Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 95: Divine Consciousness

Mo Xun looked at Xiao Qian in confusion. He had no intuitive understanding of the classification of monster levels.

However, seeing Xiao Qian's solemn expression, Mo Xun knew that this matter was no small matter.

However, Xiao Qian did not mean to explain, and immediately said: "Let's leave here first!"

Mo Xun had to temporarily suppress the doubts in his heart. The two of them performed the wind control technique under their feet, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

In a dark cave, a bonfire was lit, and Xiao Qian sprinkled some unknown powder at the entrance of the cave.

Facing Mo Xun's strange eyes, Xiao Qian smiled and explained: "This is the powder of Li Yingcao, which has a dispelling effect on many low-level monsters."

Mo Xun nodded in understanding, and then asked: "Brother Xiao, can you tell me what the situation is with this third-level monster?"

Xiao Qian first took out the storage bags and weapons he picked up and placed them between the two of them.

"If it's true as Brother Mo said, then the beasts that can kill those people are probably level 3 monsters, because only when they reach level 3 can they open up simple intelligence."

"Then what about the combat power of these level 3 monsters?"

The monsters they had encountered before were all level 1 monsters. In Mo Xun's opinion, with his current means, as long as there are not many monsters, he can barely deal with them.

At worst, he can still escape.

Xiao Qian picked up a palm-sized token and injected spiritual power into it. The token suddenly became larger and turned into a dark shield.

When Mo Xun saw this scene, his eyes suddenly lit up. It was the first time he saw this kind of magic weapon.

However, Xiao Qian kept shaking his head and kept saying "what a pity".

It turned out that there were four or five fine cracks on the surface of this shield. It seemed that it would break if a little force was applied. In the lower left corner, a fist-sized piece was missing.

"It seems that I can only use it once or twice at most!"

Xiao Qian fiddled with the shield for a while before putting it aside and said, "A level three monster is actually close to the strength of a cultivator in the early stage of foundation building in terms of combat power."

Mo Xun was shocked when he heard this. He had heard Xiao Qian say that once you reach the early stage of foundation building, you can easily win even if you face ten cultivators at the peak of Qi Refining. "

The gap between the two seems to be a realm, but it is like a stream and a river, not at the same level at all.

The most important point is that once the foundation is established, the spiritual consciousness can be cultivated.

With the spiritual consciousness, you can control objects from a distance, and easily manipulate magic tools to fight the enemy from several feet away.

Unlike the Qi training period, because you cannot use the spiritual consciousness and are limited by the realm, even if you have a high-level magic tool, you can't exert much power.

Of course, the magical uses of the spiritual consciousness are more than that.

With the spiritual consciousness, it is like having a pair of invisible eyes. Those with strong spiritual consciousness can often know what is happening from several miles away.

Just like in this fog, he and Xiao Qian can only see things a few feet away through their eyes, but if they have spiritual consciousness, the two can see everything around them in time.

Xiao Qian glanced at Mo Xun lightly, and then said: "There is a key point that is very important. As far as Xiao knows, the third-level monsters are generally only in the inner valley, but the location where we are now is still a long way from the inner valley. The appearance of the third-level monster in this place is probably not a good sign. ”

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