Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 953 Heavenly Sacrifice

Where the divine consciousness passed, it was even more shocking.

I saw that all the disciples of Tianyun Sect were entangled by black silk threads that came out of the ground, and then blood oozed out of their skin bit by bit.

Even those who woke up and escaped by chance were shrouded by the black air all over the mountains and plains, rolling on the ground and screaming miserably.

A few foundation-building monks who were originally standing on the ground saw that the momentum was not right, and hurriedly flew up on their swords.

Those who reacted faster just escaped the pursuit of the black silk.

Those who were slower, like the Qi-refining monks on the side, were entangled by black wires like steel wires, and blood oozed out of their skin.

The wailing of tens of thousands of people suddenly echoed in the mountains and forests.

The land full of grass, trees, mountains and rocks was also dyed into a deep red blood color in just a few breaths.

In the streams along the way, the clear water turned into blood!

The air was filled with an extremely strong smell of blood.

These bloody qi passed through the mountain protection formation and floated over the surrounding hills, causing half of Tianjian Peak to fall into a bloody mist in a short period of time.

The Jindan and foundation-building cultivators in the sky were all shocked and could not hide their expressions.

They all seemed to have seen the most terrifying existence in the world, and they all flew away from the sky.

Fortunately, the black silk threads and black mist only rose two or three feet high and then stopped.

The area within a radius of dozens of miles instantly became a world of black and red.

Even the Qi-refining disciples who escaped from the black gas were covered in blood.

And those who were shrouded in black finally screamed less after struggling for less than a cup of tea.

When the black smoke dissipated, what appeared in front of everyone was a miserable and disgusting scene.

There was a bloody mess on the ground. Tens of thousands of cultivators, no one was seen at this moment, not only that, but even the broken limbs were gone, all turned into pools of thin meat paste.

Looking at the scene in front of him, even the well-informed Mo Xun secretly took a breath of cold air.

This method reminded him of the scene in Sinan Mountain.

There were also thousands of low-level Qi-refining practitioners who were trapped in the formation and refined alive for the foundation-building pills promised by the Situ family!

Although there is no formation here, it is believed that some tricks must have been done in these people's bodies in advance.

Otherwise, even if it is a Yuanying cultivator, it is difficult to cast such a range of spells in a short time.

Then, Mo Xun's eyebrows began to frown.

Although he didn't know what Wang Boshan wanted to do, it was obviously some kind of extremely vicious evil spell.

What shocked Mo Xun was here.

Sacrificing tens of thousands of his disciples just for the purpose of casting a magical power, Wang Boshan was really not ordinary cruel.

It seems that today, he really has to fight to the death with Tianyun Sect!

However, after this battle, the reputation of Tianyun Sect will also fall to the bottom.

Who would dare to serve such a vicious sect ancestor?

Unless the other party is ready to kill all the people here!

Gongsun Xu and Yu Tianjian, who were fighting in the thousands of swords, stopped at the same time, obviously shocked by the sudden shocking means.

As for the Tianyun Sect's Jindan and Jianji elders in the air, they were pale and stood there in disbelief.

And the mysterious Yuanying whose identity was unknown, covered by a black robe, seemed to tremble slightly.

In the Tianjian Sect, thousands of casual cultivators who came here to participate in the sect's grand ceremony were chilled by this scene.

This is simply beyond the scope of fighting, but hurts the heaven and earth.

And the sacrifice is still his own disciples.

Quiet, at this moment only blood-colored mist floated!

The world seemed to fall into a dead silence.

The thick death aura enveloped everyone's heart.

Those undead who had just died seemed to be gathered in the dense forest.

The next moment, Wang Boshan's crazy and hoarse voice echoed in everyone's ears.

"You forced me to do all this. The tragic deaths of tens of thousands of disciples are also your fault. Since I have performed the Heavenly Sacrifice, it means that after today, either you die or I die. Wait for the wrath of my Tianyun Patriarch!"

The Patriarch of Tianyun Sect?

Mo Xun seemed to realize something.

But before he could think about it, a series of strange noises suddenly sounded on the ground.

Looking down, I saw that countless reptiles seemed to have grown in the meat mud all over the mountains and began to wriggle strangely, which looked extremely disgusting.

Then, the meat mud was slowly swallowed by the earth and seeped into the soil bit by bit.

The blood-colored mist around also began to roll and quickly gathered in one direction.

It seemed that there was a space gap there, which absorbed all the blood mist and formed a red vortex with a range of several feet.

The earth began to shake, and a low roar could be heard from the vortex.

Wang Boshan's figure finally reappeared at this moment.

He was just floating quietly above the vortex, with messy hair and a faint glow all over his body.

At this moment, it actually gave people a feeling of being unable to see through.

The blood in the vortex became more and more intense, and in that dark red, it seemed that an extremely powerful existence was being nurtured, breaking out of the seal little by little.

Mo Xun stared at Wang Boshan in a daze. He knew that this must be some kind of heaven-defying magical power, and he also understood that in this case, he should stop the other party from continuing to cast spells.

But for a moment, he didn't know how to start!

He tightened the spear in his hand. No matter what, he still had to try it.

Thinking of this, his figure flashed, and the purple flames on his body became even stronger. At the same time, outside the purple flames, he also cast a six-zhang golden light.

The purple-gold escape light flew away and headed straight for Wang Boshan on the blood-colored vortex.

Mo Xun has always been like this. Once he takes action, he rarely wastes words.

The long spear in his hand drew a silver-white light in the air, which was dozens of feet wide. Wherever the silver light passed, it seemed to tear the space apart.

But facing this imposing attack, Wang Boshan did not dodge or avoid it, but instead showed a hint of sneer.

Mo Xun's heart tightened, and he suddenly realized that the crisis was approaching.

Sure enough, just when the silver spear and white light were about to sweep Wang Boshan, a blood-colored big hand suddenly stretched out from the blood-colored vortex.

The palm was two or three feet big, and the speed was extremely fast.

With a bang!

The bloody hand slapped Mo Xun directly, and he was immediately hit by a dizzy spell.

Mo Xun's figure also flew away.

He felt like he was hit by a small mountain. Even though he was strong, he felt dizzy at this moment.

Fortunately, he was just testing the attack, and only used 30% to 40% of his strength.

In addition, with his horizontal training, only a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, and he did not hurt his other foundations.

However, this time, he finally tested the depth of the vortex.

After stabilizing his body again, he turned his head and saw that the original blood-colored vortex began to shrink slowly.

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