Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 896 Ascension Platform

Mo Xun's mouth twitched.

This was the first time he met the Danjie monk whose traces were blown away by the wind and sand. Why does it sound a bit ridiculous?

After briefly asking about the woman's experience, Mo Xun and the others immediately started searching around.

The girl's name is Guan Yanran, her master is in the middle stage of foundation building, and her master is in the early stage of pill formation.

After delivering the news to the Holy Lady's Palace and the Heavenly Ghost Sect, the three of them planned to return to southern Xinjiang. Unexpectedly, just as they were about to enter the Huanyun Desert, they encountered a sworn enemy who was in the pill-forming stage.

The master fought tooth and nail to save the three of them.

But precisely because of this, the woman's master and master were both seriously injured.

But the enemy did not let go, but continued to pursue him into the desert.

The three of them spent almost all their time fighting.

After entering the restricted airspace, they finally got rid of the pursuit, but the two men were too seriously injured and fell into a coma not long after.

With no other choice, the woman could only drag the two masters forward.

But they encountered this storm, and the three of them were blown away at once.

The whole story is roughly like this.

The next step was to find someone, which was somewhat difficult for Mo Xun.

This storm is second to none. The key is that the sand flows with it. Once it falls somewhere, it will soon be buried by the sand.

It stands to reason that you can hold your breath after building the foundation. Even if you don't breathe for a short period of time, it will generally be fine.

I was afraid that the two people were too seriously injured and would not be able to wake up under the yellow sand.

Several people were looking around, and they didn't dare to put too much distance between each other. If they got separated, it would inevitably be a troublesome thing.

It was difficult to tell the direction in the dust, and they didn't know where to go, so they could only search aimlessly.

Fortunately, the consciousness of these people was not weak, and they quickly found a person in a sand dune.

But when this person was rescued, it was a bit regretful.

This is a male cultivator in the early stage of pill formation, who is the master in Guan Yanran's mouth. He has no life left at all.

The cause of this person's death had nothing to do with the sandstorm.

The golden elixir in the body has long been broken, many meridians on the body are broken, and an arm is broken. It was probably hanging on with the last breath before.

Guan Yanran collapsed to the ground with a bloodless face. Looking at the master in front of her who she once thought was so powerful, she seemed to find it difficult to accept this fact for a moment.

In the eyes of Qi refining disciples like them, all the alchemy cultivators are living gods who are above them.

But now, he died in a sandstorm!

This is almost nothing less than the collapse of faith!

After Mo Xun helped him put the body into the storage bag, he went on to look for the other one.

The sandstorm gradually became smaller.

This is the climate of the desert. The strong wind comes suddenly and goes away quickly.

Without the obstruction of sand and dust, the range of their spiritual consciousness immediately expanded a lot. After about two sticks of incense, they finally found Guan Yanran's master under another piece of yellow sand.

This was a female cultivator who looked slightly older. Fortunately, she was still breathing when she was found.

Mo Xun sent a pill out, and it didn't take long for the woman to calm down.

Although he is still unconscious, he has finally saved his life.

The next step is to slowly recuperate!

This woman's name is Chen Muling, and she has some injuries on her body.

Mo Xun arranged the master and apprentice aside, but was not in a hurry to leave.

On the one hand, he discovered something unusual around here, and on the other hand, he had something to ask them.

After walking in the distance for a while, he suddenly gathered his magic power and shot out with a palm in the air.

Then the wind suddenly rose, and violent whirlwinds blew all around in an instant, sweeping all the yellow sand within tens of feet into the sky.

Then the sleeves of his robe were waved again, scattering the yellow sand in the sky.

What appeared next was a circular stone platform with a diameter of more than thirty feet and looked extremely huge.

The surface of the stone platform is very smooth, with some patterns of auspicious clouds and animals carved on it.

At the edge, there is a circle of carvings decorated with huge lotus petals. When counted carefully, there are a total of seventy-two lotus petals.

The entire stone platform feels like a large sitting lotus platform.

What is this?

A question mark suddenly appeared in Mo Xun's mind.

He first explored it with his spiritual sense, and then tried to use his magic power to sense it, but still couldn't figure it out.

At this time, several people from Luoxi also gathered around, looking at the strange giant lotus platform in front of them, with surprised looks on their faces.

After a while, it was Gu Qingqing who took the lead and spoke in deep thought.

"This thing..."

Several pairs of eyes immediately focused on her.

Fairy Gu frowned and walked around the lotus platform for a while before continuing: "This seems to be the Immortal Ascension Platform, right?"

Upon hearing this name, everyone immediately opened their eyes.

Naturally, Mo Xun had heard of the Shengxian Platform.

It is rumored that this object is a thunder platform used by monks to ascend to the upper world. Anyone who wants to become a god must ascend on this platform.

However, because no ascended monk has appeared again in tens of thousands of years, this platform has been gradually forgotten by people, and it has been lost for unknown reasons.

These things were obtained from some ancient books he purchased from Xihezhou back then.

Now when I hear Gu Qingqing say this, it really looks a bit like the legendary Immortal Platform.

But why do you end up living in a place like this?

Luo Xi and Dong Qianxue were also impressed, probably having heard of this thing as well.

Gu Qingqing continued, "I heard about it many years ago. It seems that someone once found this thing in the Canglan Sea in the southern region. It attracted all the late-stage great cultivators from several regions to rush over. They thought they could use it to transcend the calamity and ascend to heaven. In the end, no one succeeded, and then this thing disappeared again."

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows.

"Are you saying that this thing has legs and traveled from the southern region of Xihezhou to Dongshengzhou? And from the sea to the desert?"

Gu Qingqing shook her head.

"That's not necessarily true, because there may not be only one Ascension Platform. It's been too long, and many things have been lost."

Luo Xi followed up and said, "I have also heard of such legends. Although I don't know how many Ascension Platforms there are, they are not fixed in one place."

Mo Xun touched his chin and nodded.

There is a big drawback in the world of cultivating immortals, that is, it does not have the tradition of recording history like the secular world.

Many things in ancient times are often passed down by word of mouth.

Or in ancient books and jade slips handed down.

These jade slips only record relevant information when it is needed.

Except for some monks who like to record trivial things during their travels, there is no one who specializes in collecting and sorting out anecdotes.

If it is a large and ancient sect, it may be better. The sect may have a complete inheritance and know some lost secrets.

But basically every sect has experienced ups and downs over tens of millions of years.

Even a small internal rebellion can interrupt the inheritance.

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