Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 946: The Army Approaches

The grand ceremony lasted for three hours.

Until the end, everything seemed calm.

Just as they were about to welcome the ancestor, a red light suddenly came from afar, and then heavily hit the faintly visible array light shield in front of the mountain gate.

With a loud bang, even the earth trembled.

The originally solid mountain protection array also showed a trace of instability after flashing a faint green light.

"What's wrong?"

"What happened?"


Amidst the stunned and panicked discussions, several figures scattered around immediately soared into the sky.

At the same time, Yin Lixi said loudly: "Don't panic, everyone, this is someone sending a great gift to our sect. After the sect master welcomes you, anyone who joins our sect today will get an extra great opportunity."

After that, he nodded to Zuo Tianming and others on both sides, and then jumped up and turned into a long rainbow in the air.

At the end of the sky, endless dark clouds swept in like a tornado.

In a few breaths, they enveloped the entire Tianjian Sect.

It was sunny a moment ago, but after a moment, it seemed to be approaching dusk.

Then there was a strong wind, thunder and lightning, and the whole world was illuminated.

Then, a majestic voice came from the black cloud.

The voice was like a bell, resounding in all directions!

"The Tianjian maniacs occupied people's ancestral property and killed people. It is a heinous crime! We are here to kill the evil demons in accordance with the immortal order of the Tiandao League. If there are those who repent and turn to the light, they will be forgiven. But those who help us to fight will be recognized by the thirteen sects of Southern Xinjiang and rewarded!"

These words were righteous and shook the world.

As the voice fell, the dark clouds on the left side of the sky flashed, revealing hundreds of foundation-building cultivators in it.

There were men, women, old and young, all holding weapons, majestic and dignified.

Then the right side of the rosy clouds passed by, and more than ten figures appeared.

Seven or eight of them sat down and the strange beasts roared, and there were huge red-scaled pythons around them, swimming in the clouds.

Some held long spears, some held pagodas... each of them looked murderous, like a god descending from heaven!

Above these people, you can faintly feel several powerful auras hidden in the black clouds. Under the pressure of the sky, it feels like the sky is collapsing.

The next moment, shouts and killings shook the sky.

I saw countless figures suddenly appearing below the mountain gate, all over the mountains and stretching for dozens of miles.

After counting carefully, there were tens of thousands of them!

These people were all Qi-refining cultivators, forming strange square formations, slowly approaching the front.

Although it was far away, tens of thousands of cultivators in the square could still clearly see the scene of the army pressing in front of the mountain gate.

In an instant, panic spread rapidly, and the rumbling thunder made people's hearts and minds shaken.

Although many people had guessed before that the Tianyun Sect would not give up, they were still frightened by the battle in front of them.

No one expected that the Tianyun Sect would attack almost with the entire sect.

Even with such a grand scene, Mo Xun spent a whole night to greatly weaken the high-level cultivators.


The roar of tens of thousands of people shook the world.

The casual cultivators who came here to watch the ceremony or intend to join the sect suddenly turned pale and trembled all over.

Just as everyone was in a panic, a cold snort spread all over the place.

At the same time, a green light flew out of the Wangyuan Palace, as fast as lightning, and rushed out of the battle formation in an instant and went straight into the distant clouds.

Immediately afterwards, a huge rumble exploded in the sky, and the black cloud suddenly burst into dazzling golden light.

The strong impact of the magic power made the space a little distorted.

Under the residual power of the magic power, it quickly spread around with the golden light as the center, forming a huge black vortex.

The vortex stirred the black cloud, causing everything within a hundred feet to roll in.

In an instant, sand and stones filled the sky and the space shook!

Dozens of low-level monks who were close were swept up by the vortex and flew up. They were torn into pulp by the ripples of the space without even a scream.

The original huge black cloud seemed to be mixed with a few strokes of vermilion paint, but soon it disappeared again.

At the same time, a faint smell of blood also spread to the surroundings.

Then, a figure flew out from inside.

In the faint golden light, the lapels fluttered in the wind, and he stood alone in the air, squinting his eyes and looking into the distance.

This person was Mo Xun!

On the other side of the glow, there was another figure staggering and almost falling from the clouds, but fortunately he was caught by a man who flashed out quickly.

This man was naturally Wang Boshan!

The other person he caught was also a Yuanying cultivator, and the second ancestor of Tianyun Sect, Tong Lu!

However, Tong Lu, who was hiding in the dark clouds and was very complacent a moment ago, was a little embarrassed at this time.

Not only was his face pale, but there was also a trace of blood at the corner of his mouth.

The two expected that there would be a fierce battle today, but they never thought that Mo Xun would attack him brazenly as soon as they met.

Not to mention them, the others were also stunned at this moment.

Especially as soon as they fought, Mo Xun gave the other party a heavy blow like a show of strength.

"You are so bold, you don't know how to stop when you are in great trouble, do you want to treat my Tiandao League as nothing?"

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows and turned his eyes to the side of Wang Boshan.

Everyone's attention was also attracted by a looming figure in the clouds.

Then, a female cultivator in dark blue Taoist robes with a sullen look on her face slowly emerged from the black clouds.

This person was also a Yuanying.

Following closely behind was a short man, also in the early Yuanying stage.

The appearance of several people once again made everyone's heart tremble.

Many people only knew that Tianyun Sect had two Yuanying ancestors, but they never thought that there were four people coming this time.

How could they respond?

Tianjian Sect was only established for one or two years. With its huge financial resources, it recruited some disciples, but compared with them, its strength was not a little bit worse.

No matter how good the Mo Sect Master was, how could he be the opponent of four Yuanying.

Looking at the huge momentum of Tianyun Sect, it was obviously preparing to destroy the sect.

In an instant, many casual cultivators who came to watch the ceremony felt a chill in their hearts, fearing that they would be affected by the impending catastrophe.

The square immediately became noisy.

Some people even wanted to leave in the chaos, but before they could go far, they were swept by a strong wind and fell back from mid-air.

"From now on, everyone is not allowed to leave the Tianjian Sect without permission!"

This voice came from nowhere, echoing in everyone's heart, like a heavy hammer that made everyone tremble.

Suddenly, someone shouted angrily.

"Why can't we leave? We are not disciples of the Tianjian Sect, and there is no reason for us to be buried with you!"

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