Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 915: The surname Yin

"Uncle Mo, you..."

Qin Xuanrong felt mixed emotions. If she still couldn't figure out what was happening, she would be stupid.

Zuo Tianming took over the conversation with a look of astonishment, and the others all looked over.

"Are you a body cultivator?"

What Mo Xun had just shown was indeed in line with all the characteristics of a horizontal cultivator.

Dharma cultivators have always had a more complex view of body cultivation.

They were somewhat disdainful, but also respectful.

The reason for disdain was that body cultivation did not require spiritual roots, and anyone could take this path.

It was like a scholar looking down on a warrior, thinking that they were brainless and could only choose to practice martial arts.

The improvement of life span from body cultivation was far inferior to that from practicing Dharma.

Even if one reached the peak of the ninth realm, one could only live for three or four hundred years at most.

As for admiration, most physical cultivation often required suffering.

In the absence of a panacea, one can only use a method similar to steel forging to constantly exchange pain for physical strength.

This kind of suffering is persistent, and it is difficult to persist without great willpower.

But if a person practices both Dharma and body, it is another feeling.

They will be confused!

Why choose body training when you can obviously practice Dharma?

If you have that energy and financial resources, you might as well put them all into the realm of Dharma practice.

It should be noted that the resource consumption of body training is not less than that of Dharma practice.

Especially for someone like Mo Xun, since he can easily seriously injure or even kill a Jindan cultivator, it means that his own horizontal training realm is at least above the sixth realm.

That's strange!

It sounds a bit absurd that the body training realm is higher than the Dharma practice realm.

At the same time, they seem to understand why Mo Xun has only improved one level in foundation building in more than two hundred years.

It would be strange if he could improve quickly if he wasted all his energy on body training!

To outsiders, this is simply not worth the loss!

The purpose of cultivation is not to be brave and aggressive. No matter how strong one is, once he is bound by his life span, it is ultimately a castle in the air.

Mo Xun did not deny it, but reminded them to rescue their companions first.

Fortunately, he appeared in time, and several people were only injured to varying degrees. If he had not happened to pass by, most of them would have been wiped out.

"Senior Mo..., this was found on that person."

Zhong Xiaomei casually gathered her messy hair, and her face was mixed with dust and blood stains. How could she look charming and charming as usual?

She was probably a little uncomfortable with this change in address.

However, facing this old monster who has lived for two or three hundred years, she actually did not suffer any loss.

Mo Xun casually glanced at the storage bag in the other party's hand, and said with a smile: "These things are useless to me, you can share them!"

Zhong Xiaomei blinked, not quite understanding the meaning of this sentence.

What do you mean... useless to him?

In his heart, he was saying, no matter how strong your body is, your body is only in the middle stage of foundation building, and these are all the treasures of Jindan cultivators, how can they be useless?

Qin Xuanrong came over.

"Yes, uncle, you killed this person, so the things should belong to you. Although we are a little bit bitter, we also understand the reason here."

Zuo Tianming seemed to see something unusual, and said, "Since it is the senior's intention, let's accept it."

Several people looked at the man with a dark face and cold face at the same time, obviously a little surprised at such a sudden change.

But since the boss has spoken, no one said anything more.

Mo Xun came to the Jindan cultivator, waved his robe sleeves, and put it into the storage bag.

He still has to take the corpse of the Zong family to fulfill his promise!

He promised Fairy Yuehua that this is probably all he can do!

As for the Zong family below Jindan, he didn't intend to make it difficult.

Qin Xuanrong didn't know what Mo Xun wanted the corpse for, but didn't ask.

It was really that the uncle's performance was too unexpected for her, which made her feel a little mysterious about the former life-saver.


Mo Xun still did not explain much and came to a corner of the cave alone.

In front of him was a stone door with a circle of formation protection outside. This should be the purpose of the trip.

Zuo Tianming dragged his injured leg and hurried over.

"Please forgive me, senior. We are here at the request of a benefactor, so the things inside..."

Mo Xun looked at him strangely.

"Are you sure there is something inside?"

This time it was Zuo Tianming who was confused. Did he find the wrong place?

After seeing Mo Xun's strength, Zuo Tianming had no doubt that he had the ability to see through the formation here.

Others also gathered around at this time.

"Uncle Mo, do you mean there is nothing inside?"

This is obviously unreasonable. Since the clan can send a Jindan strongman to sit here, how could they guard an empty cave?

Mo Xun did not explain, but stepped aside.

"As for what is there, you will know once you go in and explore."

Several people looked at each other, and after a little recovery, they took out their magic weapons to attack the formation.

In less than a cup of tea, the stone door opened with a bang.

In front of them was a hastily repaired stone cave secret room, which was not very big, only about two or three meters square.

Although it was dim, everyone was able to see the specific situation inside at the first time.

In the corner of the stone room, there was a person sitting slumped.

This person was so skinny that his hair was scattered on his face. His dirty clothes were tattered, leaving only the privacy.

The two exposed shoulder blades were pierced by thick iron hooks and firmly fixed on the stone rings on the wall.

Even his feet were locked by iron chains and stone piers.

If it weren't for the fact that he could still feel a little bit of breath from this person, he would probably think it was a corpse.

The secret room was filled with a disgusting stench.

How could it be a person?

This was the biggest doubt in Qin Xuanrong's mind at the moment!

An enemy of the Zong family, or an innocent person framed by the Zong family?

It was a pity that this person had long been abandoned and it was impossible to tell what realm he had been in.

However, the fact that he was under such close supervision by the Zong family was enough to show that this person was extraordinary!

Just as the few people were stunned, Mo Xun walked in from outside.

He raised his hand and threw a pill to Zuo Tianming.

"Feed it to him!"

Zuo Tianming was slightly stunned, but he still stuffed it into the man's mouth as instructed.

After a few breaths, a slight murmur came from under the messy and dirty hair.

The iron chain on the foot also clanged.

Mo Xun waited for a moment before asking, "Your last name is Yin, right?"


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