Chapter 882

Xuan Jing frowned and asked in a rather unhappy tone: "Yun Shang, what's wrong with you?"

Su Yun Shang quickly brushed her sleeves and collected the broken pieces of teacup that fell on the ground.

"Nothing, just an accident!"

No one believed this, of course. Would a Jindan cultivator accidentally knock over a teacup?

Even a fool could see that this fairy was weird at this moment.

But what everyone was most concerned about at the moment was the origin of Mo Xun, and they didn't pursue this trivial matter too much.

I'm afraid no one knows what kind of storm Su Yun Shang's heart was at this moment!

When she heard the name Mo Xun, she even felt a sense of unreality like a dream.

"It must be the same name!"

She suppressed the waves in her heart and could only comfort herself in this way.

But when Huangfu Xin drew a portrait of Mo Xun in the air in front of everyone, Su Yun Shang's eyes were already misty.

"It's really him! It turns out it's really him!"

"He's not dead..."

Then, a series of pictures buried deep in her heart flew past Yun Shang's eyes.

Many memories have become blurred, or even deliberately forgotten by her, but when she saw the familiar face in the portrait again, everything seemed to become clear again.

She couldn't explain how she felt.

Since the incident more than two hundred years ago, she has lost all her relatives.

I thought there was no old friend in this world who I would meet again, but after so many years, he appeared again.

She lowered her head secretly, perhaps because she was afraid that others would see her emotional fluctuations.

But in front of the Nascent Soul cultivator, no matter how well she disguised herself, how could she escape the perception of those old monsters?

Especially the fairy Xuan Jing who regarded him as her own child!

In fact, without thinking too much, you can guess that there must be an unknown secret between the new Nascent Soul named Mo Xun and his beloved disciple.

As for what this secret is...

Xuan Jing's face sank, and he didn't ask anxiously at this juncture.

Her heart was moved. Regardless of the past relationship between the two, she felt that her plan needed to be implemented in advance.

Yun Shang must let go of her feelings as soon as possible. Only by losing the illusion of men can she go further.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but look at Feng Boping on the side.

This young man who just lost his father didn't seem to have much indignation in his expression.

This is actually not surprising. After all, Feng Yuxiu has more than one son.

It's just that the one standing here now is the most promising one.

And Feng Boping is definitely not as calm as he seems on the surface.

It can be said that without Feng Yuxiu, his status in the entire Tianguimen will plummet.

Even if this father finally returns to the Nascent Soul, his strength will be greatly reduced.

As for the father-son relationship, it is actually a joke to live to their age.

In the sect, he needs his father's identity to protect himself and obtain more cultivation resources.

Feng Yuxiu, on his side, simply thinks that his son is easier to trust than outsiders.

People say that there is no family affection in the royal family, but the same is true for the immortal family.

Therefore, what he is thinking about now is not how to avenge his father, but how he will deal with the changes after losing his father's protection.

Besides, what ability does he have to take revenge?

These troubles can only be solved by Mu Congnan.

Huangfu Xin is slowly introducing everything related to Mo Xun.

This introduction is half true and half false!

Although Huangfu's qualifications are not good, his scheming and intelligence are far beyond the ordinary people.

He will not reveal the affairs of Tiankui Realm and Xihezhou for the time being.

He has also heard about the ancient teleportation array of Jinfeng Valley.

He knows that this group of people covets the other continents to a crazy degree.

Once others know that he comes from other continents, who knows whether it is a blessing or a curse?

This secret is too important, he needs to wait for the price!

According to his plan, he would first use Mo Xun's identity information to enter the Heavenly Ghost Gate, and if possible, he would get more benefits.

Only after he formed a pill and had a certain ability to protect himself, he would find a way to sell it for a good price.

In his opinion, with Mo Xun's cautious character, he probably wouldn't leak it casually.

Then there wouldn't be many people who knew this secret here.

To say that other continents are not very attractive to him.

After all, he came from Xihezhou. Although the cultivation environment there is better, how much difference does it make for a low-level cultivator like him?

For now, let alone the entire Dongshengzhou, even the place called Huanyunyuan is enough for him to toss.

Because his origins were almost all fabricated, Huangfu Xin had to be vague.

In his introduction, Mo Xun was saved by his ancestors hundreds of years ago, and later he had that short period of master-disciple relationship.

In fact, he grafted Sun Ku's life experience onto himself.

He mainly introduced Mo Xun's magical powers and unique skills, as well as some powerful people around him.

"Are you saying that this person is from Southern Xinjiang?"

Huangfu Xin looked solemn.

"That's right, Senior Mo said this to me back then."

Mu Congnan and the people around him looked at each other, as if they were asking each other if they had heard of such a person.

Southern Xinjiang is not far from here, but it is not close either.

Many people here have traveled here in their early years.

But obviously, no one has heard of this name.

Su Yunshang's strangeness was naturally noticed by others.

As long as you are not stupid, you can guess that this fairy must know something about the inside story.

But she is the disciple of Fairy Xuanjing, so it is not easy to ask directly, but people like Mu Congnan and Feng Ling Zhenren can't help but think of asking in private.

After Huangfu Xin finished speaking, Mu Congnan threw out a storage bag.

"There are a bottle of Huiling Pill and Yiqi Xuan Pill in it, which are the pills you need now, and there are also three magic weapons that I have collected for many years. I see that you are practicing the earth attribute technique, which can be used directly after refining. At the same time, I will accept you as a registered disciple, and you will be my Tiangui Sect from now on."

Hearing this, Huangfu Xin's face finally showed some emotion.

Although he lost a Nascent Soul master, he became a disciple of another land immortal in the blink of an eye.

And the one in front of him was in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul!

The most important thing was that this new master had a huge sect behind him.

After calculating the two aspects, this deal was not only not a loss, but also seemed to have made a lot of money.

Huangfu Xin bowed his head when he heard this.

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