As soon as the two Nascent Soul cultivators appeared, they staged a peak duel, which immediately made all the spectators on the scene stretch their heads.

For low-level casual cultivators, where can they see such a grand occasion on weekdays?

Not to mention the Nascent Soul fighting, even Jindan cultivators, they rarely have the opportunity to meet.

Of course, the show is good, but you have to be alive to watch it.

During the Jindan melee just now, everyone had already retreated far away, and now they are even more afraid of their lives and ran back a long way.

In a fight of this level, even if you are touched by the residual power of the magic power, you will either die or be injured.

If the sect gate had not been closed, these people would have run away long ago!

Mo Xun looked at the old man opposite coldly.

"Are you Wang Boshan?"

He had already inquired about this name earlier.

The number one supreme elder of Tianyun Sect, the middle stage of Nascent Soul, the Taoist name Boyuan Zhenren, the legendary appearance realm, can be said to be eight points similar to this person.

Wang Boshan raised his eyebrows. Not everyone can call him by his name.

"I am asking you a question. Is everything that happened in the Zong family related to you? Were those Zong family members killed by your people?"

Mo Xun glanced at the corpses scattered on the ground in the distance. Wow, the fighting power of that "Senior Wan" is really amazing.

He fought one against six and killed five people!

At this moment, only Senior Wan and Zong Yixiao were still confronting each other in the melee.

However, the situation of the two was really tragic. Not only were their arms and legs broken, but their whole bodies were covered in blood.

Even so, they were still trembling and supporting themselves in place.

Judging from their breath, they had lost the possibility of continuing to fight. Whether it was their mana or physical strength, they had already been seriously overdrawn.

At this time, even if a foundation-building or Qi-refining master came over, they might kill the two.

They did not fall completely, probably because of the last bit of faith!

Mo Xun calmly replied, "So what if it's me?"

Wang Boshan raised his eyebrows and snorted coldly.

"Since you know me, you should know that the Zong family is protected by my Tianyun Sect. Without the decree of my Tianyun Sect, you can slaughter the Zong family members at will. Do you know the consequences?"

Mo Xun suddenly laughed.

What a Tianyun Sect! When he was refining Qi, he almost died at the hands of its disciples.

Now that he has formed a fetus, he still has to endure this humiliation.

If the opponent is too strong and can't beat him, he can bear it. But this old man is one level higher than him, and his strength is just so-so.

The only trouble is that Tianyun Sect still has a Nascent Soul ancestor.

But it is said that the man has been away from the sect for many years, and I don't know if he is back now?

This place is the place he chose to rebuild the Tianjian Sect.

Since he wants to establish a sect, in addition to sufficient strength, he also lacks a very important thing.

That is to establish prestige!

This place has been run by the Zong family for many years, but due to the lack of Yuanying cultivators, the industry under its name has long been eaten up by the Tianyun Sect.

It is obviously impossible to build a foundation here and not have conflicts with the Tianyun Sect!

In this case, the old man can only help him establish his prestige.

Who will come to him in the future if he is not worthy of this reputation?

With this thought, Mo Xun's eyes were already filled with murderous intent.

New and old grudges, let's settle them today!

He narrowed his eyes slightly, raised his hand and pointed at Zong Yixiao below.

"Are you talking about him?"

Wang Boshan nodded with his hands behind his back.

"This man is the ancestor of the Zong family, and also an inner sect elder of my Tianyun Sect!"

Mo Xun's mouth curled up a smile, and suddenly waved his robe sleeves without warning, shooting out an extremely sharp wind blade.

"What are you doing?"

Along with Wang Boshan's words, there was a "pop" sound, and then Zong Yixiao's bloody head rolled down from his neck to the ground.

Everyone was shocked again at this scene!

Killing someone in front of the Grand Elder of Tianyun Sect, and the one who was promised to protect him, this was no longer a provocation, but a deliberate enmity.

At this moment, Zuo Tianming and his men also rushed over.

Looking at the solemn scene in front of them, and the two people who were confronting each other in the air, several people's heads buzzed at the same time.

"He... is actually a Yuanying cultivator!"

Zuo Tianming was stunned and stood there. He thought he had overestimated Mo Xun, but he didn't expect it to be far beyond his expectations.

Naturally, he was not the only one who felt this way.

Qin Xuanrong, Zhong Xiaomei, Gao Liang and Zhao Hu, everyone was shocked as much as the waves in their hearts!

They actually rejected a Yuanying cultivator to join their team.

Thinking of the situation at that time, everyone's face was burning!

Especially Qin Xuanrong, she almost didn't have the courage to face Mo Xun again.

Wang Boshan watched Zong Yixiao's head fall to the ground, and his hair and beard were already standing in anger.

"Well, you are good! I haven't met a young man like you for many years. Tell me your name. I have never killed an unknown ghost. Since you have formed a fetus, I think you should have some reputation in the world of cultivation."

Wang Boshan was really angry!

In theory, at this level, everyone is good to each other, and say a few polite words, and no matter how big the festival is, it will be like that.

After all, they are all old monsters who have lived for hundreds of years. No matter how impulsive their hearts are, they will not bet on their personal cultivation.

It's not a life-and-death feud, why do you have to be so embarrassing?

All of them are seeking the great way. No one will easily start a war for a little quarrel. If they give each other a way out, this kind of thing will pass.

But Mo Xun seemed to be deliberately looking for trouble.

Not only was he merciless in his words, but he was also unscrupulous in his actions.

Such people are either self-reliant or crazy.

Although Wang Boshan was angry, after the palm fight with Mo Xun, he had more or less thought of making peace.

Now that the clan has been destroyed, what he needs is not who lives and who dies, but to give him face in front of thousands of scattered cultivators around.

Or to say, to give Tianyun Sect a face!

But they obviously don't appreciate it!

It should be known that once a Yuanying cultivator takes action, shaking the sky and the earth is secondary. When the strength difference is not big, it is basically a lose-lose situation.

If injured, it will take at least dozens or hundreds of years to recover.

The life span of a Yuanying is long, but no one is willing to pay such a price even if it is longer.

They have already stood at the top of this world, fame, wealth, and good food are all within their reach, so why take the risk of working hard and not getting any thanks?

But the problem now is that Wang Boshan wants to retreat in a dignified manner, but Mo Xun seems a little reluctant.

"If you can take my sword, I will tell you!"

As he spoke, a white light flashed in Mo Xun's hand, and the four-foot green sword pointed directly at the opponent.

Wang Boshan asked in a deep voice, furious, "Do you really want to fight with me?"

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