Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 918: Form and Meaning Magical Power

Mo Xun glanced at him calmly and uttered two words.


Then, the Black Heron Nebula flew out into the air, and the sky seemed to be blocked by dark clouds the next moment, and it immediately darkened. Within a hundred feet, two lights of black and white flashed, continuously shooting towards Wang Boshan.

Mo Xun took a step forward and rushed forward to kill.

Before the man arrived, the mighty sword light of a hundred feet had already landed on Wang Boshan's head.

The sword swept across, carrying the sky waves, as if to split the sky in half.

When Mo Xun made a move, he almost used his strongest means.

He is now more and more comfortable with this sword, and he can't wait to practice a sword formula.

Although Wang Boshan was well prepared, he was still a little unprepared in the face of the sudden killing momentum.

Fortunately, his cultivation was already very high. Even though he had not made a move for many years, he was still worthy of being called a precious sword!

A white light flashed on his body, and two huge illusory white wings suddenly grew behind him.

Amid the sound of the phoenix, a circle of phoenixes appeared around him.

Form and meaning magical power!

The onlookers who saw this scene from afar held their breath immediately.

Gu Qingqing immediately pulled up the "Senior Wan" who was not in human form and wanted to retreat further. Even she could not resist this level of confrontation.

At the same time, she heard Mo Xun's voice transmission.

"Take those corpses away too!"

Seeing the impact of the magic power coming, Gu Qingqing couldn't help but curse inwardly.

Why didn't you say it earlier?

Although she was a little dissatisfied with Mo Xun's perverted request, she still waved her sleeves and disappeared on the spot.

As for Zuo Tianming and others, they had retreated thousands of feet away early.

On the hill in front of the Zongjia Hall, there was only a sword and a phoenix in the air.

As the sword light fell, even Wang Boshan felt a palpitation of crisis.

His eyebrows suddenly flashed, and a huge stone mountain flew out.

With a loud bang, the Jade Sky Sword slashed the stone mountain firmly, splashing countless broken stones and dust.

Then the sword light was seen cutting vertically from the stone mountain, and the mountain peak, which was dozens of feet high, was split in the middle.

Wang Boshan below retreated hurriedly with a muffled groan.

The two heavy bangs were the sound of two halves of the stone mountain falling to the ground, which made the earth tremble. The small valley below was filled with broken stones.

In the sky filled with stone chips, Mo Xun had a sneer on his lips.

"It seems that you failed to catch my sword, so I won't tell you my name!"

As soon as the voice fell, Mo Xun disappeared suddenly.

When he reappeared, a circle of dazzling golden light was lingering around his body.

Wang Boshan's eyes condensed, and he quickly waved the wings behind him, and countless white feathers flew out from them.

Those feathers turned into light knives and shot out!

But the moment they touched the golden light on Mo Xun's body, they all turned into ashes as if they were ignited.

Wang Boshan saw this, then opened his mouth and spit out a square bronze tripod.

The bronze tripod suddenly became larger in mid-air, with its mouth facing down, covering Mo Xun's head.

Mo Xun was about to dodge, but found that the surroundings were dark and he was already in the bronze tripod.

Qiankun magic weapon!

After feeling that he had lost contact with the outside world, he immediately guessed the characteristics of this treasure.

Without saying anything, he swung the Jade Sky Sword and slashed it hard.

The white light flashed, but it seemed to be slashing at the air.

Can devour magic power!

While he secretly frowned, he also sighed in his heart about the mystery of this strange treasure.

Even the power of the treasure can be devoured. I didn't expect that the old guy had such a treasure!

"Hehe, kid, when you come to this old man's Void Cauldron, even if you have a thousand tricks, it will be in vain!"

Hearing this arrogant arrogance, Mo Xun did not get angry.

Since the magic power is useless, let's try his flesh and blood!

I saw a flash of golden light on his body, and he once again displayed the six-foot golden light, and then condensed the blood and qi in his body, and punched the void in front of him.

"Buzz" sound, it can almost shatter a person's eardrum.

However, this punch can be clearly felt to hit the wall of the cauldron.

Wang Boshan's voice came again, and in just a moment, it revealed an unconcealable panic.

"Are you a body-refining cultivator, and above the eighth realm?"

Mo Xun did not answer, and once again condensed the blood and qi and swung it hard, the dazzling golden light flashed a bright light in the darkness.

Two punches, three punches...

" stop it, let's make peace..."

Mo Xun was just punching with all his strength at this moment, not paying attention to the noisy noise, and the blood and energy in his body were pouring out crazily.

Until the seventh huge muffled sound, a crack finally came to his ears.

The eighth punch...


The bronze tripod, which had long been unable to support, suddenly broke into pieces.

The broken pieces of the bronze tripod flew around under the wind of Mo Xun's fists, and fell on the ground and smashed deep pits.

Wang Boshan couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

After just a few rounds of fighting, he destroyed two treasures in succession.

The early stage of Nascent Soul and the eighth stage of body refining, how can this be fought?

Seeing that the murderous intent in Mo Xun's eyes was getting stronger and stronger, he felt the threat of death for the first time in more than a hundred years.

No, I have to leave!

Thinking of this, he threw a red jade talisman casually.

The jade talisman suddenly exploded in the air, forming a blazing wall of fire, completely separating the two.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Wang Boshan hurriedly flapped his wings behind him, and in the blink of an eye, he was thousands of feet away, as if teleporting.

At this time, Mo Xun had just crossed the sea of ​​fire and came to the other side.

He first sent a voice message to Gu Qingqing: "Don't let these people leave first, wait until I come back."

Then he hurriedly chased after him!

Looking at the sea of ​​fire floating in the air, Gu Qingqing secretly sighed.

When Mo Xun was trapped in the bronze tripod just now, she was really scared.

Since coming to Southern Xinjiang, she found that the world here is no different from Xihezhou.

No matter where you go, you can't do without fighting and killing.

In this environment, you can either be mediocre and keep your tail between your legs, or climb up the sea of ​​corpses in the law of the jungle.

And to achieve the latter, it is obviously inseparable from Mo Xun.

With just a few women like them, it was impossible to walk safely.

In the air, two figures, one chasing and the other escaping, formed a stalemate for a while.

One person used the fire escape method to quickly shuttle through the clouds, and the other used the phoenix wings behind him, and his speed was also as fast as lightning.

Until in front of a valley, the phoenix escape light broke through the sky and fell into it.

At the same time, a panicked voice shouted: "Quickly close the mountain protection formation!"

Amid the rumbling sound, a circle of extremely wide formation light shield soon lingered over most of the mountain.

A moment later, Mo Xun came to the large formation that had been closed.

Not far from his feet was the mountain gate of Tianyun Sect!

He hesitated for a moment, then took out the Yutian Sword, concentrated his magic power and slashed at the formation light shield.

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