Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 974 Demonic Energy Infusion

There are indeed many rare spiritual herbs in it, and the age requirement is very high, often two or three thousand years.

As for the efficacy, it barely meets his requirements.

According to Bai Xiangjun's introduction, because the spiritual herbs and soul essence have not been gathered, it has never been refined.

In this way, it is different from the mature pill formula mentioned by Mo Xun, at least it has not been verified.

But after a glance, seeing that no one is willing to exchange, Mo Xun can only gamble his luck.


As soon as the voice fell, he waved his robe sleeves, and all the things flew to Bai Xiangjun.

The consciousness in the jade slip also disappeared the next moment.

But before he sat down, Bai Xiangjun's voice transmission sounded in his sea of ​​consciousness again.

"If you want to advance to Xuantian True Fire, maybe you can go to ask the Holy Spirit!"

Mo Xun glanced at the other party meaningfully, but Bai Xiangjun turned his eyes away with a normal expression.

He quickly caught the information revealed by this sentence.

Either the Holy Spirit has an advanced spiritual object, or the old guy also has the Xuantian True Fire in his hand!

At this time, Fan Xiuzhu came over again.

"Brother Mo, I can help you get the spiritual pill formula you mentioned, but the price is..."

These words made Mo Xun's eyes light up again.

It seems that this trip is really the right one.

"Brother Fan, don't worry, as long as the price is fair, I will accept this favor."

After the exchange meeting, it was finally time for the discussion.

I only heard the Holy Spirit say: "The monks' coalition has arrived, and those who are supposed to come will arrive at Wuliang Mountain in the next few days. What suggestions do you have for the next battle?"

An old man in black smiled.

"We are here to fight. We will do whatever you say, Brother Baili."

The Holy Spirit's real name is Wenren Baili, which sounds like a strange name.

This person is from a typical famous and upright family, and he always likes to talk about exorcising demons and defending the way.

As for his cultivation, it is unfathomable. Although he has not reached the peak of the Nascent Soul stage, he is worthy of being the number one in the southern border.

If he had not been hopeless to ascend, this person would not have wasted his main energy on the Tiandao League.

In terms of age, he is not young, and he has been famous for at least four or five hundred years.

Wenren Baili ignored this joke and continued, "The spies I sent out a few days ago reported that after discovering that we mobilized the army, the Demonic Path had gathered no less than fifteen Nascent Souls to the front line, and there were nearly two hundred Jindan cultivators, and there were no more and no less, so I would like to discuss a rule with you."

Hearing this number, many people were shocked.

The Nascent Soul is fine, the key is the number of Jindan cultivators.

The entire Demonic Path has only nine sects in total, and they can directly mobilize two hundred Jindan cultivators.

On average, it is equivalent to twenty people in each sect.

With such a scale, how can it not be shocking?

It should be noted that among the stronger sects in Southern Xinjiang, there are only about 20 to 30 Jindan cultivators.

For example, the Tianjian Sect only has four.

With this calculation, doesn't it mean that the Demonic Path has summoned all the Jindan cultivators to the front line?

Obviously, Mo Xun is not the only one who has this question.

Someone immediately asked in confusion: "Why are there so many? As far as I know, there are only so many Jindan cultivators in the entire nine sects of the Demonic Path plus the independent cultivators? Or did they gather all the Jindan cultivators in the hinterland?"

This person, like Mo Xun, had just gone to Wuliang Mountain in recent days.

Soon, Xun Yang Zhenren, who was sitting at the head, replied solemnly: "Brother Tan has been in seclusion for many years, so you may not know something. According to the news we have recently received, the Demonic Sect has been carefully planning our southern border region since two hundred years ago. They have even found a method to quickly improve their cultivation, called Demonic Qi Infusion, which can condense golden elixir for foundation-building cultivators in a short period of time. Now the backbone of the entire Demonic Sect is far from what it was in the past."

As soon as these words came out, several people's faces changed immediately.

As for those who already knew the news, they became solemn.

Although Mo Xun heard about this for the first time, he was not unfamiliar with the Demonic Qi Infusion.

He had heard about it from Situ Zhang in the secret room of the clan that day.

Perhaps it was not the number of Jindan cultivators that made everyone feel pressured.

After all, no matter how many Jindan cultivators there are, they can't make any big waves in front of Yuanying.

But what if it is one or two hundred years later?

Even if only ten of these two hundred people succeed in forming a Nascent Soul, the forces of the two parties will undergo earth-shaking changes.

And the key is that with the magic energy infusion, the magic path will create more Nascent Soul cultivators.

If this continues, even if the demon ancestor has not yet arrived, the future of the Southern Xinjiang cultivation world is worrying.

This news is like a bolt from the blue, and it casts a layer of haze over everyone's hearts.

Xun Yang Zhenren seemed to see everyone's doubts and smiled, "You don't have to worry. Although the magic energy infusion can help people quickly form a Nascent Soul, according to the information we have collected, it is only limited to the Nascent Soul. And this kind of forced breakthrough is not without cost. Among the first batch of people who used this method, the probability of forming a Nascent Soul is much lower than usual, and even many people have lost the possibility of further progress in this life."

As soon as these words came out, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as the number of Nascent Soul cultivators is within a controllable range, they have the confidence to defend Southern Xinjiang.

The worst that could happen is that we would have to sacrifice a few more low- and middle-level disciples!

When Mo Xun heard this, his heart moved.

What he had heard from Situ Zhang before was not limited to this.

It is not that the magic energy infusion is not suitable for breaking through the Nascent Soul, but with the current ability of the Demon Dao, it is impossible to do this.

And the legendary Demon Ancestor seems to be able to do it.

Situ Zhang was brought back to the Tiandao League by Yang Ziweng and his wife two years ago, so the Holy Spirit and the people of Xunyang should know about this.

The two of them did not say it at the moment, probably because they did not want to affect the morale of the army.

"The intention of the old man and Brother Baili is to use the formation to trap and kill those demons who have formed a pill in this battle, and your responsibility is that each of you needs to entangle at least one Nascent Soul. Later, someone will distribute all the Nascent Soul information of the Demon Dao to you. As for who to choose as the opponent, you will consider it first, but the final decision, we still need to discuss in detail."

At this point, Xunyang Zhenren paused slightly.

"There is another matter. Your disciples will need to leave the sect for unified deployment. Please explain this to the disciples and ask them not to disobey orders. Besides, each of you will be responsible for a battalion of soldiers. I may not need to trouble you with the specific matters, but once the war starts, everyone will have the responsibility to protect the monks in the battalion in addition to dealing with their own demonic Nascent Souls."

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