Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 967 Four-method Soul-stealing Spear

He stood up slowly and walked to a stone table outside.

As the blood energy gathered in his body, his eyes closed for a moment and then opened suddenly.

But those eyes have turned blood red.

Two red rays of light shot out from the blood-colored eyes without any warning, and the stone table a few feet away exploded and shattered into a pile of stone dust.

Although he had experienced the power of these eyes before, he was still quite excited after trying it again.

This is simply a weapon for a sneak attack!

An attack of this level may not cause much harm to the Nascent Soul cultivator. The key point is to take it by surprise.

It's a pity that these eyes are not from "Bifang". In order to succeed in cultivation, many parts of them were modified by him.

This results in many functions being impossible to implement!

The original six attack effects were reduced to three by him.

The first is the transformation of blood gas into shape, which can directly transform Qi into Gang to achieve the purpose of injuring the enemy and attacking.

Naturally, it is impossible to fully master this one month of practice, but given time, the power should be increased several times.

In the second type, he borrowed the illusion function inside to achieve hallucinations with his eyes.

In this regard, he is also experienced and can practice it very well. Unfortunately, due to the stimulation of blood energy, the effect is not good.

Maybe it's not as strong as the stab from his divine consciousness!

But this is a group attack spell that can cause hallucinations to many people at the same time.

At this point, he was quite satisfied.

The third one is also the most practical one.

I saw his eyes closing and opening again, and two blood-red light spots suddenly flew out of his pupils.

These two light spots seemed to be alive and could float in mid-air. With a thought in Mo Xun's mind, they left the cave directly and came to the outside world.

At the same time, scenes that were originally invisible slowly appeared in his mind.

It was dark night at this moment, and a full moon hung high in the sky.

The mountains, rocks, plants and trees outside the cave were all clearly projected in his sea of ​​consciousness.

At the foot of the mountain in the distance, several patrolling disciples happened to pass by.

A palace at the end of the field of vision was brightly lit, with two guarding disciples standing at the door.

The two light spots silently walked through the mountains and forests for a while, then returned to the cave and disappeared into Mo Xun's eyes.

Mastering this magical power is like having a pair of flying eyes.

Although at the moment it seems that the role played by the divine consciousness is similar, it is completely different when it comes to restricting the divine consciousness.

The only drawback is that it is not very concealable.

In front of high-level monks, I'm afraid it would be easy to be discovered.

But there was nothing he could do about it. After all, this was the natal magical power of the Bi Fang Divine Beast, and he forcibly made the changes.

Being able to master three different eye skills is a blessing in his opinion.

After recovering his energy and blood, he began to look for other jade slips.

He actually already knew the techniques inside, but he never had time to study them carefully.

Three of them are his favorites. As for the others, they are either because they have not yet reached the realm, are not suitable, or are too difficult to practice and cannot make any achievements in a short period of time, so they are temporarily shelved by him.

The first one is the magical power of the Gate Spear, which matches the Tongbao Spear in his hand.

The marksmanship is called "Four Methods of Soul Capturing Spear"!

This name corresponds to the four realms inside.

The first level is to lock the body with the spear!

Once used, the target locked by the gun's force can be restrained around the body similar to space restraint.

To put it simply, it can slow down the opponent's actions, which looks a bit like the Nascent Soul Spiritual Domain.

The second level is related to the attributes of the cultivator's main technique, with attached attribute attacks.

To put it simply, he is a fire magic user who can combine powerful fire damage when firing his gun.

In this regard, it is almost the same as a magic weapon without attributes.

Mo Xun is practicing non-attribute skills. In addition, he now has five kinds of spiritual roots and can use any attribute magic power. The practice is most complementary to each other.

The third level is called "Thousands of Spears Pierce the Body", which can turn one into ten thousand in an instant, creating a formation of ten thousand spears firing simultaneously.

As for the effect, let’s not talk about it for now. The deterrence brought by the tens of thousands of spears is definitely shocking enough.

Thinking about it, the scene should be similar to the Thousand Arrows that Gu Yutian used last time.

The fourth level is a bit mysterious, it's called Soul-Captivating with Spear Intent.

Whenever someone is injured by a spear, it is not the body that is injured, but the soul.

According to the jade slip, if one can practice to the extreme, one can directly kill the soul without harming the opponent's physical body.

If the first three levels can only hover at the level of magic, this last level is undoubtedly magical power.

In terms of mystery, it is no less mysterious than that bloodthirsty sword.

Most of the techniques or treasures that Mo Xun came into contact with before were still focused on the level of power, and there were very few such things that came with some kind of special skill.

This exercise is also one of the major directions he will choose next.

On the second jade slip, there is a record of the magical power of the body-training method, called "Clone Technique"!

To put it simply, it is the art of change.

If you practice to the extreme, you can create thousands of clones.

If it weren't for the "Four Methods Soul Capturing Gun" before, he might not have planned to practice this skill.

It was precisely because the "Thousands of Guns Penetrating the Body" in "Soul Robbery" seemed to have the same effect as the "Clone Technique" that he planned to study it at the same time.

Perhaps the two can be cleverly blended together to achieve the effect of one plus one greater than two.

We will see how it goes in detail when the time comes.

The last jade slip is a treasure called "Teleporting Insect Talisman"!

It is essentially a jade talisman, but it can form a space inside to accommodate the spirit insect.

As long as you crush the jade talisman, you can teleport the sealed spirit insect to the place you want it to appear.

This is a bit interesting. If you use this thing to transform the insect into the opponent's body during a battle, it must be wonderful!

Of course, there are also some difficulties here.

First of all, the space of the jade talisman is determined by the attainments of the talisman painter himself.

If the skill is shallow and only one insect can be hidden, it will not be of much use.

Another thing is that once the spirit insect is sealed, it can only survive for a cup of tea after being crushed. Once the time is up, it will be reduced to ashes.

The last point is that the teleportation destination is not so easy to control in terms of accuracy.

This is related to the grade of the talisman itself, and it is also inseparable from the magic power of the caster.

The reason why Mo Xun chose this item was that he had learned the Heavenly Rune and had some skills in the art of talismans.

On the other hand, it was because of the purple snakehead green lotus in his hand.

If such a vicious insect was only used for eavesdropping, it would be a waste of talent.

After arranging the next practice, Mo Xun closed the door of the secret room again.

As for the skills, he didn't have much time to practice for the time being, so he could only repair the "Black Heron Nebula Disk" first, and try to refine this small "teleportation insect talisman".

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