Mu Congnan quickly took it, and it was the ghost evil lamp that he had lost and found.

But the next moment, the face of the supreme elder of the Heavenly Ghost Sect became gloomy.

Because there was a tiny crack on the ghost lamp.

Mu Congnan looked at Mo Xun with a sullen look, and his heart was extremely angry.

Mo Xun waved his hand.

"Don't be polite, fellow Daoist Mu. Although you and I have some grudges, at this time when the enemy is at hand, I can still distinguish the importance of things."

After that, he bowed to the two Holy Spirits.

"Due to the fatigue of the journey, I will go back to rest first!"

Holy Spirit naturally saw that something was wrong, but seeing that Mu Congnan didn't say anything, he could only nod.

Under the guidance of the six maids, Mo Xun soared into the sky again.

He had no choice but to fight this battle, and he also wanted to make a name for himself, so as to warn those guys with bad intentions not to mess with him.

No matter where he went, the law of the jungle prevailed.

The cave of the Nascent Soul cultivator was excellent in both location and spiritual energy.

After arranging Mo Yichen and Mo Linger to practice on their own, Mo Xun also entered the secret room.

He was slightly injured by the head-on confrontation with the corpse just now.

Moreover, in actual combat, the improvement of magical powers and spells is the fastest, and he also needs to comprehend the "Soul Capture Spear" well.

This battle seemed to be a great victory, but it was not easy.

From the Tongbao Spear, to the Bloodthirsty Knife, Xuantian True Fire, and even the Spiritual Sense Thorn, he almost used all the means at the bottom of the box.

The effect of the horse's power was achieved, but it also exposed many of his trump cards.

His current situation is probably like this.

The old means have been used to the extreme, such as the body refining realm and the development of Xuantian True Fire, which are difficult to improve for the time being.

The few magical powers he had just cultivated were just the beginning, and they had not yet formed combat effectiveness.

If he encountered a new enemy, he might be able to catch him off guard, but if he encountered an old opponent, he would be on guard and it would be difficult to achieve extraordinary success.

This is how fighting is. When the strength difference is not big, you have to look at the trump card.

The more hidden, the greater the chance of winning.

There are two things that need to be solved urgently.

One is the spiritual consciousness. Although he has the essence of the power, he always feels that he can't keep up with his growth speed because of the lack of elixirs.

The other is the special method to restrain the magic.

The "Five Thunders Orthodoxy" obtained from Lu Wushen can be barely used, but it is far from a one-day effort to really practice it.

And he needs to practice too many things now.

"Four Methods Soul-Capture Spear", "Heavenly Power Eyes", "Doppelganger Jue", "Nine Changes of the Sky", if "Five Thunders Orthodoxy" is added, where can he have so much energy and time?

This made him miss the Wuhuan Pill a little!

If he used it after the formation of the infant, he could even have two hundred more years of cultivation time.

The war with the demons was imminent, and the upcoming catastrophe of the demons forced him to take these issues into consideration.

Improving the realm was not the most urgent thing at the moment.

While Mo Xun was in seclusion, the monks from the sects in southern Xinjiang were still rushing to Wuliang Mountain.

The smell of gunpowder became stronger and stronger throughout the Yue Kingdom.

The number of troops deployed on the front line of both sides was also increasing.

The war seemed to be imminent.

Half a month later, the Tiandao League held another high-level meeting.

In this discussion, each Yuanying cultivator was appointed to lead a large army of cultivators.

Everyone also received a copy of the information of the demon Yuanying.

That is, the Yuanying opponent they need to be responsible for after the war begins.

As expected, Mo Xun was assigned a Yuanying mid-stage opponent.

In other words, the distribution of this list was not based on cultivation, but on strength.

The means he had demonstrated before, no one would equate him with the early stage of Nascent Soul.

During this period, three more Nascent Souls came one after another.

At present, Wuliang Mountain, except for those with special missions, basically gathered most of the Nascent Soul ancestors in Southern Xinjiang.

After the meeting, Shengling Zhenren very abruptly kept Mo Xun.

In the dim secret room, the three people sat down.

Shengling Zhenren, Xunyang Zhenren, and Mo Xun who was puzzled.

"Friend Mo, do you know what we two want to see you for?"

Mo Xun shook his head. Although he was not sure, he thought it was definitely not a good thing.

This was indeed the case, because then, Xunyang Zhenren gave him a difficult problem.

"At present, almost all of the fourteen major sects in Southern Xinjiang, as well as various aristocratic sects, have sent disciples to Wuliang Mountain. The number of disciples ranges from dozens to tens of thousands. Even scattered cultivators from all over the country have been summoned to gather here, but your Tianjian Sect seems to have made no response."

Since the establishment of the Tianjian Sect, the original thirteen sects have become the current fourteen major sects.

Mo Xun did not fail to notice this issue, but no one mentioned it, so he was naturally happy to see it happen.

I only heard Xun Yang Zhenren continue to say: "As a cultivator in Southern Xinjiang, I naturally have the responsibility to defend the land. Besides, if the demons come one day, let alone your Tianjian Mountain, even the farthest boundless sea, or even the Huanyunyuan that divides the horizon, will not be able to escape unscathed. Do you think what I said is true?"

Mo Xun frowned slightly.

Everyone in the world knows that the Tianjian Sect is a newly established sect.

Not to mention the Jindan cultivators, even the foundation-building cultivators are pitifully few.

Letting a bunch of Qi-refining practitioners charge into battle, what's the difference between that and courting death?

Moreover, the foundation of the Tianjian Sect is not comparable to that of other major sects. If they lose 10,000 or 20,000 people, it would be a serious injury at best.

But for him, it would mean the destruction of the sect!

Xunyang Zhenren seemed to see what Mo Xun was thinking, and then smiled and said, "I also know the current situation of the Tianjian Sect, but it is right to show some respect! During this period of time, many Taoist friends have reported this to the two of us. I think you can understand the reason."

Mo Xun could understand these words.

In his heart, he also agreed with the other party's statement.

But if he really wanted to dispatch disciples from the sect, he would have his own difficulties.

To this day, the sect has only been established for two or three years. He really can't guarantee how many of the newly recruited disciples can have a sense of identity with the sect.

It may be easy to gather a group of originally unrestrained casual cultivators together for profit, but it is not realistic to ask them to risk their lives.

Xun Yang Zhenren's voice continued to ring in my ears.

"There are two more things. One is the resources that the major sects have handed over to the Tiandao League. Daoist friends should know that the reason why the current army of cultivators can be united is not because of our deterrence, but the reward after killing the demons. These rewards naturally need to be contributed by all the sects in Southern Xinjiang, but the Tianjian Sect has not yet taken out a single spirit stone."

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