Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 968 Bloodthirsty Evil Weapon

Two years later, in the depths of a dense forest in Tianjian Mountain where few people have ever been.

In a haystack not far away, a tiger was moving forward silently and slowly. In its sight, there was a prey that had been lurking for a long time.

It was a thin figure, standing quietly with its back to him.

When it was about two meters away, the tiger suddenly jumped up, roared in the forest, and bit down with a bloody mouth.

The figure was motionless, and his long sleeves swayed gently, and a black light flew out.

Then a sword flashed out and pierced the tiger's eyebrows.

When the tiger was about to pounce on the figure less than half a meter away, it was immediately blocked by a black sword.

At the same time, blood flashed and a whine was heard.

The spurting blood was completely blocked by a circle of green light when it splashed on the figure's clothes.

The tiger fell heavily to the ground, and it had lost half of its breath. There was a strange black heavy sword stuck in the middle of its eyebrows.

About half of the heavy sword was inserted into the tiger's body, and the part exposed outside was nearly two feet long.

The thick and sharp sword body was wider than the palm.

The whole body was black, with two red dark grooves on it. The hilt was also red and black, and carved with some simple cloud patterns.

Upon closer inspection, there were many strange runes on the sword body.

The whole sword gave people a feeling of being heavy and violent!

The next moment, something strange happened. After the sword body trembled slightly, it actually flashed a faint red light.

Then I saw that the tiger's body, which had already stopped moving, began to shrink rapidly. In a moment, only skin and bones were left.

This... turned out to be an evil weapon that could absorb blood and flesh!

After absorbing all the blood and energy of the tiger, the black sword soared into the sky, and then slowly fell back in front of the figure.

This person was naturally Mo Xun, who had just come out of retreat.

And this sword was the "Heaven-reaching Bloodthirsty Sword" that he had spent a lot of effort to refine.

Not far in front of him, there were several beast corpses scattered around, each of them, like the tiger, with only dry skin and flesh left.

He looked at the black sword in front of him solemnly, with no expression of sadness or joy on his face.

As soon as he came out of retreat, he came here to test the sword.

The result he got was exactly the same as the jade slip!

At this moment, he was a little unclear whether the sudden appearance of this sword was a blessing or a curse.

When the long sword absorbed blood and qi, he could clearly feel the increase in the sword's hostility.

Of course, this also meant an increase in power.

But after hesitating for a short cup of tea, he opened his mouth and swallowed it into his stomach.

He was like this, he either did anything or didn't do anything.

Since he had done it, he was ready to go all the way. After all, he was already a Nascent Soul cultivator. If he was afraid to even subdue a sword, he might as well not practice.

At most, he would just use it with caution!

Now that the Jade Sky Sword was destroyed, he had lost a trump card in his hand, and he urgently needed to replenish a new life-saving weapon.

Returning to the Tianjian Sect, Mo Xun called Dong Qianxue, Yin Lixi, and Wei Qing without stopping.

Next, he would be away for a while, and there were some things he needed to explain.

The Tiandao League had sent three consecutive invitations, and the wording was more urgent each time.

Especially a few days ago, the Holy Spirit Zhenren personally issued a summons to him and said that he would guarantee the safety of the Tianjian Sect.

A few months ago, Wang Boshan was the first to leave the sect.

It is said that Tong Lu has retaken the body and is recovering now.

It was because of Wang Boshan's departure and the guarantee of the Holy Spirit Zhenren that Mo Xun felt relieved to go on this trip.

Another reason is that most of the Yuanying ancestors in Southern Xinjiang have gone to Wuliang Mountain.

There is no need to worry too much for the time being!

Since the last war between the two sects, they have tacitly agreed not to have any more disputes, especially the Tianyun Sect, which seems to have tacitly accepted the existence of the Tianjian Sect.

Mo Xun is not a warlike person, so he is naturally happy to see it happen.

He believes that as long as there are hundreds of years, the Tianjian Sect will have a certain degree of self-protection even without him.

Before leaving, Mo Xun wanted to take Gu Qingqing and Luo Xi into the Tianyu Tower and take them away together.

After all, the two were in seclusion and could not stand any interference.

But who knew that after considering it, the two rejected this suggestion.

Mo Xun did not force them, but had to arrange a retreat for them, and at the same time handed over the control of the restriction in Wei Qing's body to Dong Qianxue.

Although this woman has been doing her job well in the past two years, she always has to be prepared for the worst.

If there is an invasion by foreign enemies, at least someone will be in charge.

Although this person's fighting power is mediocre, he is still a Yuanying.

Before leaving, Mo Xun sent greetings to several surrounding sects for the first time.

It was called greetings, but it was more of a warning.

He warned those people not to attack his sect, otherwise he would visit every family when he returned.

Since the last time he defeated several Yuanying, Mo Xun's reputation in the entire Chechi Kingdom has spread all of a sudden.

If it weren't for a life-and-death feud, no one would easily provoke this devil.

Three days later, three figures rose up in front of Wangyuan Palace.

This time, Mo Xun only brought two juniors, Mo Yichen and Mo Ling'er.

After solving the matter of Tiandao League, he planned to settle the two old things, and then concentrate on retreat and practice for a period of time.

Since he came into contact with "Soul Capture Spear" and "Avatar Art", he felt more and more urgent.

Both magical powers are powerful, but they are far from a one-day effort.

In addition, he also needs to find a way to advance and break through.

So even though he has a thousand years of life now, it is not easy at all.

Another purpose of this trip is to communicate with high-level cultivators in southern Xinjiang to see if he can get the cultivation recipe for the Nascent Soul stage.

At the very least, he has to get some elixirs back.

He thought he would return as soon as possible from this trip, but who knew that he would be away for years.

Wuliang Mountain is now in the territory of Yue State. It was originally under the jurisdiction of Lingshou Mountain. Later, because of the war between the sky and the demons, the demons annexed most of the territory of Yue State, and the original frontline Canghui Mountain became the current Wuliang Land.

The headquarters of the Tiandao League is located here to prevent the demons from raising troops again.

This place is also the only way for the two parties to enter the hinterland of each other.

After passing through Wuliang Mountain and crossing Canghui, it is the Fire Spirit Desert that stretches for thousands of miles, which is also the natural barrier between the sky and the demons.

As soon as Mo Xun stepped into the Wuliang Mountains, he felt the thick smell of gunpowder.

Before coming here, he heard that the two sides of the Heavenly Demon, which had stopped fighting for a hundred years, had clashed again not long ago.

And this time, it was the Heavenly Dao Alliance that initiated the provocation, and it seemed that they were planning to use the power of the entire Southern Border to recover the lost territory.

In Mo Xun's opinion, this time he was simply asked to come and participate in this war.

From a personal point of view, he was actually unwilling to intervene in any disputes, but reason told him that he could not stay out of it at all in Southern Border, especially after establishing a sect.

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