When he saw the person in the painting, Mo Xun's body trembled suddenly, and his whole body stayed in place.

The magic power in his body spurted out uncontrollably, knocking Gu Qingqing back several steps.

Even the speeding car speeding through the air shook violently.


Seeing the expression on Mo Xun's face, Gu Qingqing confirmed his suspicion.

If there are any unnecessary questions, there is actually no need to ask any more.

This guy must have a great relationship with that woman!

"How do you know her?"

At this moment, Mo Xun was both shocked and confused.

No matter how good he was at making assumptions, he still had trouble understanding the scene before him.

It wasn't until a cup of tea that Mo Xun slowly recovered from his shock.

"She's actually alive!"

This was the first sentence he spoke after the silence.

Gu Qingqing sat cross-legged next to him and let out a long sigh of relief. She had not spoken out for a while, which made her feel uncomfortable.

I don't know why, but Gu Xianzi, who had always made a living by cheating and kidnapping, was depressed for the first time because of concealment.

As soon as this idea came up, even she was shocked.

Could it be that he has just changed his ways?

Gu Qingqing shook her head hastily. If her sect followed the rules, it would be tantamount to betraying the sect!

In the future, if I miss the path and go underground, how should I explain it to the master?

And those fellow apprentices, if they knew it, they wouldn’t laugh to death?

Losing your skills is the next best thing. If you lose your desire to deceive people, what will you do to make a living in the future?

When it comes to fighting, she can only bully those whose cultivation is lower than hers.

Talking about strategy, from childhood to college is how to fish.

As for her identity and background, it is impossible to talk about it. Her achievements today are all due to her hard work.

Just when Gu Qingqing felt sorry for herself, Mo Xun let out a long sigh.

"Are you OK?"

Mo Xun smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"Thank you for saving her life."

"Draw your sword to help, hehe... This girl always likes to see injustice on the road, but are you... really okay?"

Mo Xun regained his calm state of mind, but his eyes still stayed on the portrait in the void.

Just a few strokes, but the outline is vivid.

She is still so beautiful, but between her eyebrows, the youthfulness and immaturity of the past can no longer be seen, but there is a little more strangeness.

After more than two hundred years, he is probably a different person!

He had thought that Yun Shang would embark on the path of cultivating immortality, but he never expected to see her again one day.

In the vast world of cultivating immortals, I don’t know how many people die every day, and how many people step into this path one after another.

It is already a great fate to get news from the other party again.

"What do you think will happen to me? Should I cry a lot or laugh three times?"

Gu Qingqing forced a smile.

"Actually, it doesn't hurt to cry. If you want to go back to find her, I can accompany you."

Mo Xun shook his head again.

"No need, she and I shouldn't have had that experience, so why bother again? Speaking of which, the time I spent with her is far less than the time I spent with you. It was just a period of youth back then. Just ignorant!”

Gu Qingqing frowned and said, "How can this be the same?"

Mo Xun smiled.

"What's the difference?"

Gu Qingqing was immediately troubled by these words.

Yeah, what's the difference?

Although she felt that it was different in her heart, she didn't know what reason to refute.

"Then what are you going to do next?"

Mo Xun suddenly stood up. Not far from here, a small town for cultivating immortals already appeared in his consciousness.

"Let's settle a grudge first."

He looked into the distance with clear eyes, without any disturbance, just like when he left Xunyang County.

At that time, he only had a green gourd and had never even seen a decent alchemy furnace.

With only one belief, he resolutely embarked on an unknown journey.

Over the years, many people are gone, and he has experienced too many things, but only that persistence remains unchanged.

He really wanted to see some of his old friends, especially the woman he had been with for three years.

But what can we say after meeting?

Explain that he once missed the ten-year date because of his cultivation, and later went to Xunyang County to find the other party?

What's the point?

He is now a Nascent Soul cultivator, and Yun Shang has already formed an elixir.

The two of them are no longer the ignorant young people they were before. They each have their own current missions and responsibilities that need to be shouldered.

We can't go back the years, so why waste the future?

If we are destined, we may meet one day.

Let all this be left to God’s will!

In this regard, Mo Xun is an extremely contradictory person.

As a monk, he is doing things that go against heaven, but many times, he respects God's will very much.

On the road, he believes that man can conquer nature.

For other things, he completely left it to God to arrange.

It seems that he will accept whatever fate gives him. Only when faced with life and death, will he stand up and fight with God.


The current situation in southern Xinjiang is not much different from when Mo Xun left many years ago.

The sects under the Tiandao Alliance are still there, and Sheng, Xuan, Chechi, Xuanwu and Yue Guo all keep their respective duties.

The only difference is that most of the original territory of Yue State is now under the influence of the Demonic Path.

The Spirit Beast Mountain and Qianji Sect, which were originally entrenched here, had to retreat tens of thousands of miles away.

In order to make up for the losses of the two sects, the other sects also appropriately gave up some territory.

It is ironic that the thirteen powerful sects of Tiandao were forced to cede a large piece of land by the nine sects of the Demonic Path.

Fortunately, this war is finally over!

Although there are still some small-scale conflicts at the border, it has been relatively stable for more than a hundred years.

After this war, both sides suffered heavy casualties, not to mention the foundation building and Qi refining, even many Jindan cultivators died.

The cause of the whole war, in addition to the dispute over the Dao, is the scramble for cultivation resources.

In the peace agreement, the Tiandao League not only made a lot of compensation, but also opened many secret realms under the jurisdiction of the thirteen sects. Whenever they are opened, the Demonic Path cultivators are allowed to come and compete for opportunities.


There is no Dingshan in Chechi State!

A man in green shirt walked into a market alone, his steps steady and his face calm.

This man was Mo Xun who had returned to Southern Xinjiang for more than a month.

This place was under the jurisdiction of a "Zong" family of immortal cultivators, named Wudingfang.

The nearest sect was Tianyun Sect, but Mo Xun did not come here to find the Liu brothers.

Those two were not worth his special trip.

Today's market was very lively, because in a few days, a grand event held once every ten years in Chechi Country would be held here.

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