In Wuding Mountain, Mo Xun is like a shuttle ghost, wandering rapidly in the mountains, forests and high spaces.

After practicing for hundreds of years, at this moment, he can truly be called Soaring into the Clouds and Riding the Fog.

His strong horizontal training skills gave him the feeling of walking on flat ground among the trees, mountains, rivers and rocks.

It is no exaggeration to say that his current physical strength is comparable to some top monsters.

While wielding fists and kicks, I dare not say that the ground will crack, but it can also cause landslides.

Sure enough, as he expected, Zongtai disappeared as soon as he felt the crisis of Nascent Soul.

In mid-air, Mo Xun suddenly sneered.

With the mana in his body running wildly, his speed has accelerated again. If anyone catches his trace now, they will be shocked to find that it is almost like a bolt of lightning.

Immediately afterwards, nothing appeared in his field of vision, but the sword in his hand was already thrown.

Then there was a scream of despair!

When Mo Xun came to Zongtai, the corners of his mouth were still bleeding with blood.

This is a very strong guy. If you didn’t know better, you might have thought he was a body refiner!

Underneath his twisted face was a ferocious expression of resentment.

The magic weapon in his hand is also very interesting. It is a candle dragon lantern engraved with fish and dragon patterns.

The whole body exudes extremely powerful fire-attributed mana fluctuations.

As for the top of the head, there is also a large fiery red seal, which condenses a dark red body-protecting aura on the body surface.

"Who are you, sir, and why do you want to interfere in the grudges of my clan?"

Mo Xun noticed that this person did have traces of being injured by the Jade Sky Sword, but the situation was not as serious as he thought.

It seems that this guy is one of the best in the same realm.

"You're just going to catch me. If I don't kill you, why don't you come with me to meet someone?"

Zongtai was startled for a moment, as if he had not expected such an answer.

However, he did not want to lose the hope of life in this world.

Even though he will die in less than a hundred years, he has not lived enough in this life!

"Meeting whom?"

The corners of Mo Xun's mouth raised slightly.

"Someone you're interested in!"

Although he didn't know what the grudge between Fairy Yuehua and the Zong family was, but judging from the attitude of the Liu family brothers at that time, the Zong family had probably been looking for the whereabouts of Fairy Yuehua for several generations.

Zongtai frowned and fell silent, as if he was thinking about something.

But the next moment, a huge fire snake suddenly shot out from the candle dragon lantern, roaring and rushing towards Mo Xun.

No, it should be called Fire Dragon.

In an instant, the ferocious fire dragon, which was more than ten feet long, swallowed Mo Xun in the sky full of flames.

The scorching heat can almost melt pig iron.

At the same time, a long fairy-binding lock wrapped around Mo Xun's body a step earlier.

Before this was over, a black bead the size of a dragon's eye also exploded in front of Mo Xun, causing ripples in space dozens of feet wide.

Exploding pussy beads!

Mo Xun naturally knew that the power of this thing was no less than a powerful blow from the Yuanying monk!

Some of the higher levels are even comparable to the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

Zongtai, who did all this, after frantically burning a large ball of essence and blood, finally broke free from Mo Xun's spiritual domain and disappeared in a flash of fire.

This person also has a good fire escape method.

But before his escape technique could completely tear apart the space, Mo Xun's cold voice came to his ears.

"Don't overestimate your capabilities!"

Then, a shower of blood sprayed out hundreds of feet away without any warning.

Zong Taisheng was pulled out of the space escape technique that was about to be completed, and fell to the ground far away.

Mo Xun's figure also appeared in front of him the next moment.

In a daze, Zongtai spat out thick blood again as he looked at the Immortal Binding Chain in Mo Xun's hand that had broken into two pieces.

He almost couldn't believe it!

That is a top magic weapon that can even be imprisoned by Yuanying monks. Why can't it be held in the opponent's hands for even a moment?

The scary thing is that it was also destroyed!

There is also the Explosive Yin Pearl, which was left behind by the ancestor of the previous clan.

Why is there no injury on this person?

As soon as they fought, he knew that the Nascent Soul that suddenly appeared in front of him not only practiced law, but was also a body-refining monk.

And the physical body is already strong enough to destroy magic weapons!

Mo Xun sneered again and again, playing with fire in front of him. Most people really don't have the qualifications!

"Who are you? Why do you want to be at odds with my clan?"

This was the last sentence Zongtai said before he fell into coma, and it was also the most confusing doubt in his heart at the moment.

But right now, he may not get the answer for the time being.

There was a sudden stabbing pain in the sea of ​​consciousness. Before Zongtai could even make up his mind to self-explode the golden elixir, Mo Xun sealed his entire body and threw him directly into the Tianyu Tower!

Feeling the effect of the divine attack just now, Mo Xun pondered briefly on the spot.

He couldn't help but touch his chin.

Since breaking through to Nascent Soul, he has become more proficient and precise in mastering the transformation of divine consciousness.

There is no doubt about this, but it always feels a bit awkward to use.

It's like...holding an incredibly sharp machete in your hand, but only using it to chop vegetables.

It seems that if I have time, I need to find some methods for cultivating my spiritual consciousness.

On the way back to the Zong family, Mo Xun received a transmission note.

He frowned slightly at first, and then relaxed.

Luo Xi and Dong Qianxue went after the two demonic monks, but it seemed that they were not very successful. They only caught Situ Zhang.

As for the other person, he lost his trace.

Mo Xun thought about it and asked the two to come back first.

Capturing one alive would not affect what he was going to do next.

Just as he was about to go and see what was happening with Gu Qingqing, several familiar figures appeared in his consciousness.

It was Qin Xuanrong!

After the appearance of the "Senior Wan", the five people disappeared strangely. Now they appeared in the hinterland of the back mountain of the clan family, which already showed that their purpose of this trip was not so simple.

There is no news about Gu Qingqing for the time being. I think the melee has not ended yet.

Or, the "Senior Wan" is not dead yet!

This man's fighting power is also very strong. He was not at a disadvantage when fighting one against five before. I don't know what happened now?

While thinking, he had landed in the forest below without anyone noticing.

I saw five people not far away, besieging a formation in front of a mountain wall with all their strength. Behind them, there were scattered corpses.

Everyone had some injuries, some were even half-stained with blood.

It seemed that Mo Xun's guess was correct. The "Senior Wan" attracted firepower in the open, and several people took the opportunity to sneak here to steal something.

Soon, the formation in front of the mountain was broken.

Then a stone door appeared on the mountain wall.

Zuo Tianming used a giant axe magic weapon that was almost as tall as him, and chopped it down with an axe, and the stone door was completely opened with a rumble.

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