Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 928 Chaotian Army

Mo Yichen probably has this kind of personality. If he can settle things peacefully, he will pretend to be a grandson.

But if he feels that there is no need to talk anymore, he will take action immediately without hesitation.

But the strength of several people is too weak.

After running only half a street, they were caught up by four strong men.

The result can be imagined, the scene was in chaos.

In order to protect his sister, Mo Yichen protected Mo Linger under his body and continued to endure the magic attacks.

After just a few moves, he was beaten to pieces.

As for Guo Xing, he was naturally not much better, and he almost lost half his life.

Fortunately, a foundation-building cultivator in red armor jumped out at this time, and his robe sleeves brushed past, bringing a strong wind, directly blowing everyone away.

Upon closer inspection, the savior who suddenly appeared was actually a woman.

This person was Qin Xuanrong!

Then another female cultivator followed, who was the victim of the stolen storage bag.

It turned out that the girl did not intend to escape before, but went to find the patrol guard.

Qin Xuanrong snorted coldly, and a white light flashed in her sleeves. Several ropes flew out, wrapped around the four people like a dragon, and tied them up tightly.

Since Gu Qingqing established the Chaotian Army, Qin Xuanrong has temporarily become the head of the city defense.

During this period of time, she has caught more than a hundred evil cultivators.

Some were beheaded in the street, and those with slightly lighter nature would be escorted to the city jail, and then sent to the sect mine.

After the establishment of the Tianjian Sect, it was natural to take over the original industry of the sect.

Among them, various mineral deposits are the most valuable!

Immediately afterwards, ten Qi-refining cultivators in green armor rushed over. They were a team that the Chaotian Army had just recruited.

Under Qin Xuanrong's instruction, the four strong men who were vomiting blood were immediately lifted up.

This attack was not light, and the four guys' Dantian was destroyed on the spot.

Of course, life must be saved, after all, they still have to work as miners!

Mo Linger wiped her tears while helping her brother up.

After this time, she finally understood many of the principles her brother usually talked about.

After listening to the victim's explanation, Qin Xuanrong first searched the stolen storage bag from the four villains and returned it to them, and then came to Mo Linger and others.

"You did a good job. Chaotian City is newly established, and it is inevitable that there will be villains mixed in it."

While speaking, Qin Xuanrong had already taken out two pills and threw them out.

"Feed them to the two of them, and then follow me to heal."

Then, the armored guards helped to support Mo Yichen and Guo Xing.

Mo Linger knelt down with a plop.

"Thank you for saving my life, senior. I have no way to repay you!"

Although the little girl could not see the realm of the red-armored cultivator in front of her, even a fool could understand that the one who could defeat four Qi-refining cultivators with a wave of his sleeves must be at least at the foundation-building stage.

"You're welcome, follow me first!"

Qin Xuanrong did this in public, of course, there was a deliberate factor in it.

As the saying goes, heavy punishments are used in troubled times. She used thundering means to cripple four people, which was to warn those onlookers that it's better to be quiet.

Giving pills to save them was to tell everyone that their City Lord's Mansion had clear rewards and punishments.

Of course, this set of rules was also summarized from recent practice.

Qin Xuanrong and others used to be wandering cultivators, and they only practiced to get revenge, but now it's different. Since they have joined the sect, they have to take the interests of the sect into consideration when dealing with many things.

In the City Lord's Mansion, Mo Ling'er and others were arranged to stay in a guest room.

The little girl kept crying all the way, and she was even more annoyed.

On the one hand, she hated herself for meddling in other people's business, and on the other hand, she was angry at herself for not having the ability.

If the Chaotian Army had not arrived in time, the three of them would have been in danger today.

It was not until the evening that Qin Xuanrong took the time to come again.


Seeing that Mo Linger was still blaming herself, how could Qin Xuanrong not understand her thoughts?

But she did not persuade her, but directly asked: "Are you interested in joining the Chaotian Army?"

Mo Linger was stunned at first, with her eyes wide open.

After a moment, she asked timidly: "Can I? But... But I don't even know magic now!"

Qin Xuanrong smiled faintly.

"If I say yes, it's okay!"

Mo Linger felt a trance, as if a gold ingot suddenly flew from the sky and hit her dizzy.

Such a surprise was simply an opportunity for her.

She had also heard about the recruitment requirements of the Chaotian Army, and only those in the late stage of Qi Refining could sign up.

And she, until now, has not even broken through the first level of Qi Refining!

Qin Xuanrong frowned, she already knew the previous things.

She still admired Mo Linger's character of being righteous, but she didn't like the hesitant side of this girl.

"Forget it, I'll give you one night to think about it, and I'll come to you tomorrow."

Qin Xuanrong raised her legs and was about to leave.

Mo Linger came to her senses and said quickly: "I do, but...but..."

"There is no but, in this kind of place, only if you agree with yourself first can you get the respect of others. If you don't even have confidence, why come to cultivate immortality, you might as well find someone to marry as soon as possible."

Mo Linger was so proud of these words that she immediately answered firmly: "I do!"

Qin Xuanrong smiled slightly.

"Yes, don't think that we are just vassals of men. We can do what they can do, just like the city lord, who is also a woman?"

Mo Linger had heard about this a long time ago.

But she didn't quite agree with this. Everyone in Chaotian City knew that if it weren't for the Mo Sect Master sitting in the Tianjian Sect, could Gu Qingqing be the city lord?

Of course, City Master Gu is also very admirable.

Only one step away from the Nascent Soul Realm, just based on this point, many male cultivators can't reach it in their lifetime.

Mo Linger nodded solemnly.

"Senior, I wonder if my two brothers can also join the Chaotian Army?"

Qin Xuanrong glanced at the two people on the bed whose life and death were still unknown, hesitated for a while, and nodded.

You will follow me tomorrow, and report to other heads of the city after they recover from their injuries.

Mo Linger wanted to ask if the three of them could be grouped together, but she finally held back.

It was a great favor for them to accept them as an exception. If they asked for more, it would be a bit ungrateful.

It was not until the next day that she really understood the reason.

It turned out that all the women under the command of this senior Qin were women.

There were not many, but there were about 40 or 50 people.

Just when Qin Xuanrong was organizing the army, Mo Xun came to the city lord's mansion for the first time.

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