Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 977 Corpse Refining

Mo Xun looked at the two calmly, with a sneer on his lips.

Mu Congnan's eyes also flashed coldly, and the meaning in his eyes seemed to be that he had taken this young man with no foundation.

"Your Excellency really made it difficult for us two to find you!"

Mo Xun's sleeve behind his back flashed with green light, and a jade talisman appeared.

He rubbed it quietly and looked at the two with interest, as if he was selecting a target.

Mu Congnan's voice suddenly sank, and the momentum on his body also dissipated.

"I won't waste my time talking to you. I will return my junior brother Yuanying. Everything can be discussed. Otherwise, this boundless land will be where you will be buried!"

Mo Xun waved his hand casually, and the pressure locked around him dissipated.

"Didn't you want to introduce yourself just now? Now I can say that Mo's men never bury nameless ghosts."

Mu Congnan's pupils shrank.

This statement was obviously a naked slap in the face.

What is a nameless ghost?

Looking at the entire world of immortal cultivation, there are really few people who dare to talk to him like this.

Mu Congnan laughed in anger and gave a look to Feng Ling Zhenren next to him.

Ye Fengling immediately turned to the other side, and the two of them sandwiched Mo Xun in the middle, one in front and one behind.

He noticed the little movements in Mo Xun's hands, but in his opinion, he was probably preparing to take the opportunity to escape.

Therefore, the two of them immediately sealed the surrounding space with the spirit domain.

Seeing that Mo Xun's face was still as calm as a mountain, Mu Congnan chuckled.

"It seems that you are very confident in yourself. I heard earlier that the leader of the Tianjian Sect fought four Yuanying alone, and he was not at all inferior. I admire him very much. Since I met him, I might as well teach him a thing or two."

Mo Xun looked around. Under the powerful divine sense, he could feel that in addition to the two people in front of him, there were several powerful auras nearby secretly spying.

Although the Holy Spirit Zhenren had previously assured him of his safety here, he had never been in the habit of handing his life over to others.

Perhaps the old guy is among the people hiding in the dark.

It can be seen that although the so-called Tiandao League has a strong appeal on the surface, it is ultimately a loose organization.

Everyone in it probably has his own thoughts.

This is indeed the case.

Not far from here, in a cloud, Shengling Zhenren and Xunyang Zhenren are hiding in it.

"Brother Baili, now that the war is imminent, is it appropriate to let it go like this? After all, no matter who is injured, it is our loss, and in the end it is the benefit of those demon cultivators."

Wenren Baili stroked his beard and smiled.

"Don't worry, nothing serious will happen, and it's just the right opportunity to try this person's methods. If it's really as rumored, he will be arranged into the plan. As for Mu Congnan, I can also give an explanation, so that he won't be angry and have to go to the battlefield for us."

Xunyang Zhenren snorted coldly.

"How can he fight for us? I don't believe that once the Demon Ancestor comes, Huanyunyuan can still stay out of trouble?"

Just as the two old guys were secretly calculating, Mo Xun had already moved.

He was a person who would not make decisions easily, and once he made a decision, he would not plan to drag it out.

What's more, he was best at taking people by surprise.

I saw his right hand hidden in his sleeve suddenly crush the jade talisman, and the dazzling green light penetrated his sleeves, blooming with a burst of brilliance.

The other two also looked condensed at the first time, and hurriedly displayed their Nascent Soul Spirit Realm.

In an instant, the space was like a tightened net, and even the air around him became tense.

At the same time, Mo Xun's Spirit Realm also spread out.

Three powerful pressures bombarded each other. Although there was no substantial attack, there was a sharp explosion in the space.

The blood in Mo Xun's body surged, and the surface of his body suddenly glowed with golden light.

For him, he doesn't need any protective treasures at ordinary times. The strong golden body is the best protection.

Mu Congnan and Ye Fengling took a step forward, leaving afterimages as if they were teleporting.

But just before the action, Ye Fengling's eyes suddenly widened, and his forward movement slowed down.

Mo Xun's heart moved. He didn't expect that the first time he used this "teleport insect talisman", it would actually succeed.

And it worked so quickly!

He could clearly sense that two purple snakes and green lotuses had entered Ye Fengling's stomach at this moment.

In the darkness, the two little insects opened their bloody mouths and bit something in the internal organs that they didn't know.

Ye Fengling's body trembled suddenly, and he quickly retreated.

This sudden change also made Mu Congnan stunned for a moment.

But before he could react, he felt a slight pain in his sea of ​​consciousness.

It was Mo Xun's spiritual consciousness thorn!

However, since the formation of the elixir, Mo Xun's spiritual attack method has not changed.

In recent years, with the improvement of realm, except for the increase in power, the effect is really unsatisfactory.

When facing those with lower cultivation than him, he can still make some achievements.

But in front of the Nascent Soul cultivator, he can't get much benefit.

Especially for the Nascent Soul mid-stage like Mu Congnan, the sea of ​​consciousness is already vast, and people more or less, also practice some spiritual skills, it is difficult to cause much damage to him.

Just like now, Mu Congnan just frowned and returned to normal!

He didn't know what happened to Ye Fengling, but it was definitely a conspiracy by Mo Xun.

While being vigilant, he was extremely angry.

But when he saw his robe sleeves brush past, a black thing suddenly flew out of the black light.

When he looked closely, it turned out to be a coffin.

The moment he saw this thing, Mo Xun had a bad premonition, and at the same time, the Tongbao Gun had already appeared in his hand.

The coffin was very large, and it looked to be one and a half feet long.

Mu Congnan pinched the Dao formula in his hand, and with a bang, the coffin lid broke open in the air.

Then, a dry corpse about ten feet tall and full of wrinkles flew out of the coffin.

This dry corpse was thin and long, and except for the dry skin, there was no flesh and blood on the body.

As for the face, it was filled with yin energy, hideous and terrifying, with deep eye sockets, ugly and a little scary.

Mu Congnan suddenly bit the tip of his tongue, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, sprinkling on the dry corpse several feet away.

Then the corpse, which was only skin and bones, swelled up quickly, and the cold air all over the body became more and more strong.

In the blink of an eye, he turned into an extremely sturdy giant.

The lifeless eye sockets gave people a bloodthirsty madness.

Corpse refinement!

Mo Xun recognized this strange method at a glance.

While the creature had not yet fully awakened, he moved his feet and ran straight towards Mu Congnan.

Dealing with this kind of monster is much more difficult than fighting with people directly.

After all, flesh and blood can still feel pain, but fighting with a refined corpse is no different from fighting with a dead thing.

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