Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 964 Immortal Tree

One of its owners is Tonglu who was killed by Xinjin, and the other is Feng Yuxiu.

Since Huanyunyuan came back, Mo Xun hasn't taken the time to take stock.

He first spent most of the day erasing the forbidden seal on it, and then tried to penetrate it with his spiritual consciousness.

Each of the collections of the Nascent Soul cultivator is priceless.

The capacity inside the storage bag is not only extremely wide, but also extremely rich.

If it were in the past, Mo Xun would probably be unable to help but admire or be surprised. It can be seen that after crossing the rivers and seas, his vision is no longer as high as usual.

Even if there was a mountain of spiritual stones in front of him, it would be difficult for him to have any mood swings.

What interests him right now are mainly some rare things that he has never seen before.

After sorting all the spiritual stones together, and classifying the various materials, spiritual herbs, elixirs, magical instruments, etc. one by one, Mo Xun was already familiar with the process.

Over the past hundreds of years, this kind of thing has been done countless times.

There were a few things that caught his eye, including a copper bell-shaped protective magic weapon and a colorful ring used in Tonglu.

But it just made him look at it twice more!

So far, he has not found any treasures from other Nascent Soul cultivators.

In other words, a divine object of this level, such as the Jade Sky Sword, is extremely rare even in the entire world of immortality.

When he opened a jade box, erased the restrictions on it, and saw a withered black branch inside, he couldn't help but have some doubts on his brows.

He actually didn't recognize this thing for a while.

Picking up the dead branch, he first looked at it from side to side for a while, and then smelled it at the tip of his nose.

Slightly weird aftertaste!

This thing is about three inches long, just enough to fit in the palm of your hand. It is long and thin and has no branches.

There are some strange natural runes on the bark texture, which are quite mysterious.

Mo Xun tried to inject spiritual power into it. With his alchemy skills, there were actually quite few spiritual beings unknown to this world.

But as soon as the spiritual power gathered, it quickly dissipated, and there were no strange changes on the surface of the dead branches.

This thing was found from Feng Yuxiu's collection and placed in the corner of a wooden shelf.

Judging from the restrictions placed on the jade box, it is quite precious.

At this moment, the space beside him opened with a sharp sound, revealing a head with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks. It was none other than Lu Wushen.

"Huh? It's actually an immortal tree!"

Mo Xun had long been used to facing this guy's elusiveness.

He did not pursue the other party for coming without telling him, but instead raised his eyebrows and grabbed the "immortal wood" in his mouth!

"Do you know this thing?"

Lu Wushen showed a rare expression of surprise, and his originally small eyes were now wide open.

He took the dead branch from Mo Xun's hand and looked at it carefully for a while before throwing it back with a smile.

"It seems that you have a good chance. Have you heard of the Immortal Tree? If I read it correctly, this object should have fallen off from the Immortal Tree... But don't be too happy too early. I don't know which idiot actually did it. He wasted no time in soaking it in Huntian liquid, which greatly reduced its efficacy. The immortality in it has been lost to some extent, and now I am afraid it can only be used as an ordinary healing medicine. "

Upon hearing this, Mo Xun suddenly stood up.

How could he not know the name of the Immortal Tree?

It is also one of the sacred trees, but it can be said that it is as mysterious as it is on the sky-reaching tree.

This tree is also known as the "Tree of Life". The immortality mentioned by Lu Wushen is actually vitality.

As its name suggests, the Immortal Tree has only one function, and that is to nurture the most vibrant immortal fruit in the world.

The Immortal Fruit, also known as the "Life Fruit", is said to have the effect of bringing the dead back to life and making people immortal after eating it.

To say "immortality" may be a bit exaggerated, but it is not impossible to prolong life and live and die without flesh and bones.

In other words, this thing is simply the top healing elixir.

No wonder Lu Wushen said that this thing had been soaked in Huntian liquid.

Huntian Divine Liquid also has an incredible effect on recovering injuries. Mo Xun was lucky enough to get a pot in the secret realm of the Tomb of Gods.

Afterwards, half of it was given to Xia Muchao, and the rest was consumed by him in the boundless sea of ​​monsters.

It can be seen that the original owner of this dead wood should be aware of the magical effects of this thing, but he used the wrong method. He originally wanted to fuse two holy medicines, or use Huntian Liquid to cultivate an immortal tree, but ended up destroying it. Cut dead wood.

At the end of the dead branch, there is a smooth gap left by a knife.

It seems that the person who got it later used it as a healing medicine. Every time he was injured, he cut off a piece and took it alive.

Almost instantly, Mo Xun figured out the key points.

He carefully rubbed the dead branches in his hands. Others couldn't cultivate it, but that didn't mean he couldn't help it.

If he could have an immortal tree, what kind of elixir would he make in the future?

Once seriously injured, chewing an immortal fruit is no worse than some healing elixir?

Owning this tree is tantamount to possessing immortality in disguise.

The Huntian Liquid back then was not bad. If it weren't for that small half pot of divine water, he might not be alive today.

But no matter how good it is, it is still limited.

The "Fruit of Immortality" is different. As long as the sacred tree is planted alive, you can have as many as you want, and you may be able to extend your life.

Compared with the soul-nurturing tree and the sky-reaching tree he obtained before, he obviously values ​​"immortality" more!

Thinking of this, Mo Xun's heart, which had been calm for who knows how long, finally had some ups and downs.

He raised his eyes and asked tentatively: "Brother Lu, do you think this thing has a chance of survival after being planted?"

Lu Wushen rolled his eyes.

"What are you thinking? This thing has been dead for tens of thousands of years. The immortal energy inside has almost dissipated. If it can be planted alive, it will fall into your hands. Do you really think that the immortal tree can't die? Besides, the vitality of your world is thin, even this seat can hardly maintain it. You still want to support the growth of such a sacred tree. It's just a foolish dream."

Mo Xun nodded calmly. Although his face was calm, he had already made up his mind.

These words probably revealed two pieces of information.

First, the immortal tree is not omnipotent!

Second, and most importantly, what this thing needs to absorb for growth is not spiritual energy, but vitality.

About this point, Mo Xun may not have been able to do it before.

But now, it's completely different.

One of the methods of using the chaotic turbid air that Lu Wushen gave him last time was to transform it into vital energy.

The chaotic aura is the origin of all things in the world.

Everything in this world is derived from the two kinds of air, clear and turbid.

Theoretically, if you master the chaotic aura, you can give birth to everything in the world.

However, how to give birth is not something that ordinary people can master.

But the jade slip that Lu Wushen gave him mentioned the method of transforming turbid air into vital energy.


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