Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 978: Gun Locking Body

With one step, Mo Xun arrived in front of Mu Congnan.

With the blessing of golden light, the white silver spear was like a flash of lightning, tearing through the space directly, and came with a sound of breaking through the air.

The two powerful Yuanying spirit realms made a series of crackling sounds in the confrontation.

When the silver light was about to approach Mu Congnan, the old guy not only did not defend himself, but also squeezed out a grim smile.

Wherever the silver light passed, it was like a crescent moon in the air, as if it could chop the world into pieces.

But the next moment, where the spear passed, a black barrier suddenly appeared, like a barrier.

Mo Xun noticed that the old guy had been prepared.

At some point, a translucent curtain wall appeared in front of him.

Black runes flowed on the wall, rippling and spreading like water waves, dozens of feet wide, separating him and Mu Congnan.

The sharp silver spears collided, making a sharp metallic sound.

Mo Xun had a blank expression on his face. He injected his magic power again, and the silver light was several times stronger than before.

With a sizzling sound, the barrier was torn apart.

At this scene, Mu Congnan's face changed slightly, but soon returned to normal.

Because at the moment when Mo Xun's silver spear cut through the rune barrier, a tall figure suddenly appeared behind him, and it was the corpse.

Then, a fist as big as a head came from behind.

The speed was so fast that it was almost like a whirlwind!

The corpse exuded thick black air all over its body, and the fist wind was even wrapped in black mist.

Those places where the death air permeated seemed to have the power of corrosion, and there was a burst of piercing sounds in the air.

The fist wind touched the golden light around Mo Xun, and the two yin and yang things were like a raging fire encountering a flood.

Mo Xun turned around hastily and punched out, confronting it head-on.

In the rumbling sound, silver light and black fog intertwined, and a deafening sound broke out. Within a hundred feet, it was immediately submerged in smoke and dust.

Two figures, one tall and one short, actually retreated at the same time.

Mu Congnan, who was far away, was connected with the corpse in mind and soul, and he also felt a strong impact.

The residual power of the magic power made him retreat directly a thousand feet away.

Mu Congnan frowned slightly. He seemed not to have personally touched this blow, but he still felt the strength of Mo Xun's body.

No one knows the horror of this corpse better than him!

In terms of physical strength alone, this thing is no less than a top-level magic weapon.

It is even three times harder than pig iron.

But Mo Xun, actually took this punch with his flesh and blood, and it seems that he is not at a disadvantage.

However, perhaps only Mo Xun himself knows the taste.

That punch was like hitting an iron mountain, and even his entire internal organs were shaken.

This was the first time he had encountered such a hard object since he had completed his physical training.

Fortunately, these were within his expectations.

He turned his wrist, and the Xuantian True Fire gushed out. The blazing purple flames turned into a fire dragon, and instantly entangled the corpse.

The flames rose, and the purple sea of ​​fire illuminated half of the sky.

This kind of gloomy thing is most afraid of masculine energy.

Mo Xun turned around and went straight to Mu Congnan again.

As the saying goes, to catch a thief, you must first catch the king. As long as you take down this old guy, no matter how many corpses you refine, it will be useless.

Mu Congnan seemed to have sensed the crisis and immediately opened his mouth to spit.

The black light flowed, and a black lotus ghost lamp burning with a faint green flame flew out.

As soon as this ghost lamp appeared, the sobbing ghosts cried all around, and the ghost energy in the sky also emanated from it.

In an instant, the surrounding hills were submerged by endless ghost energy.

Then, wisps of black mist flew out from the ghost lantern, and the black mist gradually condensed into human-shaped ghosts.

In a few breaths, there were tens of thousands of ghosts covering the sky and the sun.

One by one, the ferocious ghosts wandered in the sky, and the world in front of them seemed to have suddenly turned into the netherworld.

These ghosts seemed different from ordinary ones, and each of them had a dark green light in their eyes.

The blazing sun in the sky was also completely blocked when the ghost energy appeared.

The day turned into night in an instant.

"Hehe, even if you have all kinds of means, you can only be slowly consumed in my army of ghosts... Children, it's time to eat, tear this man's flesh and blood piece by piece for me."

Then, the ghosts rushed up like wolves meeting lambs.

Mo Xun gathered blood and energy, and the golden light on his body extended a few more points.

Countless dark ghosts swept down from all directions like sea water.

When the evil ghosts at the front encountered the golden light, they immediately burned up like moths to a flame, screaming miserably, and then turned into a pool of black water, which poured down on their heads.

Although the black water was quickly turned into nothingness by the golden light, the golden light was also consumed bit by bit under the corrosion.

Mo Xun then understood that this was what the other party meant by "consumed to death".

He didn't know how many ghosts were hidden in the ghost lantern, but he was not the type to sit and wait for death.

He once again used the Nascent Soul Spirit Realm.

The powerful spatial restraint immediately froze all the approaching evil ghosts in mid-air, and then he waved his robe sleeves and shot out wind blades condensed by magic power.

Wherever the wind blades passed, the evil ghosts were immediately torn apart and dissipated.

But there were too many ghosts, and every time he destroyed a wave, new ones would come up.

The yin energy around him was also becoming more and more dense.

It feels as if the more you kill, the more there are.

The evil spirits flying out of the ghost lantern seem endless.

Mo Xun's hand flashed with light, and he took out the Tongbao gun again.

With a flick of the gun tip, the silver light shot out, drawing a circle of strange power fluctuations, making the surrounding space tight.

It was the first move in the "Four Methods Soul-Capturing Gun", the gun force locks the body!

Then, the ferocious evil spirits swept by the silver light several feet away were seen rushing forward. The figures were fixed first, and then turned into black mist with screams, and then disappeared.

Mo Xun's heart moved, this gun force locks the body, and it really has the miraculous effect of imprisoning space.

Anyone within the range of the gun force can be temporarily fixed.

That is to say, he has been practicing for a short time, and the range of the gun force is limited. If he reaches a small success, he can dominate the range within a hundred feet with a gun.

This range is much larger than the Yuanying Spirit Realm.

It's just unclear how effective this kind of confinement would be for a Yuanying cultivator.

It's just right to use these evil spirits to help him practice this set of spear techniques.

Mu Congnan had a disdainful smile at first, but gradually, the smile slowly solidified.

He seemed to realize something unusual.

These endless ghosts did trap Mo Xun, but under the silver spear, Mo Xun's lethality was getting stronger and stronger.

This is a bit unreasonable!

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