These three people are naturally Mo Yichen and his sister and Guo Xing.

They have passed by Xiuxian City all the way here, but most other places require payment of spiritual stones to enter the city, only this place is truly free to enter and exit.

If you count it, it is the first time for several people to come to such a place.

The streets are full of carriages, horses and strange beasts, as well as the various strange treasures on the stalls, which really opened the eyes of the three people.

The most attractive thing is the competition arena distributed in the city.

As long as you sign up, you can participate!

As for winning, there are rewards to be won.

What alchemy competition, magic power confrontation, everything you can think of, can be said to be available.

Along the way, they heard that Chaotian City is open to all rivers and welcomes cultivators from all over the world. It seems that it is true.

The grand scene of the surging flow of people in front of them shows the vitality of this city.

There are indeed many opportunities here. As long as you have the ability, you will not worry about the resources for cultivation.

But the question is, what are the abilities of several people?

Alchemy, no!

Casting tools, they had never touched it before.

As for fighting magic, with their cultivation level, forget it.

So no matter where they go, they always have a skill to rely on. I dare not say anything else, but at least they will not starve to death.

After the novelty wore off, the three began to plan how to earn opportunities.

They saw a simple strength competition on the side of the road. It was very simple. Concentrate the magic power and slap it on the restriction that matches the cultivation level. If you can break the restriction, you can take out the treasure inside.

The three of them lined up in turn to try it, and almost got backlashed.

Seeing others happily holding the reward pills or magic tools, I was so envious.

At this time, Mo Linger saw a gray-clothed male cultivator with a sly look, sneaking among a group of cultivators at the second level of Qi Refining, looking like he was deliberately taking advantage of the girl.

The little girl immediately became chivalrous.

In fact, the man's behavior had long been noticed by many people.

It was just because of the other party's cultivation level that no one dared to step forward and meddle.

But Mo Linger was different. She had just started practicing and hadn't even learned the art of observing qi yet, but she rushed forward immediately.

When Mo Yichen and Guo Xing wanted to stop him, it was too late.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Mo Linger suddenly grabbed the man's hand that was touching the woman's buttocks while shouting angrily.

The crowd immediately quieted down, and seven or eight pairs of eyes focused on Mo Linger.

When they looked again, they saw that the man was holding a small bag in his hand.

There was a brief panic in his expression.

The woman next to him also turned around quickly and recognized that it was her storage bag at a glance, but after seeing the man's cultivation level, she was at a loss and stood there in a daze.

The gray-clothed man saw that even the victim was indifferent, and quickly regained his composure.

He even swung his arm and directly pushed Mo Linger back several steps, and stuffed the storage bag into his arms as if no one was around.

At the same time, he smiled coldly.

"You bitch, do you need a man to serve you?"

Although Mo Ling'er was dressed like a man, she was born delicate and weak, and she didn't know how to cover up. How could she be a man?

You could tell at first sight.

This ignited the little girl's temper. She had never been humiliated like this before.

She immediately shouted behind him, "Brother, this man is a thief, come and catch him."

Mo Yichen's face was so ugly. He knew his sister best.

Although she didn't have much meat on her body, she was the best at meddling in other people's business.

He criticized and educated her for this!

Now, he has provoked someone he shouldn't have provoked.

The arrogant guy in front of him was a genuine fourth-level Qi Refining cultivator.

Although he was secretly annoyed, he had to bite the bullet and go up. Who said that she was his sister?

Fortunately, Guo Xing also caught up at this time and whispered in his ear: "Don't worry, the two of us together may not be a match for that guy."

Mo Yichen nodded gently.

This was the first time he had a conflict with other cultivators since he started practicing.

Chaotian City is just being built now, and various systems have not yet been perfected. There are no constraints of formations and prohibitions, so there is no restriction on cultivators fighting.

Of course, they cannot be seen by patrolling cultivators, otherwise they will be punished.

Mo Yichen was about to use courtesy before force, but Guo Xing snorted coldly.

"Whose crotch is not tight enough to let your kid out?"

Mo Yichen sighed in his heart, well, here comes another one to add fuel to the fire.

At the same time, three male cultivators with unfriendly faces surrounded him unconsciously from the side, all of whom were at the third and fourth levels of Qi Refining.

Mo Yichen raised his eyebrows and quickly pulled his sister behind him.

Then he smiled and bowed to the others.

"My sister doesn't know the rules, please forgive me, fellow Taoists. We'll leave now!"

When Guo Xing saw this scene, the courage and bravery that he had just inspired immediately wilted.

No matter how arrogant he was, he knew that he was definitely not a match for the four people in front of him.

If one thing goes wrong, the three of them will have to die here today.

The man in gray laughed obscenely and slowly approached.

"So you have two mistresses, no wonder you like to show off so much, but according to me, you'd better follow me, fairy, I guarantee you will be in ecstasy!"

Seeing that several people surrounded them, Mo Yichen apologized again.

At this time, the crowd of onlookers around also increased.

But they were all there to watch the fun, and no one wanted to step forward at all.

During this period, the population of Chaotian City has increased greatly, and fights both overt and covert have occurred from time to time, and there are not a few who have lost their lives.

Almost every day, someone disappears, or a body is suddenly found in a corner.

The root cause of all this is that there are too few managers.

Although the City Lord's Mansion has been training a large number of city guards, it still cannot solve this urgent problem.

Anyone with more experience often knows how to keep a low profile.

In other words, it is actually indifference.

It's okay to want to stand up for others, but you also have to have the ability.

Seeing that several strong men are getting closer and closer, the victim who lost the storage bag has disappeared at this moment.

"How about this, I won't make it difficult for you. Hand over your storage bags and that woman, let us brothers play for two days, and let this matter go."

Mo Linger knew she was afraid at this time, but when she heard the dirty words from that person, her face immediately turned red with anger.

At this moment, Mo Yichen suddenly moved.

He suddenly exerted his strength and kicked the nearest man with his leg, hitting him right on the knee.

With a cracking sound and the man's scream, he quickly pulled his sister up and ran away.

He didn't forget to shout.

"Brother Guo, let's go!"

Guo Xing was stunned for a moment, cursed "Fuck", and followed him.

He thought to himself that this kid was too unkind, at least he should have said something before attacking!

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