Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 921 Chaotian City

The sudden emergence of the Tianjian Sect spread throughout the entire Yue Kingdom within a few days.

In front of the original Wuding Mountain, the two big characters "Tianjian" were hung on the top of the mountain, giving people a majestic and solemn feeling.

The small Wudingfang was officially renamed Chaotian City!

Although there are still so few people and such a large scale, the expansion of the city has been slowly carried out with the reconstruction of the Tianjian Sect's mountain gate.

On the first day of the sect, under Mo Xun's strong move, more than 3,000 disciples were recruited.

Although most of them are Qi Refiners, and there are only 20 to 30 foundation-building disciples, the entire sect team is considered to have been initially formed.

When these disciples completed the registration, Mo Xun immediately announced the first benefit.

Three hundred foundation-building pills and three hundred mid-to-high-level magic tools will be distributed to outstanding disciples in advance on the day of the official sect ceremony.

This is a bit amazing!

It means that one out of every ten people can get the opportunity to build a foundation.

Among these three hundred people, even if there is only a 10% chance of building a foundation, Tianjian Sect will train 30 foundation-building disciples in two or three years.

Which big sect in southern Xinjiang can achieve such a rapid growth in strength?

And every once in a while, similar elixirs will be distributed through points or sect competitions.

All those who join the sect on the day of its opening can obtain cultivation elixirs that match their realm.

As soon as this news came out, those casual cultivators who were still waiting and not in a hurry to join the sect immediately regretted it.

For casual cultivators of Qi Refining, isn’t their only goal to build a foundation?

Once this threshold is crossed, the life span will be greatly increased.

But watching such an opportunity slip away before their eyes, how can they not be upset.

For the foundation-building cultivators who joined the sect, Mo Xun was even more generous, giving each of them a magic weapon that only Jindan cultivators can have!

Mo Xun has killed at least dozens of Jindan strongmen in these years.

He still has this confidence!

In addition to the Yuanying storage bag he harvested, the treasures left by Gu Yutian in the past can definitely be said to be more than enough.

What does Tianjian Sect lack now?

Only strength!

Only by arming these people as soon as possible can the sect have more confidence.

The next things will be much busier.

Including the arrangement of the mountain protection formation, the reconstruction of the sect palace, the division of responsibilities of the mountain gate, the formulation of sect rules, etc., almost all things need him to make decisions.

The sect protection formation alone is enough to be laborious.

Don’t look at the thousands of people, but he and Dong Qianxue are the only ones who can be called proficient in formation.

This matter concerns the safety of the sect, so it naturally becomes a top priority.

Fortunately, the two of them have a good attainment, and there are ready-made formation books left by the Liangyi Sect, which saves a lot of trouble.

While the two were busy arranging formations all over the mountains, the construction of the palaces and caves in the sect was also carried out at the same time.

In this regard, everyone once again witnessed Mo Xun’s wealth.

Chaotian City, which was once Wudingfang, is now unprecedentedly prosperous.

Those casual cultivators who did not choose to join Tianjian Sect at the first time did not leave, and most of them stayed here temporarily.

Because it is said that Tianjian Sect will recruit disciples again during the opening ceremony.

In addition, in just a few days, it attracted a large number of merchants engaged in the trading of cultivation resources.

There are also those wandering casual cultivators who got the news but always found it difficult to join the sect, and they are on their way here.

They came here for only one purpose, that is, to see if this newly established sect is as generous as the rumors say.

And will they be lucky enough to join it?

At this moment, such a unique auction is being held in Chaotian City.

The items being auctioned are not panaceas, nor are they treasure materials, but the right to build the mountain gate of Tianjian Sect.

When the three-dimensional models condensed by magic power were displayed in front of everyone, many people secretly took a breath of cold air.

Eighteen hills, twenty-seven palaces, plus the spiritual medicine garden, spiritual beast valley, fighting arena, cave house, trial ground, etc., constitute a magnificent bird's-eye view of the immortal sect.

What surprised them was not how big the Tianjian Sect was, but how many spiritual stones were needed to build so many places at once?

The palace of immortal cultivation is completely different from ordinary buildings!

It is not something that can be used by burning a few bricks and cutting some trees.

Many materials need special refining, and the formation runes must be integrated into the construction process.

Don't look at the palaces and pavilions of those big sects that block the sun and the clouds, they have accumulated hundreds and thousands of years of foundation.

Although it is not cheap, it is limited after all when it is spread out to each sect master.

And what about the Tianjian Sect?

It is too presumptuous for this newly established sect to want to complete it in a short period of time.

But when Gu Qingqing reported the number of spiritual stones that the Tianjian Sect took out this time, these people finally lost their composure.

One hundred million spiritual stones!

This is just the initial project. Later, the Tianjian Sect will purchase a large number of spiritual herbs and materials.

Whether it is mineral resources or monsters and spiritual insects, as long as they are willing to sell, they can be sold at a price.

The whole Chaotian City was boiling.

Countless sound transmission notes flew quickly in all directions like fireworks.

How many years has it been since the whole Yue Kingdom, even the southern border, has seen such an unprecedented grand occasion?

In addition, another 30 million spiritual stones will be used for the expansion of Chaotian City.

As long as the business is willing to stay in the city, it can also participate in the formation and wall repair.

Chaotian City officially established the City Lord's Mansion to govern all affairs in the city.

The first city lord was temporarily appointed by Gu Qingqing.

After being promoted to the city lord, the first city lord order issued by Gu Qingqing was to establish the Chaotian Army to protect the safety of the city.

This newly established sect and city quickly became a hot topic in the Southern Xinjiang Xiuxian world in a very short time.

And its sect leader Mo Xun also set off a huge wave among the major forces.

A newly promoted Yuanying has enough topics, and this mysterious sect leader destroyed a thousand-year-old Xiuxian family on the first day of the sect, and defeated the Tianyun Sect's Supreme Elder who came to rescue with an extremely domineering attitude, and even killed him in front of the mountain gate.

The Southern Xinjiang Xiuxian world, which has been peaceful for more than a hundred years, has not seen such a person for a long time.

Some people are curious, and naturally some people are gloating with the mentality of watching the excitement.

Not to mention that the Tianyun Sect has two Nascent Soul ancestors, the Tiandao League alone is probably not an easy hurdle to overcome.

This seemingly loose alliance possesses power that ordinary people are not aware of.

All the sects and families in the southern border must be under its rule. If a random guy showed up and could wantonly destroy other sects and families, the world would have been in chaos long ago.

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