Mo Xun quickly noticed the key points in the words of several people.

Combined with what he already knew, he could probably get the following two pieces of information.

First, the Ascension Platform in this world has become ineffective and no longer has the function of enabling cultivators to transcend tribulations and ascend to heaven.

Second, this thing still possesses some kind of mysterious spirituality, so it can appear in different places in a mysterious way.

With his current realm, he definitely can't use this thing.

Even if he cultivates to the peak of the late Nascent Soul in the future, he will not be able to ascend to heaven with the help of it to a large extent.

But at the moment, it does not affect his desire to take this thing for himself at all.

Since this thing is related to ascension, there may be a secret leading to the upper world in it.

Probably every Nascent Soul cultivator will have such an idea.

Several people became interested at once, and they all walked around the big lotus platform to check it out, wanting to know what the mystery of this thing is.

On the surface, this thing is almost the same as an ordinary stone.

Mo Xun also took out the Tongbao gun to try it, but it was extremely hard.

After the magic power was injected into it, it was like a drop in the ocean, and no difference could be sensed at all.

When the divine sense probed into it, nothing was found either.

Seeing Mo Xun take out the storage bag, Gu Qingqing smiled and said, "Don't waste your energy. If this thing can be taken away, why is it still in the outside world? If you don't believe it, you might as well move it. As long as you can move it a little bit, even if I lose."

This is indeed the case. Even if Mo Xun used all his magic power, he couldn't move it an inch.

Found that Mo Xun still frowned and pondered without giving up, Luo Xi also spoke up and continued, "She is right. Although we can see it and feel it, this thing doesn't feel like it exists in this world, but in another overlapping space..."

Luo Xi was stunned halfway through his words.

And Gu Qingqing and Dong Qianxue next to him all looked at Mo Xun as if they had seen a ghost.

Because the stone platform in front of them disappeared strangely.

Just like that, in front of everyone, without any signs, it disappeared without a trace.

" did you do it?"

Although she felt a little embarrassed, Fairy Gu didn't care about it. She was eager to know the answer due to her strong curiosity and doubts.

The same was true for Luo Xi!

The rumored Ascension Platform was easily put away.

Not to mention seeing it, she had never even heard of it.

Mo Xun was also stunned for a moment, and then spread his hands innocently.

"I didn't do anything!"

The women fell silent at the same time, but their eyes were full of suspicion.

Could it be such a coincidence that this thing just ran away to other places after they found it?

" has nothing to do with you?"

Mo Xun nodded solemnly.

"Of course, do you think I have the ability to put away such a big thing silently?"

Fairy Gu held one hand on her very proud chest, supported her chin with the other hand, and walked around Mo Xun twice, her eyes full of suspicion.

She was quite familiar with the many strange things about Mo Xun.

In more than 70 years, he was able to cultivate from the early stage of Danjie to the peak, and he also had a horizontal training level comparable to Yuanying.

With a casual move, he could produce a magical item like Wuhuan Dan.

He even vowed to give each of them a chance to form a Nascent Soul!

No matter which one, it was not something that ordinary people could easily do.

Mo Xun's mystery had far exceeded the limit of opportunities that ordinary cultivators could encounter.

Although this Ascension Platform had been unshakable since ancient times, if it was the unpredictable Mo Xun, she would inevitably be shaken.

But the reaction Mo Xun showed now did not seem to be lying.

Could it really have nothing to do with this guy?

"Where is your Tianyu Tower?"

As Mo Xun turned his palm, an ancient pagoda-shaped magic weapon floated in front of the few people.

He took the opportunity to untie the restrictions on it and let the few people use their spiritual sense to check it at will.

In fact, there is no need to doubt this kind of thing at all. No matter how magical the Tianyu Tower is, it is ultimately refined by the cultivators of this world. It is nothing more than a level higher than the storage bag in terms of spatial structure.

Watching the suspicion on the faces of the three women slowly fade away, Mo Xun's mouth corners were raised imperceptibly.

After searching the vicinity for a while, the few people returned to Guan Yanran. .

After a short recovery, Chen Muling finally woke up.

Mo Xun threw out another pill, and only started the next interrogation after the other party was completely awake.

Although Chen Muling's cultivation was much higher than that of his disciple Guan Yanran, she still couldn't feel Mo Xun's true realm.

Let alone Mo Xun, she couldn't see through Gu Qingqing and the other two.

It can only be vaguely seen that these people are all powerful cultivators, and any one of them is probably stronger than her master.

"First, tell me why the Tiandao League sent you to Huanyunyuan?"

Guan Yanran supported the weak master, and Chen Muling could only kneel on the ground reluctantly. After taking a deep breath, he did not answer but asked, "I wonder what your name is, senior!"

Mo Xun smiled slightly.

He could feel the woman's vigilance towards him, but it was easy to understand. When he was building his foundation, whenever he saw someone with a higher cultivation level than him, the first thing he thought of was to be on guard.

"You don't need to worry about whether I am a bad guy or not. Just tell me what you know. I think with your cultivation level, you probably don't know much. Of course, you can choose not to tell me, but I can save you and take back your life. And before you die, I can get everything I want to know."

Chen Muling and Guan Yanran were shocked at the same time.

Although Mo Xun did not release any pressure, the powerful aura that took hundreds of years to slowly form was enough to oppress them.

Strength is sometimes so unreasonable.

In front of those high-level cultivators, even if you want to die, you can't control it.

Chen Muling sighed in his heart, not knowing whether it was a blessing or a curse to be lucky enough to save his life this time?

"As the senior said, I don't know much. Yanran and I just followed the master down the mountain to practice. I thought there was no danger. Who knew that now I am separated from the master forever..."

Speaking of this, Chen Muling sighed again.

"The content that the Tiandao League wants to convey is probably only known to Master. I only know that this matter is related to the recent abnormal movement of the ancient teleportation array. The three of us came to Huanyunyuan this time mainly to invite the leader of the Tiangui Sect and the Saint Lady to go to Southern Xinjiang together."

Ancient teleportation array?

Mo Xun secretly raised his eyebrows. This was a bit beyond his expectations.

Could it be that Southern Xinjiang has found a way to repair the array gate?

That's not right!

If that's the case, why bother notifying others? With the nature of those people, they must have teleported away first.

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