Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 966: Heavenly Might

Sacrifice with blood, condense qi with blood!

The whole technique is full of killing and blood, even Mo Xun couldn't help but frown.

A technique that can make people lose their minds, is it helping him or hurting him?

He quietly raised his head and glanced at Lu Wushen.

There was nothing strange on this guy's face, he still looked careless, and it was hard to tell whether he was doing it intentionally or unintentionally.

This technique seems powerful, and this sword is also very attractive, but it is really too evil.

"Thank you very much!"

Mo Xun nodded lightly, and he accepted the things. As for whether to practice or not, he had to consider it.

After Lu Wushen left, Mo Xun continued to count.

There were many pills in the two storage bags, but not a single one was suitable for the Nascent Soul stage.

Generally speaking, it is difficult to find elixirs that match the original owner's cultivation in the spoils.

The reason is simple. If there were, people would have used them to improve their cultivation long ago, so how could they benefit their enemies?

Fortunately, there was a semi-finished pill recipe, and Mo Xun tried to refine it.

It was called a semi-finished product because the effect was really disappointing. It felt that eating this thing was not much faster than practicing with spirit stones.

The key was that there were too many impurities, which would accumulate pill poison.

What made Mo Xun a little interested were some magical skills in it.

Whether it was the Heavenly Ghost Sect or the Sky Cloud Sect, since they had a deadly feud, conflicts in the future were probably inevitable.

Knowing more about the opponent's skills and magical powers was also a way to know yourself and the enemy.

In general, the collections of the two Nascent Souls were indeed not cheap.

The fastest way to make money in this world is indeed robbery!

Then, Mo Xun took out a bunch of jade slips of skills.

Among these, some were exchanged from Lu Wushen, and some were from the strange suspended palace under the Wan Yaoxu Palace.

I have been wandering around for many years and have no time to calm down and sort it out.

First of all, it is "The Nine Changes of the Sky", which he must practice.

According to Lu Wushen's background, this may also be a book of body refining in the upper realm.

Even if it is not as good as the "Dharma Golden Body Art", its level is definitely not low.

Or by practicing it, you can find the common points between the two exercises, so as to learn from each other's strengths and make up for each other's weaknesses.

These victories were mostly due to the strong body training, which made him pay more and more attention to the horizontal training technique.

The status in his heart is even no less than that of practicing the law.

A large part of the reason why he can defeat the cultivators of the same level in succession is also on this.

If you can cultivate your body to the perfection of the ninth realm, where in this world can you not go?

But it may not be easy!

For decades, except for breaking through the Nascent Soul, he can feel the improvement of the realm of law cultivation whenever he practices.

Even if the improvement is weak, it can still be felt faintly.

But the blood and qi of the flesh seem to be frozen, and there is no improvement at all.

When he left the Tiankui Realm, the large number of blood beast cores he brought out had long been useless.

Could it be that he needs to find a few more blood unicorns?

Some time ago, he asked Gu Qingqing to help him collect spiritual medicines for body refining in Chaotian City.

In the end, he found quite a few, but none of them were suitable for his current realm.

The atmosphere of body refining in the entire cultivation world is not as prosperous as that in Tiankui Realm.

But it is understandable. If you can cultivate immortals, who would go to body refining!

Besides, no one has ever heard of ascending by body refining, and not many people will focus on this path.

Next, you might as well start with this "Qingtian Jiubian".

He has a strong foundation in body cultivation, so it should not be difficult to practice it.

Then, he picked up another jade slip.

It contains a pupil technique called "Tianwei Famu"!

Last time, he was able to trade with Lu Wushen directly, and this technique was one of the reasons that made him make the final decision.

This pupil technique is different from the usual visual ability.

To be more precise, it is a method to refine the eyes of the Bifang beast.

The "Bifang" creature had also long been eliminated from this world. In the ranking of divine beasts, it even surpassed the Qilin.

This creature is good at fire. It is said to have a human head and a crane body, with only one leg.

It is born not to eat grains, but only to swallow flames.

He saw a flash of green light in his hand, and took out a jade box.

After opening it, it was wrapped in multiple restrictions, and it was exactly two blood-red eyeballs.

These two eyes, one was found in the Five Elements Cave Heaven of the Five Elements Sect, and the other was the blood Qilin that made him greatly improve his horizontal training.

Although the two did not come from the same place and were far apart, they were obviously a pair.

I don't know what the reason was, which led to their separation in the end.

Since this method can refine the "Bifang" divine beast, maybe it can also subdue this pair of divine eyes.

If you can use it for yourself, it might be a great killer.

Thinking of this, Mo Xun immediately flicked his robe sleeves, put away everything and walked into the secret room for cultivation.

He was gone for a whole month.

Until one day, a deafening roar suddenly sounded in the cave.

Then, smoke and dust rose from the door of the secret room, and stone chips flew everywhere. The originally heavy stone door seemed to be blown open from the inside.

Mo Xun was sitting cross-legged on the ground, his clothes were tattered, dusty, and stained with a lot of blood.

The exposed skin was also covered with fine blood lines, like spider webs.

The whole person seemed to be about to break into thousands of pieces in the next moment, which was extremely creepy.

Under the messy bun, the face was thin and a little unrecognizable.

The most terrifying thing was his eyes, which were completely filled with scarlet. In the already dim stone room, he looked like a wolf in the dark.

He kept shaking and changing his hand gestures, as if he was suppressing some kind of power.

His whole body was filled with violent energy, and his face was distorted.

A mysterious red light was lingering around him.

Outside the red light, the purple flame transformed by Xuantian True Fire wrapped him tightly. Once the red light appeared, it was suppressed.

It was not until a long time later that the red light slowly faded.

When the blood in his eyes dissipated, the breath around him gradually stabilized.

Beads of sweat slid down his cheeks. In just a moment, sweat soaked his whole body.

He closed his eyes first, and then opened them again after an incense stick.

However, most of the violent energy in his body was gone.

When Chi Li returned to his body, he seemed to have experienced a life-and-death battle, and he exhaled a long breath of turbid air.

Speaking of life and death, it may not be that exaggerated.

But in order to subdue those eyes, he had to endure a lot of hardships.

While feeling relaxed, he managed to force out a not-so-good smile.

What he didn't expect was that this "Heavenly Power Dharma Eyes" could really refine the Qilin's eyes.

Now, there are two things hidden in his eyes that don't belong to him.

Although the process was a bit difficult and he almost went crazy, the gains were not small.

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