Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 91 Red-eyed Centipede

Where the two people were standing, a black shadow whizzed past like a strong wind, and a piercing scream came from the mouth. The two people suddenly felt as if they were stabbed by silver needles. Under the pain, they were temporarily absent-minded. for a moment.

After the black shadow flew into the air, it soared into the sky and disappeared into the white mist again.

Mo Xun looked at the disappearing black figure and immediately froze on the spot. It was clearly an extra-large bat. With its wings spread out, it was no smaller than a person.

"Brother Mo, are you okay?"

Mo Xun came to his senses and his face became a little pale.

"It's okay. Brother Xiao, do you know what that thing was just now?"

Xiao Qian rubbed his still dizzy head and said, "It should be a long-tailed bat, a first-level monster!"

Mo Xun immediately frowned: "Is that a monster?"

"It is considered the lowest level monster. It only looks bluffing and has no magic power. As long as you and I keep our minds, we won't be frightened by its screams."

Mo Xun nodded in understanding. Now that he was here, he could only take one step at a time.

The two of them found a cave at night. Their eyesight was limited during the day, let alone at night.

Taking advantage of his rest, Mo Xun entered the green gourd and transplanted all the dozens of elixirs he obtained during the day into the black soil. These might all come in handy in Blue Sky City.

Early the next morning, the two were on the road again. The terrain in the valley was uneven and bushes were everywhere. Because there were few people coming and going, most of the time, they had to walk through the thorns.

Fortunately, they all have magic power, so this mountain road is nothing to them.

According to Xiao Qian's estimate, he would reach the edge of the inner valley he mentioned in about ten days' walk, and most of the old spiritual herbs would also appear there.

"Hey, Brother Mo, it seems that you and I are lucky enough to meet this guy here."

At this time, the two of them were surrounded by seven or eight black centipedes that were as thick as an adult's thigh and nearly a foot long.

Mo Xun looked at the densely packed legs and feet in front of him and felt his scalp numb.

Can this be called good luck?

These centipedes surrounded the two people, their bodies squirming left and right, the teeth in their mouths were clearly visible, and pairs of red eyes on their heads, looking at the two people coldly.

Xiao Qian glanced at Mo Xun, who was tense all over, and said with a smile: "These are called red-eyed centipedes. They are also first-level monsters. Although they look disgusting, the carapace on them is actually the material for refining weapons. A complete carapace." , you can exchange it for at least two spiritual stones!"

As soon as Xiao Qian finished speaking, one of the largest centipedes suddenly spat out a stream of black mucus, spraying it towards the two of them like a ladle of water.

Xiao Qian hurriedly pulled Mo Xun and dodged sideways, but the two centipedes behind him seized this opportunity and also sprayed out a mouthful of mucus. After they were prepared, they each jumped up and jumped to the tree nearby. .

"Don't let their venom stick to your body. Although it's not very poisonous, you can still bear it."

The two people's dodge obviously angered these centipedes, and they were seen swarming like a swarm of swarms, making a rustling sound as hundreds of feet stepped on them, and quickly climbed up the tree.

Seeing that these centipedes were about to crawl to him, Mo Xun suddenly stabbed out a centipede and hit the carapace of a centipede. There was a "bang" sound and a metallic sound. Mo Xun felt as if he had been stabbed. Average on copper and iron.

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