Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 950 Mysterious Yuanying

Then, a red light flew out of his body, and disappeared in a flash.

It was Tong Lu's Nascent Soul!

In this scene, not to mention the low-level cultivators watching the battle from a distance, even Wang Boshan seemed to be unable to react for a while.

A Nascent Soul body was destroyed like this?

The key is how long it has been since the start of the war?

Even if the leader of the Tianjian Sect is a bit cunning, the ancestor of the Tianyun Sect should not be so weak.

But the facts are right in front of us.

Even Mo Xun himself found it quite incredible.

From his previous successful sneak attack to the second plot, Tong Lu gave him the feeling that he didn't have much experience in fighting.

When fighting with others, he didn't use any protection, not to mention that he didn't even have much vigilance.

This kind of person either hasn't participated in such a large-scale fight for a long time, or grew up in a greenhouse.

As for which one it is, it's obviously not important.

At the moment when Tonglu Yuanying escaped by teleporting, Mo Xun's mind moved and controlled the Wulu Nebula Disk above his head to block all escape routes.

Since he chose to take action, he had no intention of letting it go peacefully.

After today, either the Tianjian Sect will disappear from now on, or it will rise from now on!

As for the Tianyun Sect, it will naturally take the opposite path.

Countless chess pieces flew back and forth at a rapid speed, and in a blink of an eye, an airtight black and white chess formation was formed within a radius of hundreds of feet.

Black and white rays of light intertwined and overlapped, completely covering the surrounding space.

It was like a large net of silk threads that was suddenly woven, no matter which direction the Yuanying fled in, it would be intercepted.

Mo Xun used this magic weapon from the beginning, not for the purpose of fighting against the enemy, but to strangle the Yuanying.

"How dare you!"

At this scene, Wang Boshan was furious, and he felt like he was going to explode.

However, his threatening words were obviously a little late.

Perhaps it won't be long before the original dual-Yuanying sect will only be supported by him alone.

As the voice fell, Wang Boshan suddenly crushed the bronze mirror in his hand, and the black python wrapped around the incarnation rolled and exploded.

Then, a thick and wide-ranging black smoke rose from the place where the incarnation was.

The residual power of the explosion directly blew up Tong Lu's set of colorful light circles.

Mo Xun frowned and unconsciously tightened his spear in his hand, because it happened too suddenly, and he didn't have time to rescue.

Fortunately, after a brief interruption of his consciousness, he soon sensed the breath of the incarnation.

Fortunately, he didn't break into pieces.

As long as the golden elixir transformed by the Lanxin lotus seed is not broken, it means that it can still be repaired, but it will cost some money!

Wang Boshan obviously vented all his anger on the incarnation that deceived him.

"I, Wang, swear that I will tear you into pieces!"

After Wang Boshan said this with a grudge, a flash of white light suddenly appeared on his body, and two huge wings grew out from his back.

The wings were looming and almost transparent.

After unfolding, they were more than several feet long.

Mo Xun had seen this pair of wings before, and was a little surprised. Now seeing it again, he still felt it was quite mysterious.

The next moment, what was even more shocking was that Wang Boshan suddenly transformed into a huge white-feathered bird in the white light.

This bird was also translucent, and even through the body surface, Wang Boshan's vague shadow could be seen faintly.

It seemed that it was covered with a protective light shield!

Only on this light shield, the feathers and claws were very clear.

This reminded Mo Xun of the Nine Changes of the Sky from Lu Wushen.

It seemed that the other party was performing some similar transformation technique.

At the same time, a sharp hissing sound came from the bird's mouth, like the sound of a phoenix.

After the hissing, Wang Boshan's angry voice suddenly resounded through the sky.

"All Tianyun Sect disciples listen to the order, besiege Tianjian Sect at all costs, but if you encounter people from outside the sect, kill them all!"

After hearing this order, the Tianyun Sect cultivators in the distance were stunned for a moment, and then the Jindan disciples were the first to react, and immediately bypassed Gongsun Xu who was fighting in the sword rain, and flew towards the mountain gate.

Next came the foundation building, and finally the Qi Refining Master!

The mighty tens of thousands of people, one by one, regained their previous momentum and went straight to the mountain protection formation.

Mo Xun's heart tightened. Although he was confident in the formation he arranged, he couldn't withstand so many people breaking the formation at the same time.

But when he was about to return to help, a very strong gust of wind hit him.

The wind was so strong that he had never seen it before!

Even though he had the eighth level of physical cultivation, he was blown back dozens of feet without any preparation.

The strong wind swept up the dust and sand, and even the stones of several feet in size were swept up into the sky.

Mo Xun's body flashed with golden light, and he quickly displayed the six-foot golden light.

After a closer look, it turned out that this powerful gust of wind was the result of Wang Boshan flapping his wings.

When he looked again, Wang Boshan had already rushed towards the direction where Tong Lu was trapped, obviously wanting to take advantage of this opportunity to rescue his fellow disciple's Nascent Soul.

Although Tong Lu's physical body was destroyed, as long as the Nascent Soul was still there, there was a possibility of taking over another body to cultivate again.

Perhaps after a few years of seclusion, he could return to his current state.

But since Mo Xun destroyed his physical body, he did not intend to give him a second chance to cultivate again.

Thinking of this, he decisively gave up rescuing the mountain gate and rushed to Wang Boshan who was about to break the chess formation.

But at this moment, in front of the mountain gate of Tianjian Sect on the other side, a figure suddenly fell from the sky and appeared abruptly in front of those Jindan cultivators who were about to approach the mountain protection formation, stopping the group in mid-air.

Then, a powerful pressure gushed out like a tide, covering all the disciples of Tianyun Sect in an instant.

Judging from this pressure alone, this person is also a Yuanying cultivator!

But his clothes are very mysterious.

Not only is his whole body wrapped in a black robe from head to toe, but he also wears a hat covering his face.

"Before the two ancestors have decided the winner, all Tianyun Sect disciples are not allowed to approach Tianjian Sect."

The faint words were not loud, but they were heard by everyone like thunder.

Immediately, those almost crazy Tianyun Sect disciples calmed down and stayed where they were, not daring to move.

Especially the few Jindan cultivators who were in the front, cold sweat broke out on their foreheads instantly.

At the same time, Mo Xun under the Wulu Nebula had already fought a head-on battle with Wang Boshan.

One was covered in golden light, and the other was protected by a flying bird. They actually retreated a hundred feet at the same time.

The two also noticed the Yuanying strongman who suddenly appeared in front of the mountain gate at the first time.

But their reactions were completely different.


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