What answered him was a sword energy that passed through his neck directly.

Blood poured out, and the body was torn apart!

The originally noisy voice also quieted down.

Then the endless buzzing of swords sounded all around, and all the long swords stuck in the ground trembled.

In an instant, a sword energy barrier was formed above the entire square.

"This is for your own good. Before the dust settles, you'd better stay here for a while. Regardless of the future of the Tianjian Sect today, no one will make things difficult for you, but if someone wants to take advantage of the chaos, no one can guarantee your safety."

After saying this, there was no sound around.

Only tens of thousands of people were left looking at each other, at a loss.

Let's go back to the outside of the formation.

In front of the towering mountain gate, Mo Xun stood alone in the air, facing thousands of Tianyun Sect disciples.

It was quite like a single man guarding the pass!

"Are you from the Tiandao League?"

Mo Xun's words were naturally directed at the female cultivator who suddenly appeared.

This person looked to be in her thirties. She was not beautiful, but she had an air of transcendence. However, her eyebrows gave people a feeling of arrogance and coldness.

In terms of cultivation, it was also quite good. Although she was in the early stage of the Nascent Soul, she had a faint sign of crossing the bottleneck and entering the middle stage.

Among the four people, except for Wang Boshan, she was the strongest one.

"Why, you don't believe it?"

Mo Xun asked again: "So, you represent the Tiandao League?"

The woman raised her eyebrows.

"So what if it is, and what if it isn't?"

Mo Xun's brazen move just now really shocked several people.

Although there was a sneak attack factor in it, how many people in this world can sneak attack the Nascent Soul successfully?

After Tong Lu took a pill, his breath became more stable, and then he took a step forward and came to the side of the woman.

"Fairy Wei Qing, this demon is bloodthirsty. He first killed a member of the Zong family for no reason, then occupied the Wuding Mountains, and then came to our Tianyun Sect to show off his power. Two nights ago, he sneaked into our sect and killed dozens of disciples. As the messenger of the Heavenly Dao, I hope you can uphold justice for the Yue Kingdom's cultivation world!"

"Don't worry, fellow Taoist Tong. Since I'm here, I won't let him do whatever he wants. The five countries in our southern border have been allies for generations, and the Heavenly Dao Alliance has the responsibility to monitor the cultivators of the world. Facing this kind of murderous evil demon, we will definitely not stand idly by."

The two of them said this in front of everyone, with a very loud voice.

It feels like they are deliberately acting.

This is indeed the case. Although there are no rules in the cultivation world, the justice of the great way is what everyone must abide by on the surface.

In short, they must have a reason to come here to attack with a large army.

Especially now in front of the world's casual cultivators, they must stand up for morality.

Only in this way can we give an explanation to our disciples and all the gossips.

"Haha... Fairy Wei Qing is right. Now is the time when the demons are invading. Regardless of personal grudges, all the sects and families in Southern Xinjiang should work together. Demons like this who kill people at any time are our common enemies."

The one who said this was the smallest of the four.

This person is Gongsun Xu, a casual cultivator. Judging from the fluctuations of his magic power, his cultivation is roughly the same as Tong Lu.

These two are obviously the reinforcements brought by Tianyun Sect.

In fact, they don't need to mobilize so many troops to deal with Tianjian Sect, or to be cautious.

After all, the only one who can fight in Tianjian Sect is Mo Xun.

How much power can others fight back if they entangle this newly promoted Yuanying?

This fairy named Wei Qing actually came uninvited.

The reason is nothing else, they all saw the strong financial resources of Tianjian Sect.

The development of Chaotian City and Tianjian Sect in the past two years has not only attracted a group of Qi-refining and foundation-building cultivators.

Such a large amount of spiritual stones has long attracted the attention of some high-level cultivators.

It is not just the Tianyun Sect that is jealous.

This fairy lady is one of them.

They may not know how much benefit they will get from killing Mo Xun and taking down Tianjian Sect, but it will definitely not be a wasted trip.

Mo Xun looked at the high-sounding posturing of several people and sneered in his heart.

At the same time, he was already thinking about how to deal with it!

"My fellow Taoist, it's not too late for you to surrender now. We can guarantee that your Nascent Soul will not be destroyed, and the lives of your newly recruited disciples will not be in danger. But if you insist on resisting, it's not our fault."

This Gongsun Xu is also a wonderful person. Even in such a tense situation, he still smiles and speaks in a warm manner.

Mo Xun glanced at everyone and suddenly raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Then he stretched out a finger and pointed downward.

"Do we fight here or somewhere else?"

The smile on Gongsun Xu's face finally faded slowly.

"It seems that you are stubborn!"

"So what if it is, so what if it is not?"

This sentence was just said by Wei Qing, and Mo Xun returned it intact.

If he was still a person, he would never put himself in such a dangerous place.

One against four, no matter how arrogant he was, he didn't think he could win.

Ever since he promised to help Gu Yutian rebuild the sect, he knew that this conflict would come sooner or later.

Perhaps if the sect was built in a remote place, there would not be so many troubles, but such a discounted fulfillment obviously went against his original intention.

The cake in this world is so big, and the rise of any force will inevitably affect the interests of others.

The so-called peaceful rise does not exist at all!

The blue and white face immediately became gloomy enough to squeeze out water.

And Wang Boshan also twisted his eyebrows into a river.

Wang Boshan knew Mo Xun's strength best. In terms of single combat, none of them was Mo Xun's opponent.

He was also confident that with the strength of four people, he would definitely be able to take down Mo Xun.

But perhaps the battle that day made him feel a little bit of fear. If he could take down the Tianjian Sect without bloodshed, he would naturally hope so.

Today, the whole sect came here, and anyone with a discerning eye would know that it was for deterrence.

As long as there is a result at the level of Yuanying, there is no need for low-level cultivators to take action.

Mo Xun's reaction was beyond Wang Boshan's expectations, but also within his expectations.

After all, those who can cultivate to the Nascent Soul stage are more or less confident, or proud, and no one will easily admit defeat.

In fact, they will not cry until they see the coffin!

Well, only by completely defeating the Tianjian Sect in front of all the cultivators in the world can the Tianyun Sect regain its reputation.

Wei Qing snorted coldly.

"It seems that you are determined to die!"

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