Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 914: One Kick Shatters the Pill

The few people looked at each other, and Zuo Tianming led the way into the cave.

After a slight hesitation, Mo Xun followed quietly.

There was a formation of isolation and prohibition in the cave, and he didn't know what was hidden in it for a while.

As soon as he entered the cave, Mo Xun heard the deafening sound of fighting again.

Then, a figure flew towards him.

However, Mo Xun was not alert at all. Instead, he reached out and took the man's waist, helping him to land steadily beside him.

The other party was about to resist in a cry of surprise, but when he saw the face in front of him clearly, his eyes widened.

"Mo... Uncle Mo!"

The person who spoke was naturally Qin Xuanrong.

However, Qin Xuanrong's situation at the moment seemed to be a little bad. Not only was the mana in his body disordered, but his shoulder was also a bloody mess.

Before Mo Xun could speak, Qin Xuanrong seemed to realize something and quickly reacted from his daze.

"Uncle, please leave quickly. There is a Jindan cultivator here!"

The appearance of Mo Xun almost made Qin Xuanrong think that she had an illusion.

This person who shouldn't appear happened to appear at the wrong time and in the wrong place.

However, in a flash, she guessed that after Senior Wan took action, a group of scattered cultivators fled in all directions, and Mo Xun came here in a panic.

But now is obviously not the time to ask.

According to the information they had received before, the clan arranged heavy guards here, but they never expected that there would be a Jindan cultivator.

As soon as they entered the cave, the two sides immediately fought.

Fortunately, the other party was only in the early stage of Jindan, and they also had some treasures given by Senior Wan, so they could barely resist.

Without saying anything, Mo Xun stretched out a hand and pressed on her injured shoulder.

Qin Xuanrong was shocked again!

But then, a very cool feeling came from the wound, which not only stopped the bleeding, but also made it less painful.

"What are you looking for here?"

Qin Xuanrong was stunned and seemed to realize that she might have guessed something wrong.

But before she could ask, a sharp gust of wind suddenly hit the two of them.

Qin Xuanrong was shocked again and shouted in a hurry.

"Be careful!"

But at this moment, she was being held tightly by Mo Xun's shoulders, and she couldn't move at all.

She didn't expect Mo Xun to be so strong. It didn't seem to be exerting much strength, but her body seemed to be nailed to the spot.

When the gust of wind came to her, Qin Xuanrong finally saw clearly that it was a crescent-shaped curved blade.

The blade flashed with a cold light and went straight to Mo Xun's neck.

If nothing unexpected happened, this knife would inevitably lead to a bloody scene of people falling to the ground.

But by the time she reacted and reminded him, it was obviously too late. In addition, the person who shot the scimitar was a Jindan cultivator, and the mana and lethality contained in it were beyond imagination.

Qin Xuanrong was almost scared out of her mind at this moment.

Although Mo Xun and she had just met, the grace of saving her life that year was always remembered in the hearts of her family.

Her father Qin Yi had also expressed his feelings many times that if he could see the benefactor again, he would do his best to repay him.

But now, she could do nothing.

And just as Qin Xuanrong struggled to break free from Mo Xun's restraints, the next scene shocked her again.

The moment the scimitar light blade touched Mo Xun's skin, it dissipated strangely.

Just like that, in front of her eyes, it disappeared like a bucket of clear water poured on a stone.

But how could this be possible?

Did she perceive it wrongly, or did this Uncle Mo have a top-level protective treasure?

But why didn't she notice any signs of mana defense?

At the same time, the Jindan cultivator who was killing people in the cave also noticed something unusual.

Everyone noticed Mo Xun's sudden appearance.

But except for Zuo Tianming and others who were slightly surprised, no one took it to heart.

The chaotic turbid air in Mo Xun's body, if he didn't deliberately use his mana, even a Yuanying cultivator would find it difficult to discover his true cultivation.

So Qin Xuanrong and others still regarded him as the previous middle stage of foundation building.

Only the Jindan cultivator had a solemn expression.

But now it was a big battle, and he couldn't distract himself to think about these weird places, so he could only regard Mo Xun as a potential threat.

There was another rumble in the cave!

The streams of light flashed a dazzling brilliance in the dimness, and the originally small cave was like a group of fireworks.

In the firelight, everyone's situation was exposed.

Except for Zuo Tianming who staggered back, Zhong Xiaomei and the other three fell heavily on the rock wall, smashing pieces of rubble.

As for the Jindan cultivator, he seemed to be able to handle it with ease.

After all, it was the gap in realm. Even if the five people joined forces and had the help of rare treasures, they still could not resist for a few rounds.

Of course, the narrow space in the cave also limited the use of certain combined attack methods.

After injuring several people at once, the man suddenly changed his target and flew towards Mo Xun.

The speed was so fast that it could be said to be instantaneous!

One of his arms was directly transformed into a bear paw. The terrifying giant claw covered with mane was like a half-human and half-beast, and the five sharp claws were like five sharp knives with cold light.

No one would doubt that even gold and stone would be scraped off a layer of skin under this claw.

Qin Xuanrong was so shocked that she was speechless at this scene.

She seemed to have foreseen the scene of blood gushing out, and her eyes were full of helplessness and fear.

But what appeared in front of everyone was another scene.

But Mo Xun just raised his hand to block it, and the "bear paw" with powerful magic power and murderous aura, after a burst of magic power shock around, was easily blocked by Mo Xun.

There was no blood splashing, and no screams were heard.

Only the blue shirt that was blown up in the aftermath of the fight slowly fell down again.

"You are... a body-refining cultivator!"

This was the last sentence left by the Jindan cultivator in front of him, whose name had not yet been reported.

Mo Xun's body surface flashed with golden light, and he kicked out, heading straight for the other party's lower abdomen Jindan position.

Amidst the muffled groans, there was another slight cracking sound. The Jindan cultivator spat out blood, and a hideous and painful face froze on his face instantly.

He could not even utter a single word.

One kick, and the elixir was broken!

Then, in the eyes of everyone, this person was like a kite with a broken string, drawing an arc in the dimness, and fell heavily on the rock wall not far away.

As for whether he died or not, it probably didn't matter anymore!

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