Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 93: Deep in the Valley

The two of them walked like this for another seven or eight days, stopping and resting. During this time, they encountered several first-level monsters, which were easily killed by the two of them.

And the deeper they went into the valley, the more frequent they encountered monsters.

Just half a day today, they had already encountered two groups.

One was a large emerald green python named Green Scale Python, with a body as thick as an arm, and the other was a red fox named Blood Fox.

Mo Xun also gradually realized that not all monster scales and fur were useful. Except for the red-eyed centipede he encountered for the first time, the ones he encountered later were probably only worth a little gold and silver in the mortal world, and were almost useless to cultivators.

The two of them were injured to varying degrees in the frequent fights over the past few days, especially Mo Xun, who was hit on the shoulder by the tail of a second-level monster and had a fracture on the spot. Now, with more and more monsters, the two of them had to be very alert all the time.

"Wait, there seems to be someone ahead!" Mo Xun hurriedly stopped, and while sending a message to Xiao Qian, he had already bent down and took a bow step, holding a spear in his hand, and pretended to be fully alert.

Sweat on his forehead flowed down his temples. Although there was no sun in the dense forest, it was hot and stuffy inside.

Both of them were a little embarrassed now, especially Xiao Qian, who had changed several sets of clothes.

This person was too particular about his appearance and clothes. As long as they were dirty or scratched, he would throw them away.

Mo Xun was puzzled, and he didn't know how many new clothes were in his storage bag.

Xiao Qian also became nervous when he heard this. He followed Mo Xun's gaze and looked through the bushes and weeds. He saw a few people lying on the ground two or three feet away.

Entering the depths of the fog, their vision was greatly obstructed.

The two men held their breath and concentrated at the same time. In Xiao Qian's opinion, if they encountered some low-level monsters in this place, they could barely deal with it, but if they encountered other cultivators, it would be hard to say whether it was a blessing or a curse.

This place, which was far from the village and the shop, was a good place to kill people and rob treasures.

Mo Xun had never experienced the intrigues and deceptions in the world of immortal cultivation, so he thought it was simpler. Seeing the actions of those people at this time, which were a bit like the reactions when they encountered danger, he hurriedly observed around, thinking that the other party had encountered some difficult guys.

However, the two waited for half an incense stick of time, but there was no movement in the distance. Except for the occasional breeze that rustled the leaves on the trees, it was so quiet that it was a little creepy.

"Brother Mo, it looks like a dead person!"

Mo Xun nodded in agreement, but he was still vigilant in his heart.

Although they had seen a lot of corpses and remains, they were basically alone. It was rare for several people to die at the same time.

The two looked at each other, and then they understood and pushed away the weeds, slowly moving forward.

When they got there and saw the people lying on the ground, their expressions changed.

Mo Xun looked at the bodies lying on the ground, and his stomach was churning, and he felt sick.

The people under his feet had all been ripped open by something, and their intestines and blood were all over the ground. The soil under his feet turned black and red, and the air was filled with a faint smell of blood.

Some people's heads were hanging on their necks, as if they had been gnawed by a beast, revealing the white bones inside.

There were also several people whose arms and legs were broken, and they were lying on the ground in pieces.

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