Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 878: Capturing Yuanying alive

Mo Xun looked at a fool.

"To be honest, I have never experienced the feeling of being hunted by a sect, but I want to experience it!"

After saying that, there was a snapping sound from the pliers-like fingers.

At the same time, the other hand was already pressing on Feng Yuxiu's crown.

But just when he was about to use his power, Feng Yuxiu's body suddenly exploded, and a naked baby disappeared in the blood mist in an instant.

In Mo Xun's murderous eyes, Feng Yuxiu finally felt the threat of death.

This is also a ruthless person. Seeing that he was powerless to escape, he immediately abandoned his body.

The main reason was what Mo Xun said before, even if he told the whereabouts of Tian Xuanzi, the other party would only let his Nascent Soul go.

Since his body would not be safe whether he told or not, how could he do such a losing business?

But he underestimated the opponent's means!

Mo Xun has accumulated enough experience in escaping over the years, and he is also very good at killing people.

Feng Yuxiu just escaped a hundred feet away when he heard a muffled scream.

The old man's Nascent Soul hit an invisible barrier directly and was bounced back in a very embarrassing way.

The baby who lost his balance in the air was holding a large storage bag in his arms.

In panic, Feng Yuxiu was about to find another way, but at this time, a bloody mouth suddenly appeared out of thin air.

Then a huge white-haired spirit beast suddenly appeared behind the Nascent Soul.

This beast was Bai Ze who had been hiding in the dark.

The long red tongue rolled up, and at the same time a strong suction force came, about to suck the Nascent Soul into its mouth.

Although the old man lost his body, he was a Nascent Soul cultivator after all.

When Feng Yuxiu was about to be swallowed by Bai Ze, he disappeared again.

This Nascent Soul teleportation was indeed like teleportation, almost exceeding the speed limit in this world.

At this moment, it was still at Bai Ze's mouth, and the next moment, it was already hundreds of feet away.

Feng Yuxiu's heart was almost in his throat.

It seemed that he had not experienced such a frightening feeling for hundreds of years.

In less than a breath, the old guy was already thousands of feet away.

Just when he was feeling somewhat relieved that he had survived the catastrophe, a ball of purple flame suddenly rose up and then turned into a sea of ​​fire.

The Yuanying was like a moth flying into the sea of ​​fire, trapped in a circle of purple cages.

Amid screams, Mo Xun had already arrived.

He raised his hand and rolled up his robe sleeves, and the Yuanying and Xuantian True Fire were all collected.

Mo Xun had secretly laid out several back-up moves since he planned to attack the old guy.

He knew that it was not Feng Yuxiu himself who was difficult to deal with, but the other party's Yuanying.

If he was not prepared in a hurry, even a late-stage great cultivator would find it difficult to catch this slippery loach.

Everyone was stunned again at this scene.

The Nascent Soul cultivator destroyed his own body, and his Nascent Soul was captured by someone!

And this person was actually the Grand Elder of the Heavenly Ghost Sect.

In an instant, everyone realized a possibility at the same time. Huanyunyuan, which had been peaceful for hundreds of years, was afraid that it would be in chaos.

This newly-born Nascent Soul would inevitably break the original balance of power.

Even if Mo Xun gave up and fled to a distant place and never appeared again, the Heavenly Ghost Sect lost an old ancestor. So would the Holy Maiden Palace, which once commanded one side, miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?

The fall of Feng Yuxiu is likely to restart the war between the two major sects.

This is by no means an exaggeration!

For decades, the Heavenly Ghost Sect has relied on its growing strength to have many conflicts with the Holy Maiden Palace, both openly and secretly.

Perhaps this incident will become the fuse that detonates the two major sects.

The crowd began to talk about it, and the first thing that made them curious was naturally Mo Xun's identity.

But after asking around, no one knew the name of this senior.

I only know that the other party's surname is Mo!

Finally, someone remembered Gu Qingqing and her group who came with Mo Xun, but when they looked for the whereabouts of this group of people, they found that they had disappeared long ago.

Then, a series of sound transmission notes flew to all directions.

At this time, Mo Xun was already a hundred miles away.

On the flying car, Mo Xun stared at Feng Yuxiu, who was trapped in the formation and full of restrictions.

It was the first time for him to appreciate another Yuanying at such a close distance.

"Do you want to say it yourself, or do you want me to search the soul?"

Although Mo Xun's words were plain, they sounded colder than the bitter winter in Feng Yuxiu's ears.

He naturally didn't want to die.

Not to mention for a Tianxuanzi, even if it was his own son, he was not qualified to sacrifice his life in this situation.

He has lived for eight or nine hundred years since he practiced until today.

Even if there are not a hundred Taoist companions he has met in this life, there are at least seventy or eighty.

He once had countless children, and even he himself can't remember them.

If his son is gone, he can have another one, but if he dies, everything will be over.

He doesn't disbelieve in reincarnation, but he hasn't enjoyed enough in this life, so how can he pin his hopes on the ethereal afterlife?

"I said... I can tell you everything, but you have to keep your promise and let me go after you find the old Taoist!"

Feng Yuxiu is still a little dazed.

It seems that he still can't accept how he became a prisoner?

Why is this guy who has only been in the infant stage for half a year so strong?

Mo Xun couldn't help but smile.


In Anshuimufang City, the auction was still going on.

Occasionally, a few whispers and jokes could be heard in the box.

Although everyone was surprised and curious about Mo Xun's appearance, since Feng Yuxiu, who was known as the second best master of Tianguimen, had already taken action, no one would think how serious this seemingly insignificant dispute would evolve.

They were even thinking about meeting the new fellow once the auction was over.

As long as Mo Xun did not go too far, they would not make things difficult for him.

If possible, they would even try to win him over and make friends with him.

Of course, Mo Xun's disturbance in Jinfeng Valley this time was a blow to the heads of the two major sects, and an apology was definitely necessary.

There was no need to worry about this.

With Feng Yuxiu's ability to do things, he would naturally tell him how powerful he was, and even if he had to use his power to force him, he would have to make him admit his mistake.

This would help maintain the dignity of the two sects in front of the world.

But as the sound transmission notes flew into the box, the air suddenly froze, and everyone's face changed at the same time.

Especially Mu Congnan, who stood up directly from his chair.

His face was so gloomy that water could drip out.

"Kangnian, contact Murong Ping immediately and ask him to gather all the disciples in the sect, do everything possible to track down the whereabouts of Junior Brother Feng, and find out all the details of this person for me as quickly as possible."


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