Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 929 City Defense Formation

In the city lord's palace, Mo Xun, Gu Qingqing and Dong Qianxue sat down respectively.

Mo Xun came here today mainly to prepare formations and prohibitions for Chaotian City.

Tianjian Sect is now basically on the right track, but Chaotian City is still in a mess.

As more and more monks gather here, both city management and construction seem to be unable to keep up.

Perhaps even a few people here did not expect that today's policy would be so attractive to casual cultivators all over the world.

There are also many mortals in the Yue Kingdom who seem to be very keen on coming here to make a fortune.

What followed was chaos and bloodshed.

Fortunately, most of the people who came here to look for opportunities were Qi Refiners. Although there were some unscrupulous ones among them, they were still able to maintain their composure under the suppression of the Chaotian Army.

But gradually, high-level monks have joined them.

Gu Qingqing alone was obviously unable to form a sufficient deterrent.

If this group of people commits crimes, they will kill people invisible.

Open city management will certainly bring temporary prosperity, but it also means an increase in violence and conflicts.

In this regard, after some consideration, Mo Xun came up with a way to use external force.

After all, the foundation of Tianjian Sect is still too shallow and cannot be compared with those old immortal cultivating sects.

"Let's do this. I'll find a few people for help later. During this period, Qianxue and I will stay in Chaotian City. You can arrange the registration of immortal cultivators and mortals in the city as soon as possible, and distribute identity jade tokens. If there is any disobedience, Those who can be killed can be killed on the spot. If it feels tricky, I will do it myself. Once the city defense formation is set up, anyone who enters or exits the city must show their identity card. Of course, the cost of entering the city can be eased. We are just strengthening it. Management will not turn guests away.”

As soon as Mo Xun spoke these words, it meant that Chaotian City was about to tighten its grip.

This is also common sense. Even if Tianjian Sect has more training resources, it cannot support such a huge loss every day.

Next, it may turn to attract more foundation-building monks here.

But before that, the system in the city needs to be improved as soon as possible.

Gu Qingqing nodded.

"I see!"

After saying that, Gu Qingqing raised her hand and threw the transmission note outside.

Not long after, Qin Xuanrong, dressed in bright red armor, walked in.

When she saw Mo Xun sitting above her, Qin Xuanrong's face unconsciously showed a bit of unnaturalness.

It’s strange that this can come naturally!

Not long ago, I gave him both elixirs and talismans because his cultivation level was too low. I didn't expect that in the blink of an eye, he would become an existence that was unattainable to me.

I feel ashamed just thinking about it.

"Xuan Rong, the sect leader and Elder Dong will stay in Chaotian City to set up a city defense formation during this period. You can select a few of your people to be dispatched and find a cleaner cave by the way."

To outsiders, this arrangement seems somewhat absurd.

An ancestor of Nascent Soul can only send Qi refiners.

However, there is nothing that can be done about it. There are currently very few foundation-building monks, and there are none at all.

Moreover, everyone has a heavy responsibility, and it is impossible to find a suitable candidate.

Qin Xuanrong's eyes lit up after hearing this.

She knew very well that a city relied on the restriction of spells. If there were these restrictions, the lawless cultivators would be much restrained.

Unlike now, there are not many people who have to patrol the streets from time to time.

It's a waste of time, and the effect is not very good.

Although she is in the late stage of foundation building now, she is still not young. If she continues to spend all her energy on maintaining order, she may never be able to form a core in this life.


As soon as Qin Xuanrong handed over his hand, he was ready to go down and make arrangements.

But at this time, Mo Xun came over and called her.

"Come out with me first."

Qin Xuanrong's heart skipped a beat, thinking that this was going to be extremely embarrassing. After a little hesitation, she could only bite the bullet and follow behind.

Gu Qingqing looked at the two people's disappearing figures, her mouth slightly opened in a circle.

This guy doesn't want to eat even the juniors, right?

Beside a rockery, Mo Xun casually placed a circle around it.

"Shi...sect master!"

Mo Xun smiled. He also knew where Qin Xuanrong's embarrassment came from. If it were him, he wouldn't be able to accept it for a while.

"It's better for you and me to get along the way we used to."

As he spoke, he threw out a storage bag.

"There are some elixirs here that you can use now, and there is also a blood dragon fish that I got by chance. According to your current age, if you cannot practice to perfection before the end of your lifespan, you can use this fish to extend your life for fifty years. ”

Upon hearing this, Qin Xuanrong was immediately stunned and stunned.

Life-extending magic!

In the world of immortality, this thing is simply a rare treasure that can only be found.

"Uncle Shi, this..."

Mo Xun waved his hand.

"That's probably all I can help you with. Cultivation is not easy. You need to walk this path yourself. If I intervene too much, it may not be a good thing for you. When things in the city stabilize, you can try "Retreat, please note that the higher your cultivation level, the greater your help to Tianjian Sect."

After Mo Xun finished speaking, he turned around and left.

Except for Qin Xuanrong, he was extremely generous to all the first batch of monks who joined the sect.

As long as you can get the elixirs and magic weapons, you won't be stingy.

There is a desire to arm those people as soon as possible, and naturally there is also a feeling of gratitude.

What the Tianjian Sect lacks now is timely help.

When things get back on track in the future, how much use will it be even if there are more icing on the cake?

Dong Qianxue went to survey the terrain in the city, while Mo Xun came to the door of a five-story shop in the market alone.

Duobao Tower!

As soon as he stepped into the door, a flash of light flashed on the stairs, and a thin old man appeared in front of him.

The old man first waved to the foundation-building shopkeeper who was coming up to greet the guests, and then bowed hurriedly.

"I am sorry for not welcoming you from afar, please forgive me, senior!"

This person was Xuanyuan Chong, the elder of Duobao Tower who was guarding Chaotian Town.

Mo Xun nodded lightly.

"Let's find a place first, I have something to tell you."

There were not many customers in the shop at this time, but Mo Xun's appearance still attracted the attention of some people.

Fortunately, the cultivation of these people was too low. Not only could they not see Mo Xun's realm, but even Xuanyuan Chong didn't know who it was. He just thought that a distinguished guest had come to Duobao Tower.

Only the shopkeeper behind him trembled in his heart, and hurriedly stood upright and bowed to the side.

Who else could be respected by Elder Xuanyuan as an elder?

The two of them soon came to a secret room, and Xuanyuan Chong personally poured a cup of tea.

"I wonder if you have any instructions for coming here today?"

Mo Xun's time was precious now, so he didn't mean to play dumb, and said directly: "I need to hire some powerful people to stay in Chaotian City. Can you find them?"

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