Xuan Jing stood up suddenly and threw out two pills.

"You guys recover as soon as possible. I've sensed some strange mana fluctuations nearby. Let's go out and take a look first!"

"Master, I'll go with you!"

Su Yunshang immediately jumped up, making a gesture to follow Xuan Jing.

"No need, you and nephew Feng are recuperating here, and you can come as soon as you go to become a master."

Having said that, he didn't give the disciple a chance to speak again. Before the two of them could react, they had already disappeared.

The two of them each held a pill in their hands, looked at each other, and put it into their mouths without any precaution.

For the past few days, whenever they were tired from the journey, Xuan Jing used this method to help them recover their mana.

So the two of them didn’t think much about it!

"I heard that Junior Sister Yunshang was born in southern Xinjiang. I wonder if this is the case?"

After spending a few days together, Feng Boping occasionally talked to the master and apprentice, but since Xuan Jing was nearby, he basically didn't dare to take the initiative to strike up a conversation.

It seemed like this was the first time he had been alone with Yun Shang like this.

"Exactly, when I caught up with the master to travel to southern Xinjiang, I happened to save my life!"

Feng Boping smiled and nodded.

"Actually, I have been to Southern Xinjiang, but it was a long time ago. I wonder which sect in Southern Xinjiang my junior sister comes from, or is she from a certain family of immortal cultivators?"

"Senior brother, you are so proud of your little sister. I was just a casual cultivator before!"

Speaking of this, Su Yunshang couldn't help but think of Mo Xun again.

If the two of them had not had that experience, it is unlikely that she would have embarked on this path.

Perhaps more than two hundred years ago, like her sister, she found a good man to betrothed to, and then lived a life of caring for her husband and raising children for decades, and was eventually buried in the loess, right?

Destiny is indeed a mysterious thing!

It’s so mysterious that it makes people feel incredible!

Two parallel lines that were not supposed to intersect came together by mistake, but were helplessly separated.

If you want to separate, just separate, but fate is like a naughty boy who likes to tease, and one day when you are not prepared, the two threads are pulled together again, which brings back a memory that should not be remembered but cannot be erased.

I originally thought I was just a passer-by, but who would have thought that one day we would pass by again?

At this point, he turned into the most familiar stranger!

Well, after so many years, it may not even be familiar.

"Junior sister, junior sister..."

Feng Boping's shout woke Su Yunshang out of his trance.

This was not the first time that she had been in a daze since hearing the news about Mo Xun.

But when she woke up, she was surprised to find that Feng Boping actually held her hands, and the two of them met so close to each other.

Yun Shang exclaimed and quickly took two steps back.

She didn't know whether it was due to an illusion, but she saw that there seemed to be a strange blood-red color in Feng Boping's eyes.

And she herself also felt dizzy.

Faced with such frivolity, Yun Shang's face suddenly showed anger.

For the first time, he felt disgusted with the man in front of him.

At the same time, her tone also became a little colder.

"I suddenly thought of something, I hope senior brother can forgive me!"

Then she took a deep breath and looked toward the entrance of the cave. The master had already had a cup of tea when he left, and he would be back soon.

Feng Boping seemed to be aware of his own Meng Lang. Under normal circumstances, he would never do such a rude thing.

But for some reason, that moment just made him lose control.

Could it be that the beauty of the woman in front of him really made him unable to fall in love with him?

That shouldn’t be the case!

I think he is a dignified alchemy monk who will not lose his mind even if he is lustful and anxious.

His eyes moved and landed on Su Yunshang's exposed white neck.

Feng Boping's heart beat uncontrollably again, and at the same time, a ball of flame inexplicably shot out of his body.

The burning fire made his lips and throat slightly dry.

At the same time, in the nameless mountains thousands of miles away.

After Tian Xuanzi carefully walked through the dense forest for a while, he saw that there was no movement around him, and his nervousness could not help but relax.

This experience really made him extremely cowardly.

A monk who had just given birth to a baby actually dared to come to the door with great fanfare.

What's deplorable is that he could only run away in panic like a rat, and he also took a precious heaven-level talisman with him.

Although he, Tian Xuanzi, had never been very particular about reputation, the thought of the impact it would have made him quite angry.

He must take revenge for this!

Even if you can't kill the opponent directly, you still have to make that kid taste different pains.

Although he is known as the ancestor, he has never been a gentleman.

Those methods that noble families disdain do not have any psychological burden when they come to him!

Thinking of this, he once again released his spiritual consciousness to sense the surroundings. After confirming that there was no danger, he put away the diamond circle above his head and turned into a stream of light rising into the sky!

"Hmph! The person who wants my life hasn't even been born yet!"

But as soon as he finished speaking, there was a sudden flash of light on the way forward, and a translucent barrier appeared without warning.

"Array enchantment!"

Tian Xuanzi was shocked and quickly retreated.

But it was a little too late. At the same time he reacted, the barrier glow was flashing all around him.

Above the head, a large invisible net fell down.

Then, three streams of light came from afar, and they were the three people from Luoxi who had been waiting here for a long time.

This barrier was also a large formation set up in advance by the three people under the guidance of Dong Qianxue.

When he saw the appearance of the people coming, Tianxuanzi, who was originally in a state of panic, immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

He naturally knew these three people!

A few months ago, if Mo Xun hadn't taken action, he would have had three more beautiful high-level furnaces.

Even if they were not used for cultivation, just satisfying the desires of the flesh was a fairy-like enjoyment.

"It turned out to be three fairies. It seems that the old Taoist has great charm. He has already hidden in such a place, and the few of you are still reluctant to chase after him."

Tianxuanzi smiled, and the Nascent Soul cultivation was released without reservation. The powerful mana impact directly supported the barrier net that was about to fall on his head in the air like shaking a mountain.

Although this trapped formation is mysterious, it is limited by the cultivation of the person controlling the formation.

In addition, the hasty arrangement did not pose much threat to him for a while.

Although he did not find any trace of Mo Xun, Tian Xuanzi was still vigilant.

The three of them did not waste time talking to him. They immediately formed a triangle, each guarding one side of the formation. After shouting loudly, they simultaneously activated their magic power and instantly condensed a vast and huge magic barrier within a radius of hundreds of feet.

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