Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 938: Preparation for War

Dong Qianxue frowned and asked, "What if a third Nascent Soul appears?"

At this moment, a sword sound resounded through the sky, and then a white light flashed above the Tianyu Tower, and silver clouds flew across.

A stream of light cut through the sky and headed straight for the Wangyuan Palace.

The dragon roar gradually stopped, and when the few people reacted, the Jade Sky Sword had already appeared in front of them.

The brilliant light was not subsided, and the murderous aura was overflowing!

A vigorous, simple, and slightly rigid mechanical voice came from the sword.

"If a third one appears, leave it to me!"

Except for Mo Xun, the faces of the others all showed a strong curiosity.

They knew that Mo Xun had a good treasure, but they had never seen such a treasure with independent spirituality.

Mo Xun had the deepest understanding of the power of the Jade Sky Sword.

Back then in the Secret Realm of the God's Tomb and the Palace of Ten Thousand Monsters, it was with the help of this sword that he was able to escape from the hands of the Purple Saint Heavenly Monarch.

Once the Jade Sky Sword takes the initiative to attack, it can indeed resist a Nascent Soul.

But in his impression, Gu Yutian once said that he could only attack three times a day at most, and he didn't know whether three swords could achieve the effect of heavy damage.

When Mo Xun asked this question, the Jade Sky Sword said: "Since I am the founder of the sect, I must live and die with the sect!"

Hearing this impassioned words, Mo Xun was speechless.

It seems that he was fooled by this sword again!

After a long time, Luo Xi suddenly asked: "If the Tianyun Sect sends a large number of Jindan cultivators here, how will we deal with it?"

This is obviously also a problem that cannot be ignored!

According to the arrangement just now, all the forces of the Tianjian Sect have been dispatched, and no extra manpower can be mobilized.

Even if the Nascent Soul is entangled, the group of Jindan cultivators may also take advantage of the opportunity to attack the mountain gate.

Although he has sufficient confidence in the mountain protection formation he arranged, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be no accidents without the guard of high-level cultivators.

At present, all the disciples in the mountain gate are a group of Qi-refining masters!

If the Tianjian Sect loses this time, it will not be so easy to establish the mountain gate again in the future.

Facing the inquiring eyes of several people, Mo Xun sneered.

"In addition to you, I will find another helper."

The helper he referred to was naturally Wanbaolou.

Xuanyuan Chong had promised that he would send a Yuanying elder to help here, hoping that it would be of some use.

Of course, he would never hand his fate over to others.

He continued: "From today on, you will follow Qianxue's arrangement and set up an ambush formation in Tianjian Mountain. You don't need to care about the cost of spirit stones and materials. As long as you feel it is necessary, you can try to set up more. A little more..."

Mo Xun paused for a while, and his tone became more relaxed.

"We must not only work hard on defense, but also think about retreat."

Several people looked at each other, and for a while they didn't quite understand what this meant.

Mo Xun sighed.

"In short, it is to prepare for retreat after failure. I will set up teleportation arrays in several secret locations. If we really encounter a situation where we cannot do anything, we can only temporarily give up this place."

Mo Xun's words were somewhat helpless, but he had to consider this result in advance.

He couldn't let those casual cultivators who had only been his disciples for less than a year be buried with him in such an unclear way.

At this point, Mo Xun's expression suddenly became cold.

"From now on, the mountain gate will be closed, and all disciples in the sect are not allowed to contact the outside world. However, those who disobey orders can be directly killed!"

This measure is naturally to prevent someone from colluding with the Tianyun Sect.

Because next, their Tianjian Sect will prepare for war!

Mo Xun then took out the Lingyun warship.

"Lixi, this ship will be temporarily handed over to you for safekeeping. At a critical moment, it can also be used as one of our retreat routes."

Yin Lixi took it over quickly.

"Disciple obeys!"

Mo Xun glanced at the few people again, and in order to ease the slightly heavy atmosphere, he suddenly smiled.

"These are just the worst results. Perhaps this opening ceremony will become an opportunity for our sect to expand its power."

What Mo Xun was referring to was naturally the counterattack.

He has always had a good temper. If we are good to each other, then everyone will get along peacefully and everyone will be happy.

But if someone wants to make trouble, his memory is never bad.

It's not that he will take revenge for every grievance, but he will definitely make the other party feel pain.

If the anger is greater, even if the Tianyun Sect is destroyed, it is not impossible.

Next, the disciples of the Tianjian Sect began to make busy preparations.

Mo Xun did not deliberately conceal the upcoming crisis. After all, protecting the sect is everyone's responsibility.

As for those who want to withdraw at this moment, I can only apologize.

After taking his elixir and spirit stone, they should always contribute.

With more than 3,000 disciples, it is impossible to ask every disciple to defend the Tianjian Sect to the death.

Even if he relaxes his words a little, most of them will run away.

At this time, if you still talk about coming and going freely, it is simply stupid.

Things like benevolence and righteousness also have to be divided into degrees.

Three thousand disciples, selected from the late stage of Qi Refining, are divided into twelve formations, and each of them practices the method of combining the formations to control the formation center.

There is only one requirement for these people, that is to guard the formation well.

At the same time, a short-distance teleportation formation is arranged at each formation center, directly leading to the Tianyu Tower.

This space treasure, which is no less than a treasure, will be the last defense for the disciples of the sect.

Under the pagoda, a hidden cave leading to the outside world thousands of miles away is arranged, and then it is transmitted continuously until it completely leaves Tianjian Mountain.

At the same time, the sect and Chaotian City also need to establish secret transmission.

And Chaotian City, in addition to the formation, has also arranged large-scale attack magic weapons for defense.

This item needs to be completed by Mo Xun and Gu Qingqing.

Doing so is just to buy a peace of mind.

After all, no matter how stupid Wang Boshan is, it is impossible for him to rashly attack Chaotian City before taking down Tianjian Sect.

At the same time, the news that Tianjian Sect is recruiting disciples has also spread like wildfire with deliberate dissemination.

This new sect, which just made a sensation not long ago, immediately set off a wave of heated discussions in southern Xinjiang.

Many casual cultivators who were originally prepared to come here to see the world have embarked on their journey.

For such a grand event, regardless of whether there is a willingness to join the sect, opportunities are definitely indispensable.

Just like the last loose cultivator conference of the clan, elixirs were distributed right at the beginning.

After making all these preparations, Mo Xun still felt that it was not enough.

The Tianjian Sect had cost him too much effort and resources. He would not give up this foundation unless it was absolutely necessary.

So he decided to take a risk!

Nearly a year passed like this. When all the preparations were almost completed, Mo Xun secretly came to the gate of the Tianyun Sect.

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