Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 965: The Sky-reaching Bloodthirsty Sword

Mo Xun didn't get too entangled in this topic. As for what to do next, he would have to try it before he knew.

With a flip of his wrist, he put away the Immortal Wood.

"Brother Lu, since you come from the upper world, your knowledge is much broader than that of the lower world. Have you ever heard of the Tianxin Stone?"

This question came to Mo Xun's mind temporarily.

It was just a casual comment at first, but Lu Wushen actually knew.

"The so-called Tianxin Stone is the inner elixir of the Demonic Bird. After the death of this beast, the inner elixir absorbs the essence of heaven and earth and gradually becomes weathered. Depending on the time of conception, its appearance varies greatly... By the way, you Why are you asking this?”

Mo Xun smiled.

"I just accidentally saw it in an ancient book and was confused."

Lu Wushen undoubtedly had him, and continued: "This thing is actually nothing in the upper world. Although there is no devil bird in the holy world, the holy and demonic worlds are adjacent to each other and are not completely closed. There are often various The circulation of cultivation resources can be easily obtained if you are not lucky, but in your world...hehe, it's hard to say. "

Demonic bird?

Demonic world?

Mo Xun's heart moved and he frowned at the same time.

According to this statement, this Tianxin Stone is not a thing of this world, or it once existed, but it has become extinct.

And from what the other party said, the demon bird seemed to be from the demon world that day.

This is a bit troublesome. Can the Jade Sky Sword be repaired only after ascending?

Lu Wushen seemed to enjoy this opportunity to show off. Over the past few months, whenever Mo Xun asked anything, he always told him everything.

Of course, this all requires payment.

This guy would silently remember every question Mo Xun mentioned, and after summarizing it, he would exchange it for chaotic turbidity.

He is like a stingy profiteer!

Regarding this, Mo Xun didn't care. In comparison, he even preferred this kind of transaction with a clear price.

At least you don't have to owe a favor.

Chaos and turbid air is precious, but its value can only be reflected when it is put to use.

Mo Xun suddenly thought of something again and asked quickly: "I wonder if you have ever heard of the Sanqing Divine Bird?"

Lu Wushen curled his lips disdainfully.

"Isn't it just a flat-haired beast? It's a divine bird. In front of me, it deserves to be called a god? But this beast's magical power is pretty good. It flies very fast. It's barely enough to be used as a mount. This is you again. Which crappy book did you read it in?”

Mo Xun's mouth twitched secretly.

If Sanqing heard this, it would be another desperate fight.

He was curious, one had the power to control the wind, and the other could play with space at will. If they really met, who would be stronger?

Sometimes he envied this kind of strange beast, which was born with certain instincts.

And the longevity is too long!

The two chatted for a while, and Lu Wushen suddenly stretched out his claws and scratched the void. The space seemed to open a gap, and then a bunch of chess pieces fell out.

"Including the one you gave me, there are exactly two hundred and sixty-two. Please click on it."

When he saw these chess pieces, Mo Xun's heart sank.

The reason why he asked Lu Wushen to help him search was because after the explosion, he was no longer emotionally involved with most of the chess pieces.

In addition, he was busy with the sect's affairs, so he pretended to be someone else.

He originally thought that these magic weapons had only been temporarily wiped out of their spirituality. After they were found and re-refined, they should be fine. But now, looking at it, the situation was much worse than he thought.

More than half of the more than two hundred chess pieces had fine lines. Although they were not completely cracked, their spirituality was completely lost and they were completely insensitive.

In this case, it is no longer a simple refining problem, but a matter of melting and recasting.

Among all the magic weapons, this is the most taboo.

Once one is destroyed, all must be refined again.

Although it can be repaired, the power will be greatly reduced.

The key issue is that this set of magic weapons has been cultivated in his body for decades. If it is refined again, it means that many years of hard work will have to be done all over again.

Mo Xun picked one up casually, put it in his hand and felt it for a while, then fell into silence for a short time.

He still underestimated the power of the Jade Sky Sword's self-destruction.

Just imagine that even his eighth-level body refining body was injured in the magic attack. How strong can the defense of a pill-forming magic weapon be?

Lu Wushen on the side chuckled.

"Your boy's opportunity is indeed good. You can find Tongtian Jianmu, and you can also use it to refine ordinary magic weapons. Tsk tsk... Even I am a little envious, but looking at it, it is probably It's useless, but don't even think about defaulting on the debt. Even if you pick up a pile of junk, the reward will not be less. I have gone through a lot of effort to get these things for you. You know where the farthest one fell. A hundred miles away, I feel that this deal is a bit of a loss!"

Mo Xun ignored the other party's complaints and raised his hand to throw out a porcelain bottle.

Lu Wushen quickly caught it, opened the cork and took a look, and immediately became happy.

Mo Xun gave him not only twice what he said at first, but four times!

"Hehe... For the sake of your generosity, I will give you something extra."

While he was talking, Lu Wushen threw a jade slip over.

"This technique is called "The Bloodthirsty Sword of the Sky". I am not bragging. It is definitely better than all the techniques in your world. Even if you reach the level of refining emptiness in the future, it will be enough for you. Of course, your golden body refining technique is also good, but it is definitely not as strong as my swordsmanship. The bloodthirsty sword in it is just suitable for refining with the Sky-reaching Jianmu, but... hehe, this sword technique is a bit weird. If your spiritual consciousness is not strong enough, you may lose your mind. As for whether to practice it or not, it depends on you."

Sword technique?

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows and immersed his spiritual consciousness in it.

Then, a series of illusory figures appeared in front of him.

Those figures held strangely shaped long swords, constantly changing their shapes, and showing various sword moves and sword skills.

With one sword, it seemed to be able to destroy the sky and shatter the earth.

Wherever the sword energy passed, it seemed that even the space would be cut apart.

The whole article of the technique is about a thousand words, mainly focusing on the cultivation of the mind and breathing, most of which are sword moves. Behind it, the method of refining the bloodthirsty sword is recorded in detail.

The more he read, the more shocked Mo Xun's face became!

He was not shocked by the cultivation method or the power of the sword.

But the magic of this sword!

To a certain extent, this sword is different from any treasure he has ever touched.

He himself is a well-accomplished weapon refiner, but he never thought that treasures could be refined in this way.

The so-called "bloodthirsty" does not refer to people, but swords.

This is a sharp weapon that can actively absorb blood essence. As the killing increases, the power will gradually increase, and it can even be advanced.

As for the sword method, it is even more evil.

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