Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 92: Beheading Centipede

Xiao Qian also kicked out a centipede that was close to him.

"Brother Mo, it seems that you and I have to cooperate. Later, Xiao will find a way to trap these beasts. You find the right opportunity and burn them with fire!"

After saying that, Xiao Qian jumped down first, followed closely by Mo Xun, who landed next to him.

The centipede, which had already climbed up the big tree, jumped behind the two of them, stepped on each other, and crawled towards them quickly.

But at this time, Xiao Qian also moved.

I saw that he had already inserted the fan behind his back, his expression suddenly became serious, his hands were quickly changing Taoist formulas in front of his chest, and he was mumbling words. In a moment, a sudden change occurred.

Countless tree roots and vines grew rapidly in the soil in front of them. Some were as thin as fingers, while others were as thick as a baby's arms, and they wrapped around the centipedes one after another.

The branches and leaves on the big tree where the centipedes were were also started to dance, and in the blink of an eye, all the centipedes were densely entangled.

Seeing this scene, Mo Xun was secretly frightened. This was the first time he had seen such a formation. He did not expect that Xiao Qian's wood attribute spells could be practiced to such an extent.

It's just that those branches and vines only lasted for two or three breaths, and were either corroded by the venom spit out by the centipede, or broke free from the impact.

After the break, although new vines will be added around, they will obviously be much thinner and less numerous than the first wave!

At this time, Xiao Qian had a lot of sweat on his forehead because he had cast such a large-scale spell.

"Brother Mo, what are you doing standing still? Burn these insects soon. I won't be able to hold on for long!"

Listening to Xiao Qian's urgent urging, Mo Xun quickly reacted, and the Fiery Fire Technique in his body began to circulate. He was about to release the flames with his hands clasping the formula.

However, Xiao Qian on the side spoke again and said quickly: "Just burn their heads, don't burn their bodies. If the price is different, they won't be worth much!"

Hearing this, Mo Xun's spiritual power in his body went into chaos, and he almost went crazy. He was speechless. How long had it been, and he was still thinking about selling it for money.

As Mo Xun finished reciting the spell quickly, he threw fireballs as big as heads one after another from his hand, hitting the centipedes that were unable to move for a while.

It is strange to say that although the bodies of those centipedes are hard, their heads are extremely fragile. Under the fire, all the centipedes' bodies twisted crazily, and screams of "呲呲呲" came out from their mouths at the same time.

Seeing this, Xiao Qian brushed his right hand from the storage bag, took out a big knife, and ran towards the centipedes, shouting at the same time: "Brother Mo, hurry up and chop off the heads of these long insects, and they will jump Can’t get up.”

Mo Xun then picked up his spear and cut off all the centipede heads with Xiao Qian. After a while, the dying centipedes stopped moving.

Xiao Qian laughed and disembowelled all the centipedes with ease, leaving only segments of the carapace the size of a bowl.

With a wave of his sleeves, half of the black carapace on the ground was gone.

"Brother Mo, please put the rest away. When we get to Blue Sky City, I will take you to exchange them for spiritual stones."

Mo Xun nodded and put the remaining carapace into the storage bag without refusing.

"Brother Xiao, I wonder what kind of magic weapon these carapace can be refined into?"

Xiao Qian was in a good mood and said with a smile: "That's a lot. Weapons with soft armor are fine, but these centipedes are of too low a grade, and the magical weapons they make are mainly sold to low-level monks like us."

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