Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 937 Wangyuan Palace

In the Tianjian Sect, the three Qi-refining masters seemed to have never seen the world before, and they were amazed wherever they went.

The sect now has a great atmosphere except that there are fewer disciples.

The rooftop is 48,000 feet high, and the waterfall hangs far away in the sky.

Looking at the pavilions in the distance, the clouds and mists are shrouded, and the fairy mountains stretch endlessly!

Wangyuan Palace, this is the name given by Mo Xun, and it is also the main hall of the Tianjian Sect.

In front of the palace gate with carved beams and painted rafters, there are two stone carvings of strange beasts that are more than ten feet high, which is daunting.

One is the four-winged "Suanyu" that wants to soar into the sky!

There is an ancient saying that there is a bird in the land of Shaoze, which looks like a snake with four wings, six eyes, and three legs. It is called Suanyu. Its cry is self-deprecating, and the town is terrified when it is seen!

The other one is called "Zheng"!

According to ancient legend, there are no plants on the Zhang'e Mountain, but many jades and greens. It is very strange. There are beasts there, like red leopards, with five tails and one horn. Its sound is like hitting stones, and its name is like a fierce beast!

Birds fly on the left, beasts run on the right, like a falcon entering a flock of crows, showing its teeth and claws, which makes people solemn.

Looking down from the main hall, there is a large stone tablet that Mo Xun carried that day, with three dazzling characters on it: "Tianjian Sect"!

There are several side halls on both sides of the hall.

Thousands of feet away on the left, a pagoda rises straight into the sky on the top of the mountain, which is the Tianyu Tower!

There are two bones buried under the tower, the founder of the Tianjian Sect, that is, Gu Yutian and his wife.

In the clouds and mist, a silver sword can be seen standing on the top of the tower, and the light on it covers the entire pagoda, emitting a circle of soft halo.

This sword is the Yutian Sword with Gu Yutian Yuanshen as the weapon spirit!

At the same time, it is also the treasure of the Tianjian Sect!

On the right side of Wangyuan Palace, a waterfall over a hundred feet wide splashed water, like a silver curtain pouring down like a torrent, as if it was falling from the sky.

The water fell into the pool with a loud bang, reflecting a shallow rainbow in the sun.

The smoke was billowing, and for a moment, the clouds were full of fog, and it was hard to tell which was water and which was fog.

Looking above the head, the huge formation was rippling, looming, and blending with the sky and the earth.

The rich spiritual energy was blowing in the face. This was a top-level formation arranged by high-level spiritual stones!

Being in it, it seemed that even taking a breath could double one's cultivation.

Where is the fairy palace? I don't know that there is a Yaochi under my feet!

In Wangyuan Palace, Mo Xun looked at the three nervous little guys in front of him and smiled faintly.

He saw the corners of his lips move slightly, and after transmitting two sentences to the outside of the palace, not long after, two black shadows in the air appeared in the field of vision one after another.

It was Sun Ku and Qi Ruyan who came on a sword!

"Disciple greets Master!"

Mo Xun waved his hand and said with a smile: "These people have some connections with the master, and their future cultivation will be temporarily handed over to you two."

The two curiously glanced at the two men and one woman next to them. Although they were confused, they still immediately bowed their hands in response.

After arranging Mo Yichen and others, Mo Xun hurriedly sent out a few sound transmission notes.

After not returning to the sect for a few months, there were significant changes in the mountain gate again.

The places that his spiritual sense could capture were already on the right track in an orderly manner, but they were a little empty.

The spiritual herb garden was bare, with few herbs and no one to take care of it.

In the huge spiritual beast valley, there were only a few low-level monsters lying lazily on the ground, basking in the sun comfortably.

The sword pool has also been built, and the next step is to return the sword to the tomb.

The Gongfa Pavilion is also waiting for him to set up prohibitions and preach.

The various departments need to be improved and arranged urgently.

After about an incense stick of time, several figures appeared in the hall.

Luo Xi, Dong Qianxue, and Yin Lixi who had just entered.

The only people Mo Xun could rely on now were the ones in front of him.

"I plan to set the opening ceremony of the sect one year later. What do you think?"

Yin Lixi frowned slightly and stepped forward to clasp his hands.

"Sect Master, the Tianyun Sect..."

Although this was only half said, everyone understood what it meant.

In fact, several people did not have many opinions on when to hold the ceremony.

The only thing they were worried about was the current situation of the Tianjian Sect.

Since Mo Xun attacked the Tianyun Sect last time, they have been silent and have not made any moves, and have not even sent anyone to negotiate.

But everyone knows that Wang Boshan will definitely not give up.

Even a fool can guess that the day of the Tianjian Sect's ceremony is most likely when the Tianyun Sect comes to the door.

What Wang Boshan is planning, you can understand it with a little thought.

Choosing to start at the founding ceremony will not only help them recapture Tianjian Mountain and Chaotian City, but also help them wipe out the shame of Tianyun Sect in front of all the cultivators in the world.

Mo Xun smiled slightly.

"That's why I asked you to come here this time."

The faces of the several people immediately straightened, and their eyes looked at the main seat at the same time.

Mo Xun slowly stood up and walked down the steps.

"According to the news I received, another ancestor of Tianyun Sect has now returned to the sect, which means that we have to face at least two Yuanying."

The others knew about this.

And they quickly grasped another meaning in Mo Xun's words.

If they ask for external help, it won't be two Yuanying cultivators.

And this possibility will be very high!

After all, Tianyun Sect has stood for thousands of years, and there has never been a break in the Yuanying in the sect. I'm afraid no one would believe that such a sect has no friendly sects and forces.

Following this line of thought, the problem is serious.

Even if Mo Xun is good at fighting, how can two fists beat four hands?

Add to that the vast number of Jindan cultivators. If the army approaches, the foundation that Tianjian Sect has just established will probably be destroyed!

The reason why several people have not mentioned the founding ceremony for a long time is because of this aspect.

They just want to give the outside world an illusion that they are still under construction, so as to accumulate more strength.

But this is only a stopgap measure after all!

If a sect wants to develop, it is just a foolish dream without hundreds of years of effort!

When Mo Xun first established a new sect, there were several Jindan elders, which was his social accumulation for more than two hundred years.

It is impossible to improve the strength of the sect in a short period of time!

But now the stall has been laid out, and what lies before the few people is a road of no return that they have to take, but it is extremely difficult.

In other words, this hurdle must be crossed after all, it is just a matter of time!

Mo Xun glanced at the people around him.

"Since they are coming, we naturally can't just wait like this. I will ask a question now. Together with Elder Gu, can the four of you use the formation to hold back a Nascent Soul?"

This is one part of Mo Xun's plan.

He didn't dare to say that he could face two Nascent Soul ancestors at the same time, but it was more than enough to fight one.

Speaking of this, Dong Qianxue has the most say.

She pondered for a moment and nodded carefully.

"If we arrange it in advance, we should be able to give it a try."

Luo Xi and Yin Lixi also nodded reluctantly.

Two peak Jindan, one late stage, one middle stage, plus the formation to assist, I believe that even if they are defeated, they can still entangle the opponent.

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