The Tiandao League, which was busy with the ancient teleportation array, could not take care of this matter at the moment.

Just like the freshly brewed wine, it needs to ferment for a period of time.

At present, several things are happening in Tianjian Mountain.

In the original clan meeting hall, Mo Xun and a thin old man took their seats.

After the two newly recruited female disciples of Qi training were served with spiritual tea, they left obediently.

Before leaving, they did not forget to secretly glance at their new clan leader.

They could never have imagined that they would come to a casual cultivator meeting and not only witness the legendary Nascent Soul fighting, but also inexplicably join a clan. The most incredible thing was that they were chosen to be the clan leader's maid.

Life's fate is indeed unpredictable!

If he can become the clan leader's concubine one day, it will be a soaring success.

By then, let alone building a foundation, even condensing a golden elixir is possible.

And more importantly, their sect leader still looks very young. Although he is not handsome, he is definitely not annoying.

With such a good man, they can wake up with laughter in their dreams.

Only those female elders who have reached the Jindan stage seem to be a little difficult to deal with.

Others are fine, especially Elder Gu, who always has a stern face when he sees them, just like guarding against thieves.

Although their cultivation is a little worse, they are not without advantages.

That is youth!

Which man in this world does not like girls of seventeen or eighteen years old?

Don’t look at those high-level cultivators who have the ability to keep their youth, but old is old, how can they compare with pure natural girls like them?

Besides, their requirements are not high. If they can’t be Taoist partners, they should be concubines, right?

The old man was dressed very simply, but his face revealed shrewdness and stability, and his realm was not low, the middle stage of Jindan!

“What’s your name, fellow Taoist?”

Mo Xun looked at the old man again and politely asked for a cup of tea.

This man came very unexpectedly. After going up the mountain, he asked to see the head of the clan. It was not until two days later that Mo Xun found time.

The old man smiled humbly.

"Thank you, Master Mo. My surname is Xuanyuan, and my given name is Chong. I am currently the elder of Duobao Tower stationed in Shifang City."

Mo Xun nodded.

First of all, Shifang City is a big city for cultivating immortals under the jurisdiction of Tianyun Sect. After thousands of years of operation, it is quite impressive.

And Duobao Tower is also famous.

This is a large chamber of commerce spread throughout the southern border, with branches in almost many cities and markets.

Although it is not as influential as the sect, the distribution of power is also very wide.

The key point is that they are rich!

In layman's terms, they are a group of wealthy people with little cohesion.

For a chamber of commerce like this, there must be more than one person in charge, and the shareholders are also spread across the major forces in the southern border.

In this respect, the world of cultivating immortals is similar to the secular world.

Every time Duobaolou opens a place, in order to win over the local sects or families to act as a protective umbrella, it often gives out a part of the profit.

It is not strange that Duobaolou comes here to do business when Tianjian Sect is just established.

It is just that he has given full authority to Luoxi and Gu Qingqing to be responsible for the construction of the sect and the city. In theory, if there is anything, just find these two people.

Why do you insist on seeing him?

"I don't know what you are here for?"

Xuanyuan Chong smiled and said, "I heard that your sect must have spent a lot of money on the construction of Duobaolou, so I specially sent a junior here to give some gifts."

When Mo Xun heard this, he didn't take it to heart.

Although due to the deterrence of Tianyun Sect, Tianjian Sect has not had any major forces come to attach themselves to it since its establishment, but in Mo Xun's opinion, it is a matter of sooner or later.

The last time he established his prestige was to recruit disciples.

Next time, perhaps he will really compete with Tianyun Sect.

It is impossible for the two Yuanying Sects here not to have a conflict. He is willing to settle the matter peacefully, but Wang Boshan will never give up.

This period of time seems to be calm, but it is probably just the eve of the storm.

Of course, since he chose to establish a sect, he has been prepared to face the challenge.

No sect has grown up in a smooth sailing. The entire cultivation world is so small. If you want to have a share of the resources that have been allocated, you must snatch it from the mouths of those vested interests.

It is definitely not okay to imagine that others will give gifts.

As for receiving gifts, in fact, Gu Qingqing or Luo Xi can come forward. He, the head of the Yuanying Sect, is a bit of an exaggeration to receive them.

However, as the saying goes, you don't hit a smiling person, so he will not show any unhappiness.

But when Mo Xun took the storage bag handed over by Xuanyuan Chong, he frowned deeply.

There was only one thing in it, that is, spirit stones!

There were so many spirit stones as big as a small mountain, which were completely beyond the scope of normal gifts.

If all of them were converted into low-level spirit stones, there would be at least tens of millions.

This level of gift is obviously not just to make friends with a newly established sect.

Such wealth is enough to shock even Mo Xun.

The spirit stones on him were obtained after killing four or five Yuanying and several demon kings over the years, plus the sale of the spirit herbs in the green gourd, and Gu Yutian's collection for many years.

It is no exaggeration to say that his wealth is no less than that of a sect.

But he does not think he has the influence to be given tens of millions of spirit stones!

"What does this mean?"

This kind of skill is obviously not something that a monk in the middle stage of alchemy can produce. Even the Duobaolou branch in Shifang City does not have such courage.

Xuanyuan smiled faintly.

"Sect Master Mo, there is no need to be wary. This is my poster's intention. It can be regarded as congratulations to my senior for establishing the sect. There is nothing in it to embarrass the Tianjian Sect. My poster just wants to make friends with my senior, and besides that, In addition, Duobao Tower will also send a Supreme Elder to station in Chaotian City for a period of time, which can be regarded as support for Tianjian Sect! "

Upon hearing this, Mo Xun frowned even more.

Although he didn't ask, he could guess that this Supreme Elder was probably also a Nascent Soul cultivator.

Ordinarily, if Yuanying goes to Chaotian City, that is his freedom.

He rebuilt the city and built it to attract monks from all over the world. Naturally, he could not turn them away because of their cultivation.

But this Duobao Tower clearly has other ideas.

Mo Xun threw the storage bag back smoothly.

"You'd better make it clear that although Mo is short of spiritual stones, he never accepts wealth from unknown sources."

Xuanyuan Chong was stunned for a moment, then smiled and pushed the storage bag over.

"Senior is overly concerned. The Supreme Elder in my building is not here with any ill intentions, but to help senior avoid unnecessary troubles, such as..."

Xuanyuan Chong raised his finger and pointed outside the door.

"Those two from the Tianyun Sect!"

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