Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 919 Tianjian Mountain

The dazzling white sword light fell from the sky, like a giant blade flying from the sky, with a thunderous sound, how can it be described with just one word "horror"!

The rumbling sound made the heaven and earth tremble!

The powerful impact of the magic power was like a meteorite dropped into the deep sea, causing a huge wave of air.

The Tianyun Sect disciples who were caught off guard in the formation almost fell down.

Countless streams of light flew out, and thousands of disciples who were meditating in the cave were all startled out.

"Ancestor, what happened..."

A purple-shirted man in the middle stage of the Jindan came to Wang Boshan in a panic. As soon as he finished speaking, Mo Xun slashed out with a sword. If there was no formation to resist, I am afraid that the huge mountain gate would be split in half in an instant.

This scene really scared the low-level disciples.

Imagine that the Tianyun Sect has been established for thousands of years, and has never been bullied like this?

Immediately, a man in the middle stage of foundation building jumped out, pointing his finger at his head with anger.

"Who dares to come to my Tianyun Sect to make trouble? I will crush you to ashes!"

But just as this man jumped up, Wang Boshan's angry voice suddenly came.

"Assholes, all of you retreat, everyone guard the mountain formation tightly, whoever dares to leave the formation privately will be punished according to the sect rules!"

This order directly shocked everyone.

I thought that there was no elder in charge in the sect, so it was invaded by foreign enemies, but it turned out that our own supreme elder was here!

What's the matter?

When someone came to the door, shouldn't we go out to fight the enemy?

When did Tianyun Sect become so easy to bully?

"Ancestor, who is this person?"

Faced with the purple-shirted man's question, Wang Boshang's face was extremely gloomy. At the same time, looking at Mo Xun who was still frantically attacking the formation in the air, he said unhappily: "He is a madman, why bother with him, you just need to do your duty, this formation was left by the founder of the sect, it is not so easy to break?"

After saying that, he directly disappeared on the spot.

As soon as Wang Boshan arrived at a place where no one was, he quickly threw out a few sound transmission notes, as if he was afraid that it would be too late at night.

He even sighed secretly, thinking that fortunately that guy didn't understand the art of formation, and only knew to chop and smash outside.

It would be strange if he could break it in this way!

Don't look at Mo Xun's aggressiveness, it's mostly just bluffing.

If he really wanted to do something to Wang Boshan and Tianyun Sect, he wouldn't break the formation so blatantly.

I came here for one thing, to establish my prestige!

Perhaps he was tired of fighting, Mo Xun finally stopped his actions.

He swept his eyebrows in the air, passing over the faces of all the Tianyun Sect monks one by one, and then pointed his long sword.

"Listen to me, the Wudingshan Sect will be taken over by our Tianjian Sect in the future. Wudingshan will be renamed Tianjianshan from now on. This mountain will be the boundary. If Tianyun Sect disciples dare to step into our Tianjian Sect without permission in the future, they will be killed by this mountain!"

As he spoke, Mo Xun suddenly swung the long sword in his hand.

Wherever the sword passed, it was almost like a real sword energy like a sharp axe, directly cutting off a stone wall of more than 20 feet on the cliff not far away.

When the stone wall was about to slide down, Mo Xun suddenly appeared below and held it above his head with one hand.

In the sky full of broken stones and smoke, the stone wall and the thin figure formed a sharp contrast.

It was like a goshawk carrying an elephant on its back, giving people an extreme visual impact.

Mo Xun glanced at the people in the formation with a cold gaze, especially after staying on a familiar face for a moment, he turned and left.

"What... what is he going to do? Why did he take a stone from Yigao Peak? And who is this person? What is the origin of Tianjian Sect?"

Questions kept rising in the hearts of Tianyun Sect disciples.

Looking at the broken walls and broken mountains on Yigao Peak, everyone was stunned and did not come back to their senses for a long time.

It was really that the scene just now happened too suddenly and was extremely bizarre!

First, the ancestor hurriedly returned to the sect, and before he could catch his breath, he ordered the mountain protection formation to be closed. Then, a madman came without any warning, attacked the mountain gate frantically for a while, and then left with a stone.

What... what is this?



Under the command of Gu Qingqing and others, the monks who came here to attend the meeting were all gathered in front of the main palace hall.

Each face was surprised and full of uneasiness.

Nonsense, how can I not be nervous?

I came to participate in a grand event, but I not only witnessed the destruction of a family, but also encountered a battle between Yuanying.

Although it was only a few rounds, the magical power that could make even the heaven and earth change color, anyone who saw it would tremble with fear.

They have been practicing hard for many years, isn't it for one day to become such a superior person?

But what they didn't expect was that they couldn't leave!

This made many people feel sympathetic, fearing that the Yuanying cultivator would kill everyone in order to keep their mouths shut.

In addition to the low-level casual cultivators with no status, there were also several Jindan cultivators who were specially invited to be guests.

After Mo Xun threatened, the four did not dare to move again.

As soon as Mo Xun left, they thought that there was only Gu Qingqing, a peak Jindan cultivator, and they had a chance to fight.

But who knew that in the blink of an eye, Luo Xi and Dong Qianxue came again.

Well, this is the rhythm of planning to flatten the entire Wuding Mountain!

The ones who are most afraid are probably the remaining members of the Zong family.

This sudden appearance of the killing god must be the mortal enemy of the family, so the fate of this group of people seems to be self-evident.

Now that all the ancestors have died, who can protect them?

Many timid ones have long been hiding in some corners, or disguised and mixed in with the group of casual cultivators.

Are you kidding me, what is the concept of Yuanying?

I am afraid that they don’t even need to sacrifice magic weapons, just waving their sleeves can kill a large number of people.

Just when everyone was deeply uneasy, a black dot appeared at the end of the sky.

As the black dot grew larger, many people secretly took a breath.

It turned out to be a flying boulder!

Until they saw Mo Xun’s figure clearly below, the scene was in uproar again.

Gu Qingqing couldn’t help but twitch the corner of her mouth, thinking that this guy is really a show-off. Even if you want to show off, you don’t need to make such a big scene, right?

This was the first time she had seen a Yuanying cultivator move a mountain.

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Mo Xun threw the boulder in his hand with all his strength. With a rumble that shook the earth and mountains, it landed steadily in the center of the square, which had become a scorched earth ruin due to the previous melee.

Then, Mo Xun took out the Jade Sky Sword again.

He raised the sword and swung it on the stone-like boulder with a flamboyant and flamboyant style!

When the smoke and dust settled, three large and vigorous characters had already occupied the entire stone tablet.

"Heaven Sword Sect!"

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