training.

It is a little regrettable that the improvement of law cultivation has not helped much for horizontal training.

Unlike when he entered the seventh realm of the master, while widening the meridians, he also broke through the bottleneck invisibly and entered the peak of the Dan formation naturally.

In other words, the physical cultivation realm is beneficial to the law cultivation, while the law cultivation is difficult to promote body training.

This is understandable, after all, one cultivates spiritual energy and the other cultivates blood.

Blood can strengthen the body of the law and expand the meridians and sea of ​​qi.

This is indispensable for any law cultivator!

Mo Xun raised his other arm and stretched out his hand, and the jade slip on the tree branch in the distance was taken into his hand.

However, when his spiritual sense swept through, it was empty.

Mo Xun secretly took a deep breath, pinched it casually, and the jade slip turned into powder directly.

"Tell me where Tianxuanzi is. I will only destroy your flesh and let your Nascent Soul go."

These words undoubtedly meant that he was going to let the other party go.

Although Mo Xun knew the principle of letting the tiger go back to the mountains, what could a mediocre Nascent Soul that could not defeat him do to him even after taking over his body?

During this trip to Jinfeng Valley, he must find out the whereabouts of Tianxuanzi.

Before leaving Huanyunyuan, that stinky Taoist must also die!

Feng Yuxiu was no less shocked than the surrounding monks watching the battle.

He couldn't figure out why the Spirit Realm was so strong when he had just advanced to the Nascent Soul for half a year!

The other party was obviously much stronger than him in both mana and flesh.

How did the person in front of him practice?

Not to mention the entire Huanyunyuan, even in a place like Nanjiang, it seems that there is no such person.

"Who are you?"

Feng Yuxiu almost gritted his teeth and uttered this sentence from his throat.

Mo Xun frowned, not liking this kind of irrelevant conversation, and he could not help but increase the strength in his hands.

"Hurry up, my patience is limited!"

Feng Yuxiu's shriveled chest rose and fell violently. In the six feet of golden light of Mo Xun, he could not lift up at all.

It was like a poisonous snake that was twisted by someone!

"You can't kill me, and you dare not kill me!"

Mo Xun sneered.

"Then try it!"

After that, he was ready to use his power to search the soul of this person.

As far as he knew, there were very few Yuanying cultivators in this world who had their souls searched.

On the one hand, at the Yuanying level, it is difficult to fall into the hands of others.

On the other hand, the Yuanying spirit is strong, and the chance of success is not high. If it is not done well, the caster will suffer a strong backlash.

However, since he encountered it, he wanted to verify it.

Not everyone in this world has the opportunity to glimpse the secret of the Yuanying!

"Wait, I am the Supreme Elder of Tianguimen, and my senior brother is Mu Congnan, the number one master of Huanyunyuan. If you dare to fight me, even if you escape to the ends of the earth, my Tianguimen will not let you go!"

Feeling what Mo Xun was about to do, Feng Yuxiu was also shocked.

In fact, he still had a last chance to escape, but he didn't want to do it unless it was absolutely necessary.

Compared with the Jindan, in addition to the improvement of the mana realm, the Yuanying will probably undergo the following qualitative changes.

First, it is to master the space spirit domain.

Second, the consciousness can gradually transform!

The last and most important point is to transform the pill into an infant, which is equivalent to having a second life from a certain perspective.

As long as he is willing to give up his physical body, even if Mo Xun is faster, he will not be able to catch up with the Yuanying teleportation.

However, in this case, Feng Yuxiu would only have one way to go, which was to take over another body.

Once he took over another body, his life would be ruined in a single day, and he could even say that he would have no chance to experience the Great Dao.

He could only die of old age in this world.

If he could make it easy, he would not want to take this risky move that would ruin his future.

In fact, he now somewhat regretted getting involved in the feud between Tian Xuanzi and others.

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