Mo Xun sighed in his heart. This was the first time he felt a crisis since he entered the valley.

It seemed that the corpses today had a great impact on him.

"Forget it, there is no point in talking now. Let's see what we have gained this time!"

As he spoke, Xiao Qian picked up a tattered red flag, looked around, and suddenly injected spiritual power into it. He waved it forward, and a pillar of fire was released from the flag, hitting the rock wall about ten feet away. After a "bang", several pieces of gravel fell from the rock wall.

"Hehe, it seems that this fire flag can still be used. Brother Mo, can you try it?"

Mo Xun took the flag in his hand, but he never tried it. In his mind, he was still thinking about those strange corpses.

"Brother Xiao, is there any monster that specializes in eating human organs?"

Xiao Qian picked up a bowl-sized bowl and looked around. There was still a crack at the bottom and a broken hole next to it.

"Where can you find such a picky monster? Even if it eats people, it should eat them all."

Xiao Qian then held the bowl in one hand, pointed it at the darkness in the distance, and injected spiritual power into it. A green beam of light shot out from the bowl and hit the broken stones knocked down by the Fire Spirit Flag.

The stones were quickly wrapped by ice crystals under the white light. In a moment, they condensed into ice, and even the temperature around them dropped a few degrees.

Xiao Qian nodded with satisfaction: "Although it doesn't quite match my technique, it's better to have it than not."

"Brother Mo, you practice fire-based techniques, and that Fire Spirit Flag is just right for you. I'll take this Ice Bowl. How about that?"

Mo Xun nodded absentmindedly. This matter made him somewhat uneasy, and he always felt that something was going to happen.

"Brother Xiao, is there something it needs in the internal organs?"

Xiao Qian smiled, and he was naturally in a good mood to get a magic weapon.

"That's unknown, but I haven't heard of any monsters that specialize in eating internal organs."

Xiao Qian then took a few other magic weapons in his hand and tried them out, including a broken black gourd, a judge's pen that was broken into two pieces, etc., but they were all severely damaged and completely unusable, which made him very sorry.

But despite this, he still divided these things into two and gave half to Mo Xun.

These things may contain some refining materials that can be extracted, and they may even be sold for some spirit stones.

Mo Xun touched his stomach, his eyes suddenly focused, and he seemed to understand a little.

"Brother Xiao, I think I know why the monster only eats the internal organs of those people."

Xiao Qian was holding a storage bag at this time, and was about to pour out all the things in it. Hearing this, he stopped and looked at Mo Xun, waiting for the other party's next words.

"The monster probably eats the Dantian of those cultivators!"

Xiao Qian opened his mouth, hesitated for a moment, but did not speak.

Mo Xun continued: "The reason why it didn't eat those people whole and left these treasures there must be to attract more cultivators."

After a long time, Xiao Qian nodded and said: "According to what you said, you and I are lucky today. We didn't run into that beast, and we got lucky?"

Mo Xun sneered: "That can't be said. Maybe it is waiting for us outside the cave at this moment."

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