Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 920: Founding of a Sect

Mo Xun put away his sword, and his eyes fell on the faces in front of the palace, which were either surprised or shocked.

He spoke out loudly!

"Today is the day when my Tianjian Sect is founded. Wuding Mountain is renamed Tianjian Mountain. My surname is Mo, and I am temporarily the leader of Tianjian Sect. Now I announce that Tianjian Sect is open to accept disciples. Everyone can join my sect. I dare not say anything else, but I can still promise each entrant a small future. Another thing..."

Mo Xun paused for a moment.

"All the disciples of the sect must leave this place within one stick of incense. If anyone does not want to leave, then... you don't have to leave!"

As soon as the words fell, a tsunami-like noise suddenly broke out in the field.

No one expected that this ruthless Yuanying, who had just killed the ancestor of another sect, would immediately and blatantly occupy the nest of the magpie and establish a sect!

Most people really can't do such a wicked thing.

But in a moment, many people's minds became active.

In the entire southern border, only a dozen or so large sects and families have Yuanying in charge.

But which of those sects is not arrogant?

They often recruit disciples every ten to several dozen years, and there are many rules for entry. Not only are there requirements for spiritual root qualifications, but also they have to pass their assessment.

But now it is different. They say that everyone can enter, that is, there are no conditions at all.

In other words, once you join the so-called "Tianjian Sect", it is equivalent to becoming a sect disciple in the top 20 in southern border.

Such an opportunity is not always available.

The key point is that the combat power of this Yuanying is really good.

Not long ago, he just drove away the great ancestor of Tianyun Sect. Looking at the aggressive look, it is clear that he is going to find trouble with Tianyun Sect.

With such a fierce man as a backing, are you still afraid that the sect will not prosper?

It’s just that this sect has offended a local major force when it was first established, which seems too unwise.

I heard that the Tianyun Sect has two Yuanying ancestors!

Another problem is that such a large sect has too few talents.

It is impossible to have a Yuanying on top and a bunch of Qi-refining disciples below, right?

What if the Tianyun Sect attacks one day, and their sect master has strong magic power and can disappear with a single escape technique, then these low-level disciples will become cannon fodder?

The strength of a sect depends on people!

The people here include both high-level cultivators and a large number of middle-level disciples.

In addition, there are the sect's financial resources, influence, strength of skills, treasure level, etc.

Now the Tianjian Sect has only one Mo Xun.

But can a commander without troops support a large sect?

This inevitably makes people skeptical!

At this moment, Gu Qingqing suddenly stood out from the crowd, flew into the air like a fairy, and came to Mo Xun's side.

He did not speak in a hurry, but in front of everyone, he completely burst out his cultivation.

The powerful pressure of the peak of the Jindan realm immediately enveloped everyone's head.

"Fake Infant Realm!"

Someone shouted, and the crowd immediately became agitated.

Gu Qingqing then turned to Mo Xun and knelt on one knee.

"Disciple Gu Qingqing, I am willing to be the first to join the Tianjian Sect, but if you have any other intentions, you will be punished by heaven and earth!"

Although the voice was not loud, it rang in everyone's ears like a nail.

Just before everyone reacted, Luo Xi and Dong Qianxue came again and saluted Mo Xun in the same manner.

"Look, another fake infant cultivator!"

"And that fairy, she should also be above the middle stage of the Jindan, right?"


Except for the cultivators who had noticed the realm of the few people before, the rest of the people were shocked.

Seeing this, Mo Xun hurriedly helped the few people up, and at the same time showed a rare gentle smile of gratitude.

Then he waved his sleeves, and several more people appeared behind him.

They were Qi Ruyan, Sun Ku, and Luo Xi's two nephews. After decades, they had already established their foundations.

What surprised everyone was that one of them was in the late Jindan stage.

He wore a bamboo hat, and his face could not be seen. His figure was 70% similar to Mo Xun.

This person was naturally the incarnation of the devil that Mo Xun used to make up the number.

Anyway, they were all Qi Refiners who had very few foundation-building cultivators, so it didn't matter if they fooled him.

Just as Mo Xun was about to speak, another person stepped out of the crowd and flew to him and bowed down.

"Yin Lixi of Wanji Pavilion is willing to become a disciple of Tianjian Sect. I hope the sect will help!"

The person who said this was actually the "Senior Wan" who had fought all around before!

But his current state was really miserable.

Although he was rescued by Gu Qingqing, he was still covered in blood, his mana was almost exhausted, and his breath was even more disordered and weak.

Even so, he dragged his injured legs and knelt in front of Mo Xun.

Mo Xun smiled and nodded, saying softly: "Accurate!"

Then, Yin Lixi took out the ship model he had taken out before and raised his hands above his head.

"Disciple is grateful for the life-saving grace of the sect master. Now that the great revenge has been avenged, I will offer the Wanjia Lingyun warship to help the sect reach the top of the southern border!"

When these words came out, some people were shocked, and some were at a loss!

There were only a few people who were shocked, and most of them were ordinary cultivators who had never heard of this thing.

Seeing that Mo Xun was also surprised, Yin Lixi did not explain, but silently recited a few spells.

The next moment, the small ship model in his hand suddenly turned into a stream of light, and transformed into a huge and shocking air battleship in the distance.

This battleship is really too big!

It looked hundreds of feet away from front and back, hovering there, like an island in the sky.

Around the battleship, there was a mysterious rune formation, emitting a faint halo, blooming with colorful brilliance in the sun.

Under the cover of the sky, it seemed that the sun and the moon could be put in.

Everyone was stunned by this scene!

Regardless of the power of this ship, this kind of visual impact alone is enough to shock the people watching.

Mo Xun's eyelids also jumped secretly. This is the largest flying boat he has ever seen.

Looking at the space above, it can accommodate at least thousands of people.

He himself understands refining and knows the difficulty of refining such a treasure.

I am afraid that it is not just a matter of refining attainments, but also refining techniques, time, and the huge amount of resources consumed.

At this time, Zuo Tianming and Qin Xuanrong came over and knelt down behind Yin Lixi.

"We are also willing to join the Tianjian Sect, and we hope the Sect Master will help us!"

Looking at Qin Xuanrong's intentional avoidance, Mo Xun couldn't help but smile knowingly.

This time, someone finally lost his composure.

What kind of lineup is this?

One Yuanying, plus five Jindan, and two of them have even reached the false infant realm. Once one of them succeeds in the future, then this newly established sect can become a powerful family in southern Xinjiang.

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