Thinking of this, he could not help but feel sad, and glanced at Gong Yang with a bit of sympathy.

He had lived this kind of life for decades, and next, someone was finally going to share the joys and sorrows with him.

But with this old guy's body, he would not die in bed, right?

Thinking of this, he secretly recited two Taoist sayings in his heart, as the saying goes, if a Taoist friend dies, I will not die, so I can only pray for the best!

Let's talk about the other side.

It was two days later when Mu Congnan and his party arrived at Yuehuang City.

The insider found by Tianguimen had been waiting for a long time.

It was the first time in Huangfu Xin's life that he saw Yuanying cultivators at such a close distance, and there were so many of them.

The solemn old man with a three-inch long beard who looked extraordinary was said to be the Supreme Ancestor of Tianguimen and the most powerful existence in the entire Huanyunyuan.

The two beside him were also of noble status and vast magical power!

Even the Jindan cultivators following behind were all unfathomable.

Facing so many strong men, even though he had extraordinary psychological qualities, he couldn't help but feel a little dry in the mouth at this moment.

He came from the Tiankui Realm, which had no spiritual energy at all. He didn't hesitate to throw away the foundation and relatives he had worked hard for for many years, and finally even lost his face, and finally entered the world of cultivation with humiliation.

Since he followed Mo Xun, he has been careful and cautious at all times.

Fortunately, the master was not bad, and the master-disciple relationship did not treat him badly.

It's a pity that not long after, the master was seriously injured and even in danger of his life.

People always have to go higher. He never thought that his departure at the beginning was a betrayal, just like now, he is about to use the information of the master to exchange for more cultivation resources.

Huangfu Xin's thoughts are often a little different.

In his eyes, betrayal or deceiving the master and ancestors is to kill the master directly.

Such as just revealing a little information about the master to others, it is not included.

In other words, he is definitely not a person without principles, but his principles are not recognized by secular feelings.

Mu Congnan looked at the burly man in front of him who seemed to be about the same age as himself.

His cultivation was not very high, only the middle stage of foundation building!

At this age, he was still in such a state. In his eyes, he could only be regarded as a dull person.

If he were placed in the sect, he would definitely be abandoned.

But besides his cultivation, this man gave him a very strong feeling.

It was as if there was another energy hidden in his body, which was hard to explain, perhaps just an illusion.

He did not dwell on this question for too long, and asked directly: "What is your name, and which faction do you belong to now?"

Huangfu Xin clasped his fists.

"Replying to the senior, I am Huangfu Xin, and I am now serving as the elder of the Beihan Wu family."

"Beihan Wu family..."

Mu Congnan twisted his beard and pondered for a while.

"I do know this family. Hundreds of years ago, I had an acquaintance with the ancestor of the Wu family. Who is the head of the Wu family now?"

"Wu Zhaoming!"

Mu Congnan nodded lightly and did not continue the topic.

He had never heard of this name, so he thought he must be a nobody, and probably at best he was in the early stage of Jindan.

"I heard that you are that person's disciple?"

"I guess so. Senior Mo taught me, but when I left, the relationship between master and disciple was over. Senior Mo also specifically told me not to walk around in the name of a disciple, so now I don't dare to call him master anymore."

Huangfu Xin said this without blushing or beating his heart.

Mo Xun did say that he was not allowed to mention his name outside.

But in Huangfu Xin's understanding, as long as the two of them broke off the title of master and disciple, they didn't need to abide by any agreement.

In fact, before contacting the Tiangui Gate, Huangfu Xin hesitated about which side he should choose.

It is said that Mo Xun has successfully formed a baby now, and has such a powerful master. Is there still a future to worry about?

But Huangfu Xin knew that when he left when Mo Xun needed him, he was destined to never go back.

No matter how gorgeous the icing on the cake is, how can it be as profound as sending charcoal in the snow?

After weighing the pros and cons, he had no choice but to cling to the Tianguimen.

Mu Congnan seemed to be a little interested when he heard this.

"Do you have a grudge against this person?"

Huangfu Xin shook his head.

"Then why did you betray him?"

Betraying one's ancestors and leaving one's clan has always been despised by people no matter where they are.

Even if they are accepted for a while, it is difficult to gain real trust.

After all, if you can betray once, there will be a second time.

Huangfu Xin said calmly: "There is no special reason, it's just that the fate has ended. Besides, I don't think this is a betrayal, I just told Senior Mo's information. As for what the seniors want to do to Senior Mo, I will not participate."

Mu Congnan... was a little bit unresponsive for a while.

What he said seemed to make some sense, but it seemed to be a far-fetched argument.

But it doesn't matter. What he needs now is Mo Xun's true identity and background. As for the character of the person in front of him, what does it matter?

"I understand. Tell me. I know they promised you to join Tianguimen later. I agree to this. At the same time, I will give you an unexpected reward. I dare not say how good it is, but it will definitely be of great benefit to your current cultivation."

Huangfu Xin was waiting for this sentence.

After leaving Mo Xun, he wanted to join Tianguimen, the largest sect in Huanyunyuan.

But after going to the disciple selection, he was ruthlessly rejected.

There are two reasons. One is that his aptitude is too poor, and the other is that he has passed the best age for cultivation.

For someone like him, if there is no special opportunity, he will probably die before the formation of the elixir.

Although he finally succeeded in building the foundation with the help of many elixirs given by Mo Xun and his daily hard work.

But only he knows the hardships.

When he first went to the world of immortal cultivation alone, he was still full of confidence.

Think about it, he had built a huge foundation from scratch in the Tiankui world.

But after wandering for more than ten years, reality destroyed his confidence.

It seems that the hundred years in the Tiankui world have used up all his good luck in this life. Even though he is strong in body training, he still encounters obstacles everywhere.

Of course, as a master of horizontal training, he can compete for more cultivation resources than cultivators of the same level.

But his spiritual root aptitude is too poor.

The demand for resources is simply unsustainable.

There is no one to guide him in cultivation, so over the years, he can only linger in the middle stage of foundation building.

Therefore, as soon as Tianguimen threw an olive branch this time, he immediately took it in his hand.

"Thank you, senior, I will tell you everything I know!"

Mu Congnan nodded with satisfaction.

"Okay, first tell me the real name of this person, and where he came from?"

"As several seniors know, this person's surname is Mo, and his given name is Xun..."

As soon as the voice fell, there was a "bang" in the hall, and a crisp sound of a teacup breaking sounded without any warning.

Then, more than a dozen pairs of eyes all fell on a pretty face with bright eyes and flowing eyes.

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