Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 880 Brothers in trouble

"Brother Gongyang, are you saying that Brother Mo has given birth to a baby now?"

Hearing the news, Cheng Mu almost jumped up with excitement, but soon his expression returned to gloomy.

In that emotion, there seemed to be envy and helplessness about the current situation.

"Of course, I was the one who protected you when you were going through the tribulation. You don't know how dangerous it was at that time. If I hadn't taken action in time, that kid was almost attacked by a rogue old man. Later, when he was going through the Nascent Soul Heart Tribulation, I’m still here to help.”

The male sheep stroked his beard, showing a bit of contentment on his face.

But how much Cheng Mu believes this is unknown.

How can a bad old man who hasn't even condensed the golden elixir help a Nascent Soul cultivator?

"Then why did you separate from Brother Mo later?"

The ram snorted disdainfully.

"I don't want to take advantage of that kid, so why should I go with him? Isn't he just a Nascent Soul? When I conquered the world of immortality, the ancestors of you little guys weren't even born yet. My pursuit, I want to travel all the great places in the world and marry all the beauties in the world. As for immortality, it doesn’t have much appeal to me anymore.”

Gongyang's words can be said to be calm and gentle.

Coupled with his already immortal appearance, he looked like a master from outside the world.

Cheng Mu curled his lips.

"By the way, Lao Cheng, what have you been through these years, how did you end up here? Looking at you like this, you are almost losing weight. Could it be that you have received some inhuman treatment here?"

Speaking of this, Cheng Mu got angry.

But the details are really difficult to explain to outsiders.

"Hmph! I mainly fell into their trick. They tricked me into coming to this mountain. A hundred people beat me. Finally, I was captured by them when I was exhausted. Those elders took advantage of my unpreparedness and secretly attacked me. The black hand put hundreds of restrictions on me."

At this point, he sighed again.

"Alas! It's my fault, Mr. Cheng, for being so handsome and handsome that he was attracted by those hungry fake nuns."

The ram almost burst out with blood.

I have seen shameless people, but I have never seen such shameless people.

"How long have you been locked up here?"

Cheng Mu replied casually: "Twenty or thirty years!"

Gongyang wondered, was it twenty years or thirty years?

He remembered that Mo Xunjie had been using the baby for more than thirty years, and he wondered if this guy was caught and taken to the mountain as soon as he left?

I wanted to ask specifically, but finally held back.

Didn't he also end up living here not long after he left?

Speaking of which, the two of them seemed to be in the same boat.

"How did you get imprisoned?"

The male sheep curled his lips.

"I'm not like you. I went up the mountain voluntarily. I heard that the fairies here are all unparalleled in beauty, so I came here to see what's new. If the leaves can take root here, I don't plan to leave. I'll change one every day. Wouldn't that be a good idea? Carefree?"

Of course what he said was a lie!

The real situation is equally unbearable to tell.

When he first separated from Mo Xun, he still enjoyed himself for a few days relying on the spiritual stone in his hand.

But this old guy has a restless temper. When he saw a beautiful girl at an auction, he unscrupulously took advantage of her.

Unexpectedly, that woman was also someone who was not easy to mess with, and she performed a fairy dance afterwards.

It's also strange that the old guy had a sperm in his head. As a late-stage foundation-builder, he was knocked down by two women in the early-stage foundation-builder stage with drugs.

When he woke up again, he appeared here inexplicably.

As for Cheng Mu's experience, it's only half the best.

He also fell into the hands of the disciples of the Holy Lady's Palace back then, and has been left in this spirit beast garden all these years.

To say that these two brothers are really destined, for such a large sect, they were all assigned to the same place.

The two of them squatted in a corner of the stable, watching the two beasts going crazy like no one else was watching, and talking to each other.

Occasionally when I talk about excitement, I don't forget to brag a few words.

Gongyang suddenly asked solemnly: "Brother, have you never thought of running away in these years?"

Cheng Mu thought to himself, if I could escape, who would stay in a place like this?

But this cannot be admitted easily. He is a dignified alchemy monk, and it is already humiliating to be locked up here. How can he let the old guy in front of him laugh again?

"Brother Gongyang doesn't know..."

As he spoke, Cheng Mu smiled lewdly.

"It's not that I don't want to go out, but there is something wonderful about this place. I think I have traveled all over the country over the years, from Nanshan to Xihe, and now to Dongsheng. I have seen a lot, but there is no place. , can make people happier than here.”

There was a flash of strangeness in Gongyang's eyes, and he thought, isn't this guy addicted to raising horses?

In fact, it's not even possible, after all, there are all kinds of perverted people in this world.

Some people like immortality, some like women... maybe some people really like to watch beasts mating!

Cheng Mu didn't notice the strange look in Gongyang's eyes and continued to look narcissistic.

"It doesn't matter that I can't practice now, and I still have to look after these beasts all day long, but I still have fun every day, and I can't take down the golden gun every night!"

When Gongyang saw the lustful look on the other person's face, his heart skipped a beat and he quickly asked, "How do you say this?"

"How do you say...hehe!"

Cheng Mu clicked his tongue.

"Do you know what is most popular in this Saint Lady's Palace?"

The male sheep replied somewhat confused: "Woman!"

Cheng Mu waved his hand.

"That's wrong. It should be said that these are women who are burning with desire. These sluts don't look serious on weekdays. They can be as slutty as they want in private. Some of them even do it seven or eight times a night for the sake of dual cultivation. You know? Who would be willing to leave such a blissful place?”

The ram's eyes almost widened.

Isn't this the Langhuan Cave he wants to pursue?

"Is this true?"

Cheng Mu chuckled.

"It's natural. Even if I lie to anyone, I, Old Cheng, will never lie to you. If you don't believe me, just wait. In two days at most, someone will definitely come looking for you, and I can guarantee that the person who comes is definitely Feng Ziyan. Li, even if she is not beautiful, she can still be called Qihua Yaocao. The taste of that bed, once you taste it once, brother, you will definitely not want to leave. "

At this moment, Ram Yang's heart almost jumped out of his chest.

It feels a bit unreal!

Could it be said that such a good thing really exists in the world?

Cheng Mu was sweating secretly in his heart. He did not escape, but it was not because he was unwilling, but because he simply did not have the strength.

I am happy every day, but my legs are always weak.

His cultivation was banned again, it would be strange to be able to escape!

But he was right about one thing, those women were indeed crazy.

In order to enjoy that refreshing feeling, he was force-fed the tiger and wolf medicine.

He was simply treating him like a stallion, and was overdrawing his energy without limit.

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