Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 887 Humanoid Puppet

The three of them raised their hands and waved almost at the same time.

Soft whip, long sword, red silk, three different magic weapons flew into the sky and circled over Tianxuanzi's head.

With the light blades shot out from the formation, the sky was suddenly filled with rosy clouds and rumbling sounds.

The soft whip was twitched, and there was a crackling sound, and a heart-pounding ripple suddenly shot out around Tianxuanzi.

The long sword hissed, and the white light was like weaving, as if to tear the space apart.

The sharp red silk, like a dragon, came and wrapped Tianxuanzi in a red light in an instant.

From the beginning, the three did not hold back, and all used their strongest means.

Last time, they were easily defeated by Tianxuanzi, and it was their fault that they were not prepared.

In addition, they fought in a hurry, so they suffered a great loss.

But this time it was different. Long after Mo Xun decided to hunt this man down, the three women secretly practiced this formation.

Mo Xun wanted revenge, but how could they get rid of the hatred in their hearts that day?

But just when the three of them were about to make a desperate move to activate the formation killing move, there was a deafening explosion.

The powerful impact of magic power directly shook them away.

Then, Tian Xuanzi in the formation suddenly rushed out from the rosy clouds, broke through the barrier of the surrounding barriers, and a stream of light went towards the weakest Dong Qianxue at the same time.

Tian Xuanzi was not a fool, he knew to pick the soft persimmon first!

Dong Qianxue exclaimed, but it was too late when she wanted to dodge.

And at this critical moment, the red silk and long sword that were originally trapped in the killing formation flew out.

This sword and silk, like a broken bamboo, blasted towards Tian Xuanzi.

But the speed of the Yuanying cultivator is naturally far from that of the Jindan cultivator.

In addition, Gu Qingqing and Luo Xi rushed to rescue, and there was no time to deal with it.

At this moment, Dong Qianxue was terrified!

Seeing a big hand about to fall on her, a rebuke that shocked Tianyu also came at the same time.

"If you dare to touch her, I will extract your soul and refine your spirit, and you will never be reincarnated!"

Before the people arrived, a strong and suffocating killing intent enveloped everyone's head.

The one who made this strong roar was naturally Mo Xun who turned back.

Just as he had expected before, the one he was chasing was a substitute.

After verifying this, he rushed back without stopping.

Originally, according to his intention, he wanted the three women to find a way to lure Tianxuanzi out.

As for setting up a formation to trap and kill, it was not his instruction at all.

Perhaps it was because of Mo Xun's intimidation, or because he was really frightened, that Tianxuanzi's speed in the air suddenly slowed down.

It was this short delay that gave Dong Qianxue a chance to breathe.

She hurriedly flew away!

At the same time, Tianxuanzi's sharp palm wind brushed her shoulder and passed by.

Under the residual power of the magic, Dong Qianxue was slapped away, and she spit out a mouthful of blood in the air, and then fell rapidly downward.

Seeing this, Luo Xi hurriedly flew to save people.

The attack of the Yuanying cultivator was indeed extraordinary.

This was just swept by the palm wind. If that palm hit Dong Qianxue firmly, she would most likely end up dead.

Tian Xuanzi actually didn't plan to waste more time here. Killing Dong Qianxue was nothing more than finding a breakthrough to break the formation.

Now seeing Mo Xun coming with murderous aura, he naturally didn't want to stay for a moment.

He just waved his robe sleeves and scattered a bunch of things behind him.

Upon closer inspection, they were all fist-sized strange puppets, as many as hundreds.

Those puppets quickly grew in the air until they were as tall as adults, and were arranged in dozens of rows in a very neat manner. They were like divine soldiers and heavenly generals descending from heaven, blocking the direction where Mo Xun was coming.

This move was a bit like throwing beans to make soldiers.

However, each of these puppets was quite strange in appearance and clothing.

Their bodies seemed to be made of some kind of wood, and although their faces were carved with facial features, they were stiff and expressionless.

Their clothes looked a bit like the costumes of operas in the mortal world.

It looked very strange from a distance!

Looking at those human-shaped puppets suspended in the air and standing neatly, Mo Xun couldn't help but feel moved.


As soon as this thought came up, he shook his head.

It didn't look like it, as if it was a semi-finished product.

The reason why he said that was because although he felt the traces of Tianxuanzi's consciousness attached to these puppets, there was not much fluctuation of mana.

To put it bluntly, puppets are actually substitutes controlled by spiritual consciousness.

Not only are they made of extremely hard and durable materials, but they can also perform many magic spells.

But he did not feel much magical power from these puppets.

Seeing Tian Xuanzi fleeing away, Mo Xun did not care to think too much, and rushed into the overwhelming puppet army in an instant.

When he felt it up close, he immediately circulated the blood and energy in his body with his eyelids twitching, and at the same time, he performed a six-foot golden light.

The next moment, those puppets surrounded him in a circle, followed by a series of loud rumbling noises.

In the blink of an eye, Mo Xun was submerged in the exploding air waves.

These puppets turned out to be used by the old guy to self-destruct!

The huge explosion power enveloped the area within a radius of hundreds of feet in a cloud of smoke and dust, as if experiencing the end of the world.

The residual power of the explosion directly shattered a small hill below, and raised a cloud of mud and sand in the jungle.

Seeing this scene, Luo Xi and others' expressions suddenly changed.

But before they could react, a golden light shot out from the smoke and dust, and quickly chased in the direction where Tian Xuanzi disappeared.

This explosion seemed to be huge, but because it was too scattered, it caused almost no substantial damage to Mo Xun.

In addition, the moment he sensed the danger, he condensed his blood and qi to perform his body training.

The six-zhang golden light could even offset the Yuanying Spirit Realm, let alone the several low-level puppets that were half-finished?

However, this made Mo Xun more determined to get Tian Xuanzi.

Since he got a few puppets by chance in the early stage of foundation building, he has been thinking about it.

But after traveling to many places in the two continents, he has never had the chance to contact them again for more than two hundred years.

I didn't expect that this journey of revenge would have such an unexpected surprise.

Although he now has many treasures and endless magical powers, the obsession back then seems to have never faded.

When he was trapped in the Tiankui Realm, he had thought about using blood and qi to activate the puppets.

But after many experiments, he still couldn't find the right method.

It seems that this trip to Huanyunyuan can bring him another opportunity.

Thinking of this, Mo Xun pinched the Dao formula in his hand and his speed increased a bit.

Although Tian Xuanzi was ordinary in fighting, and he didn't even dare to fight him head-on, his escape speed was not ambiguous at all.

He was even good at a good five-element escape technique!

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