Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 879 Shangguan Yulan

Outside the Golden Maple Valley, there are still residual effects of mana that have not dissipated.

And Feng Yuxiu’s bloody fleshy remains!

When Mu Congnan and his party rushed back here, the monks from all walks of life who had gathered around had long since disappeared.

Only a few disciples from the two sects guarding the place were left.

Several people left the auction in a hurry as soon as they heard that Feng Yuxiu had been killed.

What happened was quickly explained to the two elders guarding the formation and the formation master who repaired the teleportation formation.

Standing at the entrance of Jinfeng Valley, although Mu Congnan's face was calm, his heart was extremely angry.

The supreme elder of our sect had his body destroyed. What a shame and humiliation this is?

The key issue is that once Feng Yuxiu dies, the strength of the entire Tiangui Sect will be greatly reduced.

This means that in Huanyunyuan, where there are not many sects, if it were a place with many sects like Southern Xinjiang, I don’t know how many people would start to make their own plans!

Feng Yuxiu Yuanying must be found!

"Fairy Xuanjing, it seems that you and I need to send more manpower here."

Xuan Jing nodded solemnly.

"As it should be!"

At this moment, the two of them can be said to have their own thoughts.

Mu Congnan's words actually had a deeper meaning.

He knew clearly that if Mo Xun came again, if there was no Nascent Soul stationed here, no matter how many disciples he sent, it would be useless.

To put it this way, it is nothing more than trying to stabilize the Holy Maiden Palace at this juncture.

As for Xuan Jing, she is already thinking about the future situation of the two sects.

She didn't really care whether Mo Xun was strong or weak, or even his last name.

What she hopes is that the conflict between the two will break out more violently.

Anyway, it is the Heavenly Ghost Sect that is enmity, not her Holy Maiden Palace!

At this moment, a man who was in the early stage of pill formation hurried over.

"Ancestor, we found out the details of that person."

Mu Congnan's expression straightened and he asked quickly: "Say it quickly!"

"The news came from Yuehuang City. It is said that one of the disciples of that person was found. The specific situation is not clear from the transmission notes, so the disciples asked someone to bring him over."

Mu Congnan waved his hand.

"No, let's go to Moon Emperor City now."

To say that the scope of influence of the Ghost Sect on this day is truly extraordinary, such clues were found in less than a day.

On the other side, Mo Xun handed the engraved jade slips to Dong Qianxue.

These are all obtained from Golden Maple Valley.

With his array cultivation, he is still unable to understand this ultra-long-distance ancient teleportation array.

Perhaps there is a way to see clues to Dong Qianxue's attainments.

But there's no rush, this matter won't be of much use to him for a while, so he just needs to take his time.

From Feng Yuxiu, he asked several places where Tian Xuanzi might be hiding.

The most urgent task now is to find that old thing.

In a mountain stream covered with jungle, the speeding car dropped a stick of incense and then sped away again.

But there were seven or eight corpses left on the spot, as well as women's miserable cries.

This is a secret cave of Tian Xuanzi. No one is seen inside, but several of his attendants are found.

Mo Xun didn't want to cause trouble, but he didn't know that the purpose of this group of people staying here was to guard a group of imprisoned female nuns.

These female cultivators were all furnaces that Tian Xuanzi had snatched from various places in recent years.

There are as many as seventeen or eighteen people!

When Mo Xun saw them, he also sighed secretly.

Everyone has their cultivation banned and is imprisoned in a dark dungeon with barely any clothes on.

Perhaps if he had come a few years later, he would have been tortured to death.

This kind of thing is actually not uncommon in the world of immortality.

Which of those powerful men who are full of benevolence and righteousness has not secretly done something unscrupulous?

Mo Xun has never taken the initiative to be a good person, but now that he has encountered it, he will not stand idly by.

On the other hand, Luo Xi and Gu Qingqing were particularly indignant at that scene.

As women, they are the only ones who can empathize most.

Next, Mo Xun went straight to another place.


In the Saint's Palace, it was as peaceful as ever.

The name of the Grand Palace Master is Shangguan Yulan. He is in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. It has been more than 20 years since he last appeared in public.

He has been in seclusion for these years, and it is said that he is cultivating a certain magical power.

Since the Second Palace Master, Fairy Xuanjing, went to Golden Maple Valley, all matters in the palace are now presided over by Shangguan Yulan's direct disciple, Bai Zixi.

This talented girl, who started with Su Yunshang, is already in the late stage of pill formation.

The Holy Lady's Palace only recruits female disciples. This is a fact that everyone in Huanyun Plain knows.

From the palace master to the elders to the low-level disciples, they are all women.

And most of them are beauties!

The reason is determined by the original ancestral precepts of the Holy Lady Palace.

There are two major requirements for teaching this method, one is qualifications, and the other is appearance!

If someone has excellent qualifications, but if his appearance is not up to par, even if he can get started, it will often be difficult for him to be cultivated.

Especially the head palace master has extremely high requirements for appearance.

In other words, every high-level female cultivator here has the appearance of being in a state of shame.

This strange rule is actually one of the main reasons for the gradual decline of the Saint Lady's Palace.

As the saying goes, if you set up obstacles in selecting disciples, you will not be able to go far.

Fortunately, after thousands of years of development, the sect has not only accumulated a large number of skills and unique secrets, but also created many beauty pill recipes.

Although the appearance is given by parents, for cultivators, it is not impossible to change it after birth?

Although the Saint Maiden Palace only accepts female disciples, it does not mean that there are no men in it.

These men have only one identity, that is, slaves!

Most of the men in it are servants recruited by the sect, and some are playboys who have offended the female cultivators of the sect.

After these people entered the sect, either their Dantian was abolished or their cultivation was sealed.

Because many lowly things are not convenient for women to do, men are introduced.

For example, planting spiritual fields, caring for spiritual beasts, or mining spiritual mines.

At this moment, there are two men in the spiritual beast garden, who are helping two red-eyed and green-maned horses to mate while whispering quietly beside them.

One of them looks middle-aged, and the other has gray hair and a thin figure.

They were all dressed in rags and linen as servants, without any magical power fluctuations.

If Mo Xun was here, he would definitely be surprised!

Because he knew both of them.

One was Cheng Mu, the leader of the Cheng clan, who had left him many years ago and said he wanted to make a living.

The other was Gong Yangjun, who had just parted with him not long ago and wanted to play around in the world.

I don’t know why, but the two of them happened to meet in this stable full of manure.

They also started mating with animals.

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