In a split second, those threads almost covered his entire body.

The blood and mana in Mo Xun's body gushed out at the same time, and his body refining skills and Nascent Soul realm took effect at the same time. In just one or two breaths, all the threads on his body surface were broken.

Then the Tongbao gun in his hand swept through the void, a white light flashed, and with a sizzle, the darkness in front of his eyes disappeared.

Then the red and white flag above his head broke from the middle and flew to both sides.

Looking at Wang Boshan again, the old guy took advantage of this short time and rushed into the chess formation, as if to rescue Tong Lu who was struggling in pain in the fire.

Mo Xun snorted coldly, how could he give the other party a chance?

He saw his palm grab forward, and Chi Li in the chess formation in the distance seemed to be inspired.

Those black and white chess pieces immediately made way for a passage, and Xuantian True Fire swept Tong Lu's Nascent Soul and flew out immediately.

Even for Chi Li, who had advanced, it would be difficult to refine the Nascent Soul in a short time.

In this case, he would take the Nascent Soul!

Wang Boshan saw this and rushed over, waving his long sleeves and condensing a gust of wind to block the flames flying in the air.

But at this time, the spear in Mo Xun's hand had already flown out and headed straight for Wang Boshan.

With a loud bang, the spear pierced the opponent's body shield, and a dazzling glow of light burst out.

Wang Boshan was shocked back more than ten feet away by this attack.

That is, the Tongbao Spear had no spirit, and its attack was greatly reduced, otherwise this attack alone would have caused a lot of damage to this person.

Mo Xun rolled up his sleeves and took away the Xuantian True Fire and Tonglu Nascent Soul that flew close to him at the same time.

It can be said that Wang Boshan was still a man this time. Although he was always suppressed by Mo Xun, he did not escape like last time.

It seems that the other party also knows that this battle is related to the life and death of Tianyun Sect. If it loses, this thousand-year-old sect will probably be finished.


Wang Boshan's state at this time can't be described as hair and beard.

Looking at the Tianyun Sect disciples who were blocked in front of the mountain gate in the distance, the old guy was even more angry.

Four Yuanyings and tens of thousands of disciples ended up like this. How could he not be angry?

"Do you know who I am, and who is that fairy Wei Qing? You don't know how to advance or retreat. Are you going to be an enemy of the Tiandao League?"

Mo Xun sneered in his heart. It's time, and this person still wants to scare him in this way.

He didn't believe that the Tiandao League would really send people to attack the Yuanying Sect for a Jindan family.

In this world, although there are some unwritten rules, in the final analysis, strength is still respected!

It may be true that Wei Qing is a member of the Tiandao League, but if it is said that she followed some fairy order, it is probably debatable.

Mo Xun was too lazy to continue talking to the other party, and the golden light on his body suddenly changed to purple light.

Then he saw a ball of flames rising around his body, and he had already used the True Fire Heavenly Spirit Armor.

Before, he was still thinking about just beating this group of people and repelling them. Since he cut off Tong Lu's physical body and Gongsun Xu and Wei Qing were trapped one after another, he had the idea of ​​completely destroying the Tianyun Sect.

Instead of worrying about defense all day long, it is better to solve it once and for all and eliminate the trouble forever!

As for what consequences will be caused later, he has no time to think about it now.

Seeing Mo Xun wearing the Flame Spirit Armor, Wang Boshan's pupils suddenly shrank. Although he didn't know what this method was, his intuition told him that the opponent's combat power was definitely stronger than before.

This is indeed the case!

Just as he was surprised, Mo Xun suddenly appeared in front of him like a flash of lightning.

The speed was so fast that it was more than doubled!

The next moment, a fist wrapped in flames smashed over.

That fist was Mo Xun's condensed magic power, blood, and Xuantian True Fire. It quickly grew in the air until it was as big as a millstone and was already in front of Wang Boshan.

Wang Boshan quickly offered a large yellow net and spread it between the two of them.

But as soon as the yellow net came into contact with the fist wind, it instantly dissipated under the purple fire fist.

Then, Wang Boshan felt a hot and powerful impact spreading throughout his body. He completely lost control of his body and flew backwards.

In mid-air, he spurted out a mouthful of thick blood.

When the Tianyun Sect disciples who were watching the battle from a distance saw this scene, they immediately opened their eyes wide and their hearts sank to the bottom of the valley.

The moment Tong Lu's physical body was destroyed, many people felt that things were not good.

The originally shocking momentum of tens of thousands of people finally collapsed at this time.

If the fight continued like this, the Tianyun Sect's thousand-year foundation would really be destroyed!

Mo Xun took advantage of the victory to pursue, and the Tongbao Spear had already stabbed out before Wang Boshan landed.

At the same time, another spiritual thorn shot out from his brow!

Wang Boshan roared in pain, and after a brief moment of unconsciousness, he hurriedly bit his tongue and spit out a mouthful of blood. Before the spear tip was about to pierce his chest, he finally regained consciousness.

After all, he was a cultivator in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul. Whether in terms of magic power or sea of ​​consciousness, he was much stronger than Tong Lu.

Although he could not compare with Mo Xun's strength, Wang Boshan had his own way to save his life.

At the same time as the blood, there was also a token.

The token quickly grew larger in the blood light, and in the blink of an eye, a shield-shaped protective magic weapon was formed between the two.

With a boom!

The Tongbao spear pierced the shield, emitting a dazzling light, and then exploded.

Wang Boshan also disappeared in the next moment.

When he reappeared, he was already a hundred feet away.

The traces of blood on his chest and mouth were enough to show that he had suffered a lot of damage from the previous punch.

Wang Boshan looked at Mo Xun with a ferocious face.

"You forced me to do it!"

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows, and before he understood what he meant, he saw Wang Boshan began to pinch his fingers and cast a spell in the air.

Then, a strong wind suddenly blew around.

The wind came very fast and very fierce.

In the strong wind, countless sand, stones, grass and trees were blown into the air, and even the big trees on the ground that were as thick as bowls were uprooted.

In an instant, the whole world was covered by dust.

As Wang Boshan's figure slowly disappeared from his sight, Mo Xun suddenly had a bad premonition.

This was obviously going to cast some powerful spell!

At this moment, Mo Xun would not sit and wait for the other party to succeed in casting a spell.

But when he rushed into the place where Wang Boshan had been before, he was surprised to find that the man had disappeared.

He quickly released his spiritual consciousness, and the scene that happened next shocked him for a long time.

But suddenly, he heard a series of shrill screams.

The screams were so loud and so many that the whole forest seemed to have turned into a hell of Shura.

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