Mo Xun suppressed his cultivation to the middle stage of foundation building.

As long as the Nascent Soul does not come out, not many people can see his true realm.

Wuding Mountain is indeed a good place. It is far away from the Yue Kingdom occupied by the Demonic Path, and it is considered the rear base of the entire southern border.

Even if the two sides clash again, the war will basically not spread here.

He has been here for a few days, and he has almost found out many things he wants to know.

But the more he finds out, the tighter his brows frown.

This "Zong" family is the immortal cultivation family that he promised to Fairy Yuehua to destroy the entire clan in the Soul-Calming Tower under the Tianxiang Valley.

Although the deadline for this promise has not passed halfway, he does not want to drag it on any longer.

It can be completed one day earlier, and one thing can be resolved.

But when the time comes, he is a little troubled.

It's not that this Zong family is so strong, or how difficult it is to deal with.

According to the information he had heard, since the Yuanying ancestor of the Zong family passed away two hundred years ago, the highest cultivation level now is only at the peak of the Jindan stage.

The new ancestor has been in seclusion for decades, and there is no sign of the formation of the infant until now.

It was also from that time that the Zong family has rapidly declined in both status and appeal in the southern border where there are many sects.

Now, it can only be regarded as a second-rate family.

The grand event gathered here now was hosted by the current head of the family with great efforts.

Think about how prominent the Zong family was in the past, and the ancestor was a late-stage great cultivator.

Even in the past thousand years, those who have been protecting the entire family were at least Yuanying or above.

Who would have thought that it would become like this after such a short time!

It feels a bit like the swallows in front of the halls of the old Wang and Xie families.

So there is a saying often circulated in the world of cultivating immortals, that is, a sect of ten thousand years, a family of a thousand years.

The inheritance model of one family and one surname is often difficult to continue for a long time.

The reason is very simple. The sect accepts cultivators from all over the world, and there is no restriction on selecting talents. Only capable people can rise to the top.

But the aristocratic family can only select heirs from the family. If there is no bloodline blessing, most of the generations will be worse than the previous generation.

If you meet a talented person, maybe you can continue the glory of the family.

But if you are mediocre, you will start to go downhill.

Even worse, there will be people like the Luo family in Biling Valley, who value the legitimate family over the illegitimate family, which is simply putting a golden hoop on the development of the family.

If all hopes are placed on the descendants of the family, it is undeniable that some outstanding people will appear, but the probability is definitely not high.

For this point, you can refer to the countries in the mortal world.

Among the hereditary monarchs, the most outstanding ones are basically the founding monarchs.

What makes Mo Xun embarrassed is the private morality of this family.

It is not difficult to kill a person, and even with his current ability, it is not a big problem to destroy the previous family.

But killing people requires a reason!

The reasons for killing one person and killing a group of people are different.

Now the only reason in his mind is the agreement he made with Fairy Yuehua.

But this excuse is obviously not enough to support him to kill a group of people.

This is where he is entangled.

Although he is just a casual cultivator and has always considered himself not a good person, he still hesitates to easily destroy a family.

These days, he has been mainly investigating the past evil deeds of the clan.

Even if there is a little bullying of men and women, or doing evil things, it will be good for him to have an explanation.

When he takes action, he will not have such a heavy psychological burden.

But the result is quite a headache for him.

The reputation of the entire clan is really too good.

After a round of wandering, he almost didn't hear anything bad about the clan from the casual cultivators who are vassals here.

For thousands of years, despite the rise and fall of the family and the change of the head of the family, this clan has always upheld an extremely simple family style from top to bottom.

Under its management, Wudingfang rarely has deaths for no reason.

And every once in a while, the clan will imitate the clan and take out certain cultivation resources to hold various grand events to attract outside cultivators to participate in the competition.

Just like this time, it is the Yue Kingdom’s ten-year exchange conference for casual cultivators.

At the conference, there are not only grand auctions and exchanges, but also special arenas for fighting, and all the prizes are provided by the clan.

It can be said that this family did not do too much while eating meat, and left enough soup for others to drink.

Compared with many insidious and vicious forces, it is already a family of benevolence and righteousness.

In the teahouse, listening to the noisy chatter around and looking at the various pedestrians passing by, Mo Xun felt quite absurd.

He was like a despicable villain who deliberately found fault.

The other person clearly had no fault, but he racked his brains to find faults just to kill him.

If the hypocrisy of others is only superficial, then he is deceiving himself.

At this point, he is not qualified to judge whether the original promise was right or wrong.

As a beneficiary, the exquisite ring given to him by Fairy Yuehua did help him a lot.

There were even several times when she saved him from danger.

This is the result of a cause. He did not straighten his heart from the beginning, until he went astray and found that he was in a dilemma.

But ask yourself, how many people in the world do not have a hypocritical side?

Take the simplest example, picking up a purse on the road.

Some people will take it for themselves and leave the scene immediately.

This kind of people are selfish, but it cannot be denied that they are selfish and open, because deep in their hearts, they do not feel any guilt.

Another small number of people will wait for the owner at the same place, even if they have to wait for a day and a night, they will return the things to the owner.

This is undoubtedly noble and can be classified as pure in heart.

Another part of people is hypocritical.

They clearly want to take it for themselves, but they will feel guilty.

At this time, they often do some absurd actions.

For example, they set a time limit for themselves, one stick of incense, or half an hour, and then stay at the same place during this period.

Once the owner comes, they will return it to the owner with disappointment.

If they can't wait, they will leave in a hurry with peace of mind to offset the guilt.

Even during the waiting period, they will secretly pray that the owner will not come to the door so soon.

Obviously, what they are doing now is waiting for the owner, but they don't want to wait.

The hypocrisy in the world is probably nothing more than this!

We cannot simply classify such people as good or evil, after all, everyone has a selfish side deep in their hearts.

It is human nature, and it is inevitable!

Mo Xun's current situation is similar to this.

He accepted the favor of Fairy Yuehua and wanted to work hard to fulfill that promise.

He could repay kindness with evil, but it would greatly violate his original intention, so he would be entangled in this!

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