Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 949: Killing a Person in Anger

At the same time that Wei Qing disappeared, Wang Boxhan and Tong Lu met together as quickly as possible.

The two of them didn't know where Wei Qing had gone, but it was definitely not a good sign.

The two of them looked at each other, and the plan to take action suddenly stopped at this moment, probably because they were worried about what other tricks Mo Xun might use.

But just because they didn't move didn't mean that Mo Xun was ready to give up.

At present, the Jade Sky Sword is entangled with Gongsun Xu, and Luo Xi and the others are trapping Wei Qing. It is obviously a good time to break them one by one.

Even if he was about to face two Nascent Souls in front of him, he could only make a desperate move.

He opened his mouth and vomited, and the Black Heron Nebula flew out of the sky, locking the sky and the earth within a thousand feet in an instant.

At the same time, he patted his waist, and a stream of light instantly flew out of the bag on his body.

The next moment, while Mo Xun released the Nascent Soul Spirit Realm, a thorn of consciousness suddenly shot out, along with the Tongbao Spear in his hand, which went straight to the boy's house.

It can be said that Mo Xun used all kinds of methods in this attack, and every move was almost done with all his strength.

To fight one against two, the easiest way is to kill one person first.

The one chosen is naturally the weakest one!

With Mo Xun's level of cultivation, he is still not sure of attacking two Nascent Souls at the same time.

This also means that if his sudden attack is faster and catches the opponent off guard, it may have a miraculous effect.

But if someone sees through it or reacts to it, Wang Boxhan, who is next to him, will definitely not stand idly by.

At this time, he will face a situation of being attacked from both sides.

Three different Nascent Soul Spirit Realms collided in the air, making a clicking sound, as if invisible energy was spreading, crushing the entire space.

This time, Mo Xun fought one against two and did not gain any advantage in the spiritual realm, and even fell behind.

Fortunately, that feeling of sluggishness was quickly offset as the six feet of golden light dispersed.

Since Tonglu can cultivate to such a level, no matter how weak he is, he is still a Nascent Soul cultivator.

In addition, it is now a life-and-death struggle. After being successfully attacked by a sneak attack, his spirit has been in a state of tension. Where can he be easily attacked by others at this moment?

He was about to use his life magic weapon to deal with it, but immediately, he felt a slight pain in the sea of ​​consciousness.

The pain wasn't fatal, but it still made him slightly sluggish.

When he reacted, he suddenly felt his feet tighten, and then he saw a skinny hand grasping his ankle.

That hand seemed to appear out of thin air and had no owner at all.

This guy is naturally Lu Wushen.

In today's competition, if it is serious, it will not only determine the high and low, but also decide life and death, so Lu Wushen, the new helper, will definitely need to be used.

In just this moment of trance, the spear in Mo Xun's hand was already stabbing him with fierce murderous intent.

At this moment, Wang Boxhan on the side had also approached.

This "Treasure Boy" was currently controlling a palm-sized bronze mirror. The red light in the bronze mirror shot straight towards Mo Xun.

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows and threw something in the air at the same time.

Looking carefully, it turned out to be a large white bone knife.

The bone knife flew quickly and without any control, it slashed at Wang Boshan who was coming towards him.

The white sword light and red light met in mid-air, and in an instant it was like mist meeting sunlight, passing directly through the bone knife without losing its force.

Wang Boxhan frowned secretly, seeming to realize that something was wrong.

He found that the strength Mo Xun displayed was completely different from that of that day.

The exchange of swords and mirrors just now seemed too easy!

But now is not the time to think, because the spear in Mo Xun's hand is already less than ten feet away from the child's house.

Fortunately, after a brief period of confusion, Tonglu finally came to his senses, and immediately slapped a palm towards his feet. The powerful spiritual wind swept past, breaking away from Lu Wushen's weird claw, and then his body flashed. , left the spot, the general avoided the shot, and at the same time flicked his long sleeves, and a set of colorful steel rings flew out from inside.

Then the fingers made a seal, and the steel rings flashed for a while and then suddenly disappeared.

When he reappeared, he was above Mo Xun and under his hood.

Immediately afterwards, Mo Xun, who had just shot in the air, was restrained by the colorful rays of light, as if tied with a rope, and his movements became extremely slow.

At the same time, Wang Boxhan arrived with overwhelming murderous intent!

The direction of the bronze mirror in his hand was turned, and the back side was illuminated. A large cloud of black air flew out from it, and quickly condensed into a black scaled python in mid-air. It opened its bloody mouth and bit and entangled Mo Xun.

"Boy, let's see where you go this time!"

Wang Boshan's angry face turned almost ferocious, as if he wanted to pay back all the humiliation he suffered that day.

Under the joint strangulation of the colorful rope and the black snake, Mo Xun spurted out a mouthful of thick blood.

Tong Lu was beside him, his heart was surging, and he kept pinching the Taoist secrets in his hands, controlling the colorful steel ring to slowly tighten.

Unexpectedly, he captured the opponent alive as soon as he took action!

In just a short moment, the previous depression due to being sneak-attacked by the opponent suddenly disappeared.

There was only fanaticism in their eyes. Once Mo Xunyi died, the entire Tianjian Sect would belong to them.

This alone is at least worth the Tianyun Sect’s hundreds of years of accumulation!

Perhaps from this person, many unexpected treasures can be obtained.

Although Wang Boshan and Tong Lu are both Nascent Souls and have advanced for many years, this is the first time they have killed Nascent Souls of the same level.

This kind of record will add a strong and colorful stroke to their reputation.

But the next moment, the twisted grin on Tong Lu's face was completely frozen.

Because he felt pain, on his neck.

Then, a light red mark appeared on his neck. It was not until blood oozed out that Tong Lu seemed to react in his mind.

Then, Mo Xun's figure appeared next to him in a very strange way.

In his hand, he still held the white silver spear.

This sudden change immediately entered Wang Boshan's consciousness, and his face also showed extreme shock.

The same expression can still be seen on Tong Lu's face.

What shocked them was not why Mo Xun suddenly escaped.

On the other side, under the confinement of the colorful steel ring and the black scale python, there was another Mo Xun.

Not only were the two of them the same in body shape, appearance, and clothing, but even their expressions were the same.

But the next moment, they finally guessed the reason.

One of them must be an incarnation!

This is exactly the case. Mo Xun used the camouflage power of the chaotic turbid air to make his incarnation pretend to be him, which completely attracted the attention of the two people in advance.

The purpose was to wait for this moment!

But the Tong Patriarch next to him probably didn't have the chance to enjoy this good show anymore.

Because his head was slowly sliding down from his shoulders.

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