Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 975 Six Female Cultivators

From the perspective of Nascent Soul, at least the number of people in Southern Xinjiang is matched.

It even seems that the lineup is stronger!

There are a total of seventeen people sitting in this secret room now.

If the war starts later, perhaps more people will join.

But the next sentence of Xun Yang Zhenren made many people worry again.

Among the fifteen Nascent Souls of the Demonic Path, half of them are mid-stage strongmen.

Two of them are late-stage great cultivators!

It is precisely based on this that the Tiandao League lost most of the territory of Yue Kingdom in the great battle between the Heavenly Demons more than a hundred years ago.

On the other hand, although there are many people present, there are only four mid-stage cultivators, and only one late-stage great cultivator.

What is speechless is that there are two of them who have a life-and-death feud with Mo Xun.

In this way, no matter the quality of Nascent Soul or the number of Jindan, they can't compare with others.

If a fight breaks out, few people are confident.

But everyone knew that this battle had to be fought. It was related to the inheritance of the Taoist tradition, and no one could retreat.

Fortunately, it was said that the person from Yanyue Palace would come in person soon.

At that time, the strength would be increased!

Next, the Holy Spirit and Xunyang explained some details of the preparations, and this high-level secret meeting ended.

Mo Xun was not in a hurry to leave, and stayed with Fan Xiuzhu.

"Brother Fan, your sect is not far from Jiuli Palace. Have you ever heard of a female cultivator named Huiyue Xingzhe?"

Mo Xun thought it would be troublesome to ask, but Fan Xiuzhu said it immediately.

"Of course I have heard of it. Old Fan has some friendship with the supreme elder of her sect. The younger generation has good qualifications. He formed a pill many years ago, but now he seems to be stuck in the late stage of forming a pill and is still one step away from the false infant. How come this person has an old relationship with Brother Mo?"

Mo Xun secretly calculated in his heart that when he met Huiyue Xingzhe that year, the other party was already in the early stage of forming a pill.

I never thought that after more than 200 years, I only increased two realms.

"I have met him once, but what I want to inquire about is a disciple of Huiyue Xingzhe, named Li Qingying. Brother Fan, do you know him?"

Fan Xiuzhu thought about it, but finally frowned and shook his head.

"If he is a disciple, I have no impression of him. If you want to inquire, you can actually ask Qu Tiande directly. That old man came on behalf of Jiuli Palace this time. He was not far from you just now. Brother Mo probably doesn't know him, but it doesn't matter. I will introduce him to you later."

Qu Tiande?

Mo Xun had naturally heard of this person. He had advanced to the Nascent Soul stage more than a hundred years ago.

"Then I'll have to trouble you, Brother Fan!"

Fan Xiuzhu waved his hand.

"We are all brothers. Why should we be polite!"

While talking, the two also walked out of the secret room. When passing by Mo Xun's incarnation, Fan Xiuzhu looked at it curiously.

Incarnations are actually not rare.

Even many Jindan cultivators can have it if they have a chance, the only difference is the quality.

And Lanxinlian is the top material for refining incarnations.

The finished product, whether in combat power or defense, is much higher than ordinary ones.

In addition, Mo Xun's incarnation has another thing that others can hardly achieve, that is, realm.

Not everyone can have a false infant incarnation!

After all, the improvement of the incarnation level also requires the accumulation of resources, and the cost is not inferior to the original body cultivation.

Mo Xun put away the incarnation, and just happened to meet six beautiful female foundation-building cultivators, who said they would take him to the cave at the foot of the mountain.

Mo Xun was surprised, why do you need so many people to lead the way?

Fan Xiuzhu on the side saw through his thoughts and squeezed a look that you understand me.

Well, it seems that the treatment of Tiandao League is not bad. I haven't done anything yet. Let's have a few bedmates first.

Originally, they were going to look for the man named Qu Tiande first, but Fan Xiuzhu was called away by a sound transmission talisman on the way, so the two could only make another appointment.

The caves of Yuanying cultivators basically occupy the places with the most dense spiritual energy.

Mo Xun took six female cultivators with him and prepared to go back to the caves to settle down first.

It was really difficult for the old Taoist of the Holy Spirit. The six people he arranged not only had similar cultivation levels, but also were all beautiful and in their prime years of seventeen or eighteen years old.

The supreme Tiandao League was also unable to avoid the twists and turns of the secular world.

Each Yuanying was equipped with six foundation building cultivators, and seventeen ancestors, that is more than a hundred people.

At this critical moment of life and death, they still had the leisure to do these things. If these one hundred people were incorporated into the army, it would be a considerable force.

He couldn't help but think, they could arrange women to serve as male cultivators, but what about Bai Xiangjun?

Could it be six strong male servants?

Putting aside these random thoughts, he just passed a sparsely populated place, and suddenly frowned and stopped.

Then, he saw a slender and graceful figure appear not far ahead.

Xuan Jing!

The moment this person appeared, he recognized her at a glance.

He hadn't gone to find this woman yet, but she blocked him first.

The two of them were not too friendly.

Although there was no big grudge, the conflict in Huanyunyuan that day was real.

Xuan Jing still looked cold. Since he had dealt with this woman, he seemed to have never seen the other side's second expression.

"Do you know why I am waiting for you here?"

Mo Xun frowned slightly. Although he knew that this was Su Yunshang's master, he still didn't want to deal with such a person.

And the other party always seemed to be superior.

"Just say it!"

He really didn't have a good impression of this woman.

If it wasn't for the other party, Tian Xuanzi might not have had the chance to self-destruct.

After searching for several months, he not only didn't get anything, but also suffered a lot of losses and even got injured.

Xuan Jing raised her eyebrows, and there was a bit of suspicion in her eyes.

"You don't know my identity? Or..."

Xuan Jing didn't say the rest of the words.

She didn't come here to settle the old accounts, and after fighting with Mo Xun, she also knew her own strength.

The main reason for coming here to see Mo Xun was for her good disciple.

This time she came to Southern Xinjiang, she originally wanted to bring Su Yunshang with her.

But since she knew about Mo Xun's existence, she immediately changed her mind and confined Su Yunshang to the door and not let her go out.

If they didn't meet, it would be fine.

But if they did, who knows what would happen, especially at the critical moment when Yunshang was breaking through.

She thought Mo Xun already knew Yunshang's situation, so she came here to persuade him not to disturb Yunshang's practice.

But Mo Xun's face didn't show what she thought.

Could it be that she guessed wrong?

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