Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 951 No more fighting

Wang Boshan was surprised. On the one hand, he was intimidated by Mo Xun's powerful strength, but more importantly, it was the Yuanying who suddenly came out.

He really didn't expect that Tianjian Sect could actually invite Yuanying to help.

But strangely, from what this Yuanying said, it seemed that he had the intention of sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight, and did not want to directly participate in the conflict.

But if so, why did he stop the disciples of Tianyun Sect from attacking the mountain gate?

Wang Boshan couldn't understand it for a while!

Although Wang Laozu couldn't figure it out, Mo Laozu immediately guessed the identity of the person who came.

Apart from Wanbaolou, who had reached a secret cooperation with him, who else could it be?

As for the fact that they didn't help him directly, but only used deterrence to watch the disciples of Tianyun Sect, it was also within Mo Xun's expectations.

After all, his foundation was too shallow, and few people knew his true strength. If it were anyone else, I'm afraid they would choose to wait and see first.

Perhaps only after overcoming this difficulty can he get the recognition of other forces.

Even so, it must be after seeing him cut off Tong Lu's physical body that they decided to attack.

Just when the Tianyun Sect disciples were at a loss, Mo Xun had already rushed towards Wang Boshan again.

His body was shining with golden light, like a golden arhat.

Against Wang Boshan, he was slightly at a disadvantage in the realm of Dharma cultivation, so he was ready to win with the strength of his physical body from the beginning.

Seeing this, Wang Boshan hurriedly flapped his wings and blew a strong gust of wind between the two again.

Mo Xun's blood and energy rolled in his body, and he exerted his horizontal training to the extreme.

After a low roar, he did not avoid it and used the strongest move of the Dharma Golden Body Jue he had mastered.

Shake the mountain!

In the hurricane, he saw his back tilted slightly, and his shoulders pushed forward against the strong wind instead of retreating, and his speed was getting faster and faster.

With a loud bang!

The golden light and the flying bird collided, bursting out a dazzling glow, and the wave generated by the collision even stirred up a circle of space ripples.

After this collision, the two retreated again.

However, this time, Mo Xun only retreated a few feet before stopping and regaining control of his body.

However, the inside of the flying bird transformed by Wang Boshan spurted out a touch of scarlet, and retreated dozens of feet.

Seeing this, Mo Xun quickly made a spell in his hand, controlling the chess formation to narrow the range and catch the struggling Tonglu Yuanying as soon as possible.

At the same time, he flicked his long sleeves and threw the Xuantian True Fire into the chess formation.

He originally wanted to capture this Yuanying alive, but now in order to save time, he could only kill it directly.

After doing this, a white light flashed in his hand, and he took out the Tongbao Gun again.


Let’s talk about another battlefield not far from here. Countless swords were flying in the air, and for a while, Gongsun Xu was really trapped in the sword energy.

But Gongsun Xu was not a good person. As a casual cultivator, he had many ways to save his life.

At this moment, he not only had a piece of precious jade on his head, but also a thick layer of protective light shield condensed on his body surface, and he was wearing a treasure armor made of unknown animal skin.

Wherever the sword energy passed, even if it could penetrate the protective divine light, it would be blocked by the treasure armor.

Gongsun Xu used a bowl-shaped magic weapon.

Within the range of the purple light emitted by the bowl, the speed of all sharp swords would slow down, and at the same time, it seemed to be corroded by something, and bursts of white smoke would emerge.

In addition, this person can also perform a big hand magic.

Watching the inconspicuous palm waving, it would quickly condense a giant claw about ten feet in size in the air, and whenever it was slapped, it would sweep across a large area.

Next to Gongsun Xu, there was a huge spirit beast with two horns on its head.

This beast is called Linglong Fire Pattern Deer!

The whole body is fiery red, with some black spots all over the body. It has reached the seventh level, which is equivalent to the peak of the Jindan stage.

When the fire pattern deer opens its mouth, a ball of scorching flames will be ejected.

With the cooperation of one person and one deer, they barely stalemate with the Ten Thousand Swords Array controlled by the Jade Sky Sword.

Although many sharp arrows have suffered great spiritual damage, Gongsun Xu's side is obviously not in a good situation. From time to time, he will be attacked by Gu Yutian who is mixed in the group of swords.

A treasured long sword, although with the cooperation of Ten Thousand Swords, can independently resist an early Nascent Soul, which is really amazing!

As for the disciples of the Tianyun Sect, from the Jindan stage to the Qi Refining stage, they still stay in place quietly.

The mysterious Nascent Soul in black is like a god, guarding the sky alone, giving people a feeling of overwhelming the army.

Even if there are only a few people fighting, the momentum they can create is earth-shaking.

Several peaks outside the mountain gate have become battlefields without exception.

Even so, it was the result of several people's extreme restraint.

Because they all have concerns!

One is afraid of destroying the mountain protection formation, and the other is worried about implicating the disciples in the sect.

If we say who regrets the most at this moment, it is probably Wang Boshan. If he had known that he would fight so timidly, he might as well not let these disciples follow!

The sound of swords is endless, and the rumbles are one after another!

Looking at their own ancestors who were suppressed by Mo Xun in the distance, and another ancestor who was in danger in the chess formation, the disciples of Tianyun Sect were anxious and worried.

This battle can be said to be a gamble on the fate of the sect.

If they lose, or if their own ancestors are injured, then the entire Tianyun Sect will be at risk of extinction.

Originally, no one would consider this direction, because the apparent strength of the two sects is too different.

No matter Yuanying, Jindan, or foundation-building cultivators, they can't be compared at all.

But who knew that a good situation would be fought like this?

Now that the body of an old ancestor has been destroyed, how can they not worry?

Under the Wulu Nebula, there was a sudden extremely painful scream, and the place surrounded by the chess array had become a sea of ​​fire.

The next moment, the hearts of all the Tianyun Sect cultivators trembled.

Who else could this voice be if not from Tong Lu?

After Mo Xun's fierce spear attack, the flying bird on Wang Boshan's body was already shaky.

Hearing Tong Lu's scream in the firelight, Wang Boshan hurriedly said: "Stop! No more fighting, my Tianyun Sect admits defeat today, please let my junior brother go, don't hurt his Nascent Soul."

Hearing this, Mo Xun almost laughed.

This man is really ignorant and pitiful, thinking this is a game of house?

Fight if you want to, stop if you want to!

He ignored the other party, and the Tongbao spear in his hand flew out suddenly, carrying the sound of breaking through the air, and stabbed towards Wang Boshan.

With a crackling sound, the bird-protecting light on Wang Boshan's body finally broke.

But then, the opponent threw out a small flag.

The flag was half red and half white, and suddenly grew larger in the air, directly covering Mo Xun's head.

Then, Mo Xun felt a black screen in front of his eyes, as if all his vision was blocked.

Then, countless red and white silk threads flew out from the darkness, and one by one they wrapped around Mo Xun's body.

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